What Is Love ?
It's been 7 months I've been attending International Seoul High School. Before that, I will introduce myself. My name is Park Seira. I'm 15. I don't have a boyfriend but I really hope I can have a boyfiend one day. But right now, I don't have any crush. The boys in my school look so weak , ugly and not too mention they are all bad boys.They are not my type and I don't believe 'LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT'



"Seira ! Come down and eat you breakfast !" my mom yelled."Coming !" I replllied. When I walk downstairs, I saw my sister eating her breakfast.I eat my breakfast and rush to the door.I can't wait to see my bestfriends. On my way to class, I heard the girls said that they will have a new transfer student, especially my class. When I enter my class, I saw my three bestfriends. "Seira !" one of them shouted. I smile and walk towards them. The girl with short hair naem is Lurissa. She wears red watch and have dark chocalate eyes.She was the one who shouted my name.My another friend has long hair . She always make us laugh. Her name is Kaira. She has dark choclate eyes too. And lastly, is Suhain.She has short hair same as Lurissa. She was the humblest among four of us. They are all single same as me. 


We chat while waiting for the bell to rang . The school bell rang. Our homeroom teacher Mrs. Choi enter the class. She enters the class with a bright smile."Class, our class have the least student. Well today you are all lucky. We have 12 new transfer student. All of them are boys. Come in boys !" The boys enter the class. They all look so handsome and cute.The girls cheered. I count all of them but theres only 11 boys. All of them introduce themself. The first boy looks like a hamster. He's so cute.




"Hello, my name is Minseok but call me Xiumin. I really hope we can communicate well. Nice too meet you."

The second looks like a panda because of his eyebags.He has blond hair. he's really tall.

"Hello, my name is Tao. I have eyebag when I was born. I'm healthy. Many people call me 'panda guy'.I'm from China, I'm not Korean. Nice to meet you"

The third one has a handsome face. He is the tallest among all of them but I'm really curious about the the 12th boy. Why is there only 11 boys ? he dosn't look korean. he look more like canadian ? I guess.

"Hello, I'm Kris. I was born in Canada but I lived at China. I'm Canadian. Nice to meet you."

the fourth one has a cute baby face. He look childish thougth. I think many girls like him including my bestfriend Lurissa. I saw her smilling like a clown.

"Hello , my name is Luhan. I'm from China, Beijing. Nice to meet you"

The fifth one looks like a bad boy but when he smile he looks very charming.  

"Hi, the name is Kai. I hope you wouldn't mind if I dance in the class. Nice to meet you."

the sixth one is short. His has pokerface and look cute at the same time.

"Hello , my name is Kyungsoo but call me D.O. Nice to meet you."

The seventh boy is also the same height as D.O. He looks like an angel with his charming smile.

"Hello my name is Suho. I'm the most responsible among all of them. Nice to meet you." 

The eight one looks so cute and childish. When he smile his mouth looks like a rectangle.

"Hello, my name is Baekhyun. Nice to meet you"

he smiled again.The ninth one looks like a happy go lucky type. He looks so cute.

"Hello, my name is Chanyeol. I hope you won't hate me. nice to meet you." 

how could a cute guy like that  voice was deep. not like Luhan or Baekhyun but almost simillar like Kris's voice. The tenth boy looks blur too. He looks like Chinease.

"Hello, my name is Lay.My korean language aren't that good. Nice to meet you."

The eleven is handsome and have a pretty face

"Hello, my name is Chen. I like to sing. Nice to meet you."

"Okay, that" the last one. Another boy didn't came because his sick." Mrs. Choi said. " Now, I will rearrange your seat. You can't change." We all stand up and seat at our 'new' place when the teacher told us to. Infront of me is Baekhyun and Chanyeol. I sit beside the guy that didn't came today. I get more curious about that guy. Baekhyun and Chanyeol always wated to talk with me. We have a good comunication.

Lurisa seat beside Luhan. I think she can't stop smilling and blushing. Behind her was D.O and Xiumin. Behind D.O and Xiumin is Kaira and Kai. Tao and Kris at the back because they are tall, I think ? Suho seat with Suhain. They look awkward and shy, like a shy couple.Well that's good. only me who doesn't know who will sit beside me ?How does he looks ? And lastly Lay and Chen who are seated beside baekhyun and Chanyeol's table.The class looks more cheerful with the 12 transfer student's I'm starting to like this class.






how was my first fic ? I hope you guys enjoy reading the first chapter ~~ ^^

it's a short chapter.





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Please update soon ~~ can't wait for the next chapter ~~ ^^ fighting autornim !
Chapter 1: NICE ONE THERE!