Kyuhyuk Kids Sleepover Party!!

Kyuhyuk Party!!



'What does it say?' Little Kyuhyun asked, eager to heard what his sweet boyfriend will read from the invitation card he have on his hand right now.


Little Hyukjae cleared his throat, ready to read the invitation all aloud.


'Greeting my cutest Kid Kyuhyuk! You are invited to sleepover party made especially for Kyuhyuk kids version! The venue will be at the same mansion you have been last time. Kyuhyun from Ring will be your personal driver and pick you both to the mansion sharp at seven tomorrow. Please make yourself ready as we don't want any delaying. 


p/s: Hyukjae from Boyfriend will do the cooking for tomorrow. Probably his boyfriend will tagged along too! You like him, didn't you?


'Sleepover party?' Little Kyuhyun asked cutely to his sweet boyfriend. 'Do we have to go there?'


Little Hyukjae nodded at his cute boyfriend. 'It state here the sleepover party is for Kyuhyun kids version. Probably Kyuhyuk couple from Save will be invited, since they also Kyuhyuk kid version.'


'But we are the cutest.' Little Kyuhyun said, nodding his head.


Little Hyukjae just smiled. 'I heard that Kyuhyuk from Saved have different charm from us.'


'Whatever it is, I know everyone likes us more.' Little Kyuhyun said, earning a shrug from his sweet boyfriend.


'What does it say?' Hyukjae asked to the still frozen boy.


'Sleepover party.' The new orphan said.


'Sleepover party? At whose house?' Hyukjae asked.


'Mansion. It said that Kyuhyuk from Doodle will drive us there.' He said hesitately and Hyukjae nodded, second later raised his eyebrows because Kyuhyun doesn't seem comfortable with the idea.


'What?' He asked. 'Spill it now.' He added.


'Do you think it will be a good idea to meet them?' Kyuhyun asked, playing with his fingers.


'You're scared?' Hyukjae asked.


Kyuhyun did not answered anything, instead he lowered his head. 'What if they don't like me? Kid Kyuhyuk is a rich couple. I am an orphan. Your parents just recently decided to adopt me. The process not even started yet. And I heard that Little Kyuhyun is a little bit of chatterbox. What if they found me boring?' He asked not confident with himself.


'They won't. Well I don't know about little Kyuhyun, but what I heard that little Hyukjae is a very sweetheart. He won't make you uncomfortable at the sleepover. Rest assure.' Hyukjae said, pulling Kyuhyun to sleep. 'Don't think too much about the sleepover. Just enjoy it tomorrow.'


'Don't worry Leeteuk, Heechul. The other Kyuhyuk couples will be there also. To make sure nothing happen to them.' Kyuhyun from Ring said, messing with little Kyuhyun's hair. Little Kyuhyun pouted in annoyance because he couldn't stop Ring Kyuhyun from doing that to his hair. 'Kyuhyuk boyfriend couple will make sure they will eat plenty of foods. And we will make sure this kid did not make any problem with the other.' Ring Kyuhyun said laughing when little Kyuhyun pouted at him.


'I will not make any trouble to the other. They just have to know that me and Hyukkie is the cutest Kyuhyuk couple.' Little Kyuhyun said, making little Hyukjae shook his head in disbelief.


'Please make sure Kyubear didn't make the other kid uncomfortable. I don't know how he did it, but Kyubear is very good at making people uncomfortable.' Leeteuk said.


'No worry. We will make sure the kids did not fight.' Ring Kyuhyun assured the mothers.


'Hyukkie baby, remember to be nice. The other Kid Kyuhyuk is still new. As senior, you have to take a good care of them.' Heechul reminded his son.


'I will, Umma.' Little Hyukjae answered.


'Alright. We better off now.' Ring Kyuhyun said.


'Kyubear, remember to make friend with other kid Kyuhyuk. Not making enemy, understand?' Leeteuk said, reminding his son over and again.


'I know Mummy. You told me almost three times already. We must go now, Mummy, Bye bye.' He said and hopped in insde Ring Kyuhyun's car.


'Hello, kids.' Kyuhyun from Doodles greet.


'Ready for your sleepover tonight?' Hyukjae, his boyfriend asked.


Hyukjae just rolled his eyes and went inside the car, followed by Kyuhyun who by now was tugging on his shirt. 'Its just a sleepover party.' Hyukjae said. 'And Kyuhyun stop tugging at my shirt. These two won't eat you.'


'Arrogant bastard.' Doodle Kyuhyun said. 'Auch.' He yelped because his boyfriend had pinched him.


'Language, Kyuhyun. Language.' Doodle Hyukjae reminded. 'Hello, Kyuhyun. You don't have to be afraid at us. Since you're the newest couple here, we wil treat you nicely.' He said, making Kyuhyun less tense to them.


'So hyung... how is the other Kid Kyuhyuk personalities?' Hyukjae asked, digging more information about their fellow kid Kyuhyuk.


'Well, little Hyukjae is really a sweetheart, but little Kyuhyun is a little bit of troublemaker.' Doodle Hyukjae explained. 'But rest assure Kyuhyun, he is very very cute once you know him.' He added when he saw the other boy tensed back. 


'Don't worry, Kyuhyun. You will get along well with little Kyuhyun. Well, at least his sweet boyfriend will make sure that happen.' Doodle Kyuhyun said, taking galnce of the kids from rear mirror.


'Are... are they snobbish?' Kyuhyun finally asked.


Doodle Hyukjae looked at his boyfriend, searching for a right word to describes little Kyuhyun to Save Kyuhyun. 'Well... Little Kyuhyun loved to brag about his richnes. But that doesn't mean he is snobbish. He is really really friendly to other.' Doodle Hyukjae said.


'In other words, he is totally not cool person.' Save Hyukjae said, assuming, earning an awkward laugh from Doodle Kyuhyun.


'I wonder if this kids will get along together well or not.' He mumbled, sighing while driving.


'We are here!!' Little Kyuhyun shouted, announcing their arrival inside the mansion. 'Woohoo... anyone?? The cutest Kid Kyuhyuk is here!'


'Nghhh... Oh Hello.... ohhh Kyu....' A voice greet them instead.


'Gosh, Squids! Can you please not make out in front of the kids? Today is their special day!' Ring Kyuhyun scolded the most ert Kyuhyuk couple.


'Sorry, we will be finish another five.' Squid Kyuhyun said, slamming the door closed.


'Little Hyukjae, how about changing your clothes first? The other kid Kyuhyuk will be here soon.' Ring Kyuhyun suggested.


Little Hyukjae nodded and pulled his cute boyfriend who appeared to have an intention of stalking Squid Kyuhyuk. Well he ninja gesture explained his intention well. 'Kyuhyunnie... we are still underage to know that.' He said and pulled his cute boyfriend with him.


'But Hyukkie.... I want to know what they are doing behind the door.' Little Kyuhyun whined.


'Oh Kyu... so good.' Little Kyuhyun turned his attention to the closed door when he heard Squid Hyukjae's voice.


'What if they were eating ice cream inside? Hyukjae hyung said its so good.' Little Kyuhyun said, wondering innocently. 


Little Hyukjae facepalmed himself for his cute boyfriend innocent thought. 'No, they are not eating ice cream, Kyuhyunnie. They were eating veggies. Squid couples really loves veggies. Do you want to join them?' Little Hyukjae said white lie for little Kyuhyun's innocent sake. 


Little Kyuhyun quickly shook his head at the mention of vegetables. 'No, I will stick with you.' He said and clinging to his sweet boyfriend.


'We are here.' Save Hyukjae quickly announced their arrival as soon as he stepped inside the mansion.


Little Kyuhyun who had heard the announcement quickly run to Save Hyukjae. He stopped in front of them, frozed because Save Hyukjae looked really alike with his sweet boyfriend.


'Hey Kyuhyun. His face really look like you.' Save Hyukjae said to the person who had been hiding behind him. Save Kyuhyun peeked through Save Hyukjae shoulder, amused to saw the person in front of them really look like him. His attention then turned to the person behind his doppelgangger.


'Hyukkieee...' Little Kyuhyun called for his sweet boyfriend. He felt save when he feel someone hand intertwined with him. 'He really look like you.' He whispered to his sweet boyfriend's ears, eyes not leaving the other loverbirds.


'Uerm... Hello!' Little Hyukjae greeted awkwardly. 'Would you like to have any drinks?' He asked politely.


'No thanks.' Save Hyukjae said. 'I'm Save Hyukjae and he is Save Kyuhyun.' He introduced themselves.


'You look like me.' Little Kyuhyun said, pointing to Save Kyuhyun. He quickly pulled the other from behind, wanting to look at him closely.


Startled, Save Kyuhyun cried.


'Hey.. hey... why are you crying?' Little Kyuhyun asked panicly and hide behind his sweet boyfriend. 'Hyukkie... he's a crybaby.' He whispered to his sweet boyfriend, watching how Save Hyukjae coaxing the crybaby.


'Shh.. Its okay, Kyuhyun. He mean no harm.' Save Hyukjae said, calming the crying one. Save Kyuhyun cried lessen after minutes.


'Aigoo little Kyuhyun. You both just meet and you make him cried already?' Hyukjae from Squid said to little Kyuhyun as soon as he and his husband went out from the closed room. 'You scared him. You should know that he's quite fragile.'


Little Kyuhyun pouted and crossed his arms to his chest. 'I did not scared him. I don't know he don't like people near him. How would I know he was made from glass?' He said while pouting cutely.


'Silly boy.' Squid Kyuhyun said laughing because little Kyuhyun had totally misinterpret his wife said. 'Alright boys, just go to your room, take shower and change to your pajamas. Finding Nemo is ready for you.' He added.


'Finding Nemo is for Donghae!!' Both little Kyuhyun and Save Hyukjae said.


A knocked from outside the door makes Save Kyuhyun opened the door, because Save Hyukjae was currently in shower. Save Kyuhyun was startled to see little Kyuhyun the one who knocking the door.


'Hey.' Little Kyuhyun greeted awkwardly. 'I asked my Mummy to bring this for you since he say you really look like me.' He said and handed a  pajamas to Save Kyuhyun.


Save Kyuhyun unfold the pajamas and staring at it, not understand why little Kyuhyun had present him with it. He looked up to little Kyuhyun for explanation.


Little Kyuhyun grinned as soon as Save Kyuhyun throw him that kind of look. 'Let's make everyone confused.' He said, showing his pajamas which really looked like the one Save Kyuhyun was holding. 'I asked Mummy to bought two pairs. Now they cannot differentiate us. Make sure to wear it.' He said and quickly ran to his room when he heard little Hyukjae called him for shower. 'Wear it!' Little Kyuhyun said and waiting for Save Kyuyun nodded before slammed the door closed.


Little Kyuhyun grinned when he saw Save Kyuhyun wearing the same pajamas he has on his body. Save Kyuhyun stood at the corner, waiting for Save Hyukjae coming down from his never ending choosing which pajamaas he should wear. 


'Little Kyuhyun, what are you doing standing there anymore? Didn't I told you to have sit? Your dinner is about to start.' Kyuhyun from Boyfriend said, feeling weird because he was sure little Kyuhyun already settled himself on the dining table. He was shocked when he find little Kyuhyun already sitting. 'That was fast.' He said and little Kyuhyun grinned.


'Come here. Come here.' Little Kyuhyun said to Save Kyuhyun, making the other reluctantly walked to the seat he patted. Little Kyuhyun grinned widely when he saw his doppelganger. He hide himself below the table when Boyfriend Kyuhyun coming out once again from the kitchen.


'Where little Hyukjae?' He asked to little Kyuhyun, which is Save Kyuhyun. Of course the boy won't say anything as he didn't where little Kyuhyun's partner whereabout. Boyfriend Kyuhyun keep trying to make conversation with the unsually quiet little Kyuhyun, when he finally give up because the other kid was weirdly quiet.


'Hyukjae, did you know why little Kyuhyun was incredibly quiet? He doesn't look like...' Boyfriend Hyukjae paused when he saw little Kyuhyun on his boyfriend hug, feeding him his cooking.


Boyfriend Kyuhyun quickly ran to the dining table, amking sure the other Kyuhyun was still there and then ran to the kitchen back. He scooped out little Kyuuhyun, who was now grinning widely from his boyfriend hug and brought him to the dining table. He makes both kids stood to each other.


'No wonder you did not answered to my question. You're not little Kyuhyun.' He said to Save Kyuhyun. The other adult Kyuhyuk couple who heard the commotion gather too.


'Why did you wearing same pajamas?'Squid Hyukjae asked, spotting no different between the two boys.


'It must be little Kyuhyun's idea.' Ring Kyuhyun said.


Little Kyuhyun grinned and nodded. 'To confuse everyone. And Kiddo hyung already confused.' He said and laughed, earned a huffed from Boyfriend Kyuhyun. Little Kyuhyun spotted his sweet boyfriend going down with Save Hyukjae. He grinned and asked Save Kyuhyun to approach little Hyukjae. 'Pretend to be me.' He said and pushed the other forward, hiding behind Ring Kyuhyun.


'Oh Hello Kyuhyun.' Little Hyukjae greeted. 'Have you seen Kyuhyunnie?'


Little Kyuhyun frowned once he heard that. 'How did you know he was not me?' He asked and went to little Hyukjae side.


Little Hyukjae smiled. 'I always can tell which one you are, Kyuhyunnie.' Little Hyukjae answered, earning a pout from the younger.     


'Oh my god! Can you stop talking already?' Save Hyukjae asked, feeling tired because he had to listen to little Kyuhyun non stop blabbering about how beautiful his Hyukjae was.


His sweet boyfriend, little Hyukjae was currently happily spoon feed Save Kyuhyun. Save Kyuhyun seem to liking little Hyukjae too. This making little Kyuhyun jealous and he ranted out his jealousy to Save Hyukjae. 


'Hyukkie.... stop feeding him. I want you to do it to me too...' Little Kyuhyun whined, hugging his sweet boyfriend because he was bored. Save Hyukjae declined to talk with him, deciding it was better for him to just watch Finding Nemo rather than listening to little Kyuhyun non stop talking.


'Aigooo Kyuhyunnie... come here and I will spoon feed you too.' Little Hyukjaae said, patting the empty space next to him. Little Kyuhyun quickly went to that side.


'My future wife is pretty, right?' He asked to Save Kyuhyun, mouth full of food. Save Kyuhyun nodded agree. Little Kyuhyun smiled proudly because the other was agreeing with him.


'You are so sure that you are going to married him, don't you?' Save Hyukjae asked, taking sit next to save Kyuhyun, wiping the smeared food on the baby's cheek.


'Of course we will. We already married for your information.' Little Kyuhyun said, earning tongue from Save Hyukjae.


'Boys... I'm going to put Hobbit for you.' Squid Kyuhyun said, watching over the kids from long distance, among the other adult Kyuhyuk couples.


'Gosh... finally something suitable for my image.' Save Hyukjae said, thanks to the heaven. 


'But aren't we a little bit underage to watch that movie?' Little Hyukjae said. 'Its full of violent scene.'


Save Hyukjae rolled his eyes to little Hyukjae. 'You will never get married if you keep stickng on that.' He said.


'Hey, don't say something like that.' Little Kyuhyun said. 'Don't worry Hyukkie... if any uncencerod scene comes out, I will close my eyes.'


Save Kyuhyun nodded agree with his dolpelganger.


'Aigoo... aren't they are so cute?' Boyfriend Hyukjae said, cooing at how cute four of them fall asleep together.


'Which one is Save and which one is kid Kyuhyuk?' Hyukjae from hit asked, already confused because of the same pajamas both Kyuhyun were wearing. 


Out of sudden, save Kyuhyun nearer his body to Save Hyukjae, and little Kyuhyun mumbling, 'Hyukkie.... I love you' and snuggled closer to the older.


'Definitely this Kid Kyuhyuk!' Kyuhyun from Hit answering his boyfriend question.


'Should we left them here?' Doodle Kyuhyun asked.


'Well, since this is sleepover, and I don't have heart to wake the up, let them stay here.' Ring Kyuhyun said.


'I will get them blanket.' Doodle Hyukjae said, running to the bedroom for the kids blanket, followed by his boyfried from behind.


'I shall on the mosquito repeller.' Squid Kyuhyun said and plugged in the mosquito repeller.


'I think they were just get along with together well.' Squid Hyukjae said.


'We are worried for nothing.' Boyfriend Kyuhyun said, hugging his boyfriend. 'They just get along with each other really well.' He added and the other agrred, watching over the four kids.


Enjoy everyone!!

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Chapter 2: awwww where's ring hyukjae?hehehe
wildrose88 #2
Chapter 2: This is the brilliantly mental I've read. Thanks authornim :)
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 1: Hhhhhhhhh you're reeeeaaaally sooo funny
Thanks fpr sharing ♥
Chapter 1: Ha ha....
this is so fun!!!
Chapter 2: XD Little Kyu wanna make Kyu be naughty~
hippocat #6
Chapter 2: every time u mention kyuhyuk from their different story, i hv to recall back which one n what story is about...makes me confuse but still very great idea n story...n that was fun for kyuhyuk kids....hope u write more like this..
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 2: Kyuhyuk are really adorable sweet and awesome! Kinda confuse a bit but it was fun!^^ thanks amiiii;)
kina_kirana #8
Chapter 1: Yeah...i have to admit that this is crazy.too crazy.but it fun even i'm a bit confuse with all the character.hahaha.crazy author made a crazy fic.soo cute
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 1: I got a little cross-eyed there, but caught on. How incredibly creative and cool! Now I'll go and read more of your Kyuyhyuk, then read this again - I'm sure it will straighten things out for me ;)