Its Party!!

Kyuhyuk Party!!



"Mummy, where's my coat? Hurry up!" Little Kyuhyun shouted, making his mummy ran left right up down to accomplied to his request. "Mummy, the party will start soon. Hurry up!"


"Aish, Kyubear. I told you to prepared everything last night yet you're busy with your games." Leeteuk, little Kyuhyun mother said angrily. "There. All done." He said after putting the coat on his son. "Have fun at your party. Remember to get back before ten." He yelled watching his son marched to his sweet boyfriend's house. 


"Okay." Little Kyuhyun chorused. "Hyukkie... are you done yet?"


"Coming." yelled little Hyukjae from outside.


"Hyukkie. You looks handsome." Little Kyuhyun said and pecked his boyfriend lips.


"Thank You. Let go, Kyuhyunnie." Little Hyukjae said and took little Kyuhyun's hand, walking to the said party where only Kyuhyuk couples were invited.


Little Kyuhyun and little Hyukjae reached their destination, but to their confusion, no one was in the said party.


"No one here?" Little Kyuhyun asked, confused.


"But the date is today." Little Hyukjae said, checking the invitation card once again. "And the place was all correct."


"Kyu, I told you to wake up earlier." Whined Hyukjae from behind.


Kyuhyun yawned, letting Hyukjae dragging him. "Relax, baby. No one is here yet. And I'm still tired from last night."


"Excuse me. We are here!" Little Kyuhyun said, irritated.


"Omo... You both must be little Kyuhyun and little Hyukjae. Annyeong!" Hyukjae greeted both kids happily. Little Kyuhyun smiled and placed his hand on little Hyukjae's waist, while little Hyukjae was busy admiring the Hyukjae in front of them.


"Baby, they don't have squid here, right?" Kyuhyun asked, examining the foods on the table.


"I'm sure they didn't." Hyukjae said and picked up little Hyukjae from floor. "Honey, don't you think he's so cute?" He said and asked his husband, Kyuhyun.


"Hm.. he's cute. Just like you, baby." Kyuhyun said and pecking his wife's lips. He then proceed to peck little Hyukjae's cheek because he was being so adorable on Hyukjae's hand.


"Hey, don't kiss Hyukkie. He's mine." Scolded little Kyuhyun, pulling Hyukjae's shirt to put down his boyfiend back.


"Possessive." Hyukjae said and put down little Hyukjae. "Don't you want something to eat, little Kyuhyun, little Hyukjae?" He asked them.


"Can we, hyung?" Little Hyukjae asked politely.


"Of course you can." Hyukjae said and brought the two kids with him.


"Hyuk, I told you that we need to come early." Whined Kyuhyun to his boyfriend.


"We didn't get suitable clothes for you. I need you to appear as the most handsome lead. Or else I'll be very embarassed with myself to be called as King of Fashion by Zhoumi." Hyujkae said. "And stop whinning, kiddo."


Kyuhyun pouted listening nicknamed he get from his boyfriend. Little Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun laughed when they heard the same.


"Ha, kiddo." Kyuhyun said, laughing at Kyuhyun. 


"Kiddo!" Little Kyuhyun repeated, laughing too.


"Shut up, you both." Kyuhyun said angrily, stomping his feet.


"Oh lord, act like a grown up man, kiddo." Hyukjae said successfully brought more pouted on Kyuhyun's face.


"Kyuhyun, didn't I told you to left the marker at home?" A voice scolding attracted their attention. They turned their head, only to find Kyuhyuk couple from Doodle were here. Apparently Hyukjae was busy scolding his boyfriend who was busy doodling on the wall at the party house. "Kyuhyun, stop it. Or else police will arrested you for vandalisme." He said and bowed apologetic to other Kyuhyuk couple who were watching their scene.


"Hyukkie, no one dare to arrest the almighty Cho Kyuhyun. Don't worry." Kyuhyun said, finally putting an end to his art. "Let fix ourselves with something." He said and pulled Hyukjae's hand, wearing the I'm-innocent mask on face and walked to the food.


His boyfriend, Hyukjae keep bowing and apologized to other because of Kyuhyun's 'fantastic' doodle.


"Hey, kid." Kyuhyun greeted little Kyuhyun, ruffling his hair.


"I'm not kid. Kiddo is that Kyuhyun hyung." Little Kyuhyun said, pointed to Kyuhyun who was now standing still because his boyfriend is altering his clothes.


"Shut up or I'll kill you." yelled Kyuhyun to Little Kyuhyun.


Little Hyukjae crossed his arms to his chest, looking dangerously to Kyuhyun.


"Apologized to them, kiddo." Hyukjae scolded his boyfriend.


Kyuhyun pouted and turned to little Hyukjae. "Sorry." He said and little Hyukjae nodded acknowledge it.


"Yo, Kyu." Kyuhyun from Squid greeted, spotting another Kyuhyun coming. 'You're all alone?" He asked because he couldn't see Kyuhyun pair coming with him. 


Kyuhyun nodded. "You know that he is still not revealed in Ring, right? So I have to come alone." He said sadly.


"You're being an in past. Serve you right." Hyukjae said, wrapping his arms to his husband.


"Baby..." Kyuhyun said softy. "Its not nice to say that."


Ring Kyuhyun just shrugged and went to the food. "What this party is all about? This is sudden."


"The author is going mental right now." Kyuhyun from doodle said, earning pinch from his boyfriend.


"Language, Kyuhyun." Scolded Hyukjae, earning pouted from the almighty Cho Kyuhyun. 


"Baby, I'm feeling a bit right now." Kyuhyun said, loud enough for everyone to heard and started nibbling his partner's ear. 


"Kyuhyun! There's kids here." His wife scolded, stopping him from actually turned him on too.


"You shouldn't say that all aloud, Kyuhyun hyung." Kyuhyun said and covered little Kyuhyun's ear. "We don't want this fluffy ball turned to ert later. He still has Kid Kyuhyuk on going."


"They won't stay that innocent, you know. Considering at how active they keep pecking each other, they will probably lost ity at young age." Hyukjae said, sipping his strawberry milkshake.


"Hyukjae hyung! That's improper comments to make." Hyukjae scolded the badass, and also covering little Hyukjae's ear. "And Kyu, stop doodling." He scolded his boyfriend for being so active leaving his mark everywhere.


"Where is Kyuhyuk from hit?" Lonely Kyuhyun asked, counting the missing members.


"Sorry, we are late." yelled Kyuhyuk couple from Hit.


"Our flight from German got delayed." Kyuhyun said.


"And it's a hard work to actually get his back to Korea." Hyukjae, his boyfriend said. His boyfriend just smiled and kissed Hyukjae on the lips. 


"Hey, no kissing in front of the kids." Yelled Hit Kyuhyun now covering little Kyuhyun's eyes. And Doodle Hyukjae did the same with little Hyukjae too, and still struggling to get his boyfriend out from the wall.


"Ngh.. Kyu..." They all turned to the sound. Both Kyuhyun from Hit and Hyukjae from Doodle's mouth wide agape when they found Kyuhyuk couple from Squid were busy ravishing each other.


"Oh God! Let get this kids somewhere else, Kyuhyun." Hyukjae suggested and brought little Hyukjae and his boyfriend to somewhere else safe, which mean inside the house. Kyuhyun nodded and brought little Kyuhyun with him, ignoring his boyfriend snarky comments. 


"Oh come on. We should watch this, kiddo." Badass Hyukjae said, laughing at his innocent boyfriend.


"Err, maybe we should get inside." Suggested Hyukjae. "We are still jet lagged and need to sat down." 


"And rest." His boyfriend added. "I'm ing tired." He said and pulled his boyfriend with him, went inside the house.


"Guys, you're no fun." Badass Hyukjae whined, also entering the house, leaving Ring Kyuhyun and the couple all alone outside.


Ring Kyuhyun having his blank face, thinking hard about something. He suddenly shook his head, and marched inside. "Get inside as soon as you both finished. And make sure to present yourself properly after your hot making ." He said earning a 'hmmph' as an answer.


After ten minutes, Squid couple joined the crowd, being teased by badass Hyukjae. "That's quick." He said and laughed. Hyukjae from Squid threw  a tissue to him.


"Guys..." Ring Kyuhyun called. The rest turned their attention to him. "I'm doing a bit thinking outside."


"Woah, dude. You got an idea while we were making out?" Squid Kyuhyun asked laughing and earned a contagious laugh from Badass Hyukjae too.


This time Hit Hyukjae throw him a tissue box. "Don't worry. Its not harmful and he will not lose his memory." He said to Squid Hyukjae.


"What did you figure out, Kyuhyun hyung?" Kyuhyun said, placing his marker inside his pocket. Little Hyukjae settled down on his lap because his boyfriend wanted him to stop went to the wall and starts doodling.


"Hmm... Its a sequence." Ring Kyuhyun said. "And I could foresee everyone future."


"Explain please." Hyukjae from doodle said.


"We all know that we are Kyuhyun and Hyukjae, right?" He asked and everyone nodded. "First is kid Kyuhyuk. A situation where we were small. Second is Hit, appeared to be we around seventeen. Then follow by Doodle, which also happen during that age. After doodle was Boyfriend." 


"But Hit and Boyfriend got different ages, and personality." Kyuhyun from doodle said.


"If we ignored the ages and personality, its kinda related." Kyuhyun said. "When we were kids, we are so bubbly and fluffy. Then Hit and Doodle happened because it was during school day. I think both Kyuhyun skipped grade to be at the same class with both Hyukjae. You know we are genious enough to do that. Then followed by Boyfriend, where the age come to actual back. Kyuhyun is waiting for his graduation, and Hyukjae is now working." He said and the other nodded their head, agreed. 


"And then there is Squid, where Kyuhyuk couple finally get married to each other." Squid Kyuhyuk said, continued. "And then........" All eyes turned to Ring Kyuhyun. 


"I messed up and everyone still didn't know who is he." Ring Kyuhyun said sadly.


"I don't think its true, hyung." Little Hyukjae said. "Its your story. Me and Kyuhyunnie is another story, right Kyuhyunnie?" Little Hyukjae said and turned to his cute boyfriend.


Little Kyuhyun nodded. "Yeah, hyung. I love Hyukkie only. I won't cheat on him. Its confirmed." Little Kyuhyun said and hugged his sweet boyfriend. "We even had married to each other already. So, your doubtness is invalid."


"Yeah, maybe I just thinking too much. I really need him to be beside me to keep me sane." Ring Kyuhyun said. The rest just gave him sympathy look.


"So, lets party then?" Hyukjae from boyfriend said, and music loud. He then started dancing, pulling little Hyukjae at the centre.


"Hyukkie!! Hyukkie!! Hyukkie!!" Little Kyuhyun chanted, encouraged his boyfriend to show off his dancing skill. Hyukjae from Hit soon joined the floor, pulling his cold boyfriend who was all shy about dancing to dance along.


Kyuhyun from Boyfriend acting like he was the deejay of the day, choosing the music to suit the mood.


Hyukjae from doodle rolled his eyes at Squid Kyuhyuk couple who had started ravishing each other again. His boyfriend, the almighty Cho Kyuhyun pulled him to the center, trying his best to keep up with the rhythm and tempo, with his boyfriend's guide.


Kyuhyun from Ring immersed himself with wine, feeling all sad because he's the lonely ranger in the party. "What a life." He mumbled, eyeing the other Kyuhyuk couple in jealousy.



I'm really feeling a bit crazy, so I come out with this. =)


I don't usually asking for you to comments but however, I would really loved to read your comments about this crossover stories.


Enjoy everyone.~~

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Chapter 2: awwww where's ring hyukjae?hehehe
wildrose88 #2
Chapter 2: This is the brilliantly mental I've read. Thanks authornim :)
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 1: Hhhhhhhhh you're reeeeaaaally sooo funny
Thanks fpr sharing ♥
Chapter 1: Ha ha....
this is so fun!!!
Chapter 2: XD Little Kyu wanna make Kyu be naughty~
hippocat #6
Chapter 2: every time u mention kyuhyuk from their different story, i hv to recall back which one n what story is about...makes me confuse but still very great idea n story...n that was fun for kyuhyuk kids....hope u write more like this..
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 2: Kyuhyuk are really adorable sweet and awesome! Kinda confuse a bit but it was fun!^^ thanks amiiii;)
kina_kirana #8
Chapter 1: Yeah...i have to admit that this is crazy.too crazy.but it fun even i'm a bit confuse with all the character.hahaha.crazy author made a crazy fic.soo cute
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 1: I got a little cross-eyed there, but caught on. How incredibly creative and cool! Now I'll go and read more of your Kyuyhyuk, then read this again - I'm sure it will straighten things out for me ;)