A Piece of Him

His Heart

Bomi sat still in her dark room, the only light came from the gap through her curtains. All day she had stayed in her room doing nothing but stare at the pictures of her memories with Luhan. 

"Bomi, you have to eat." Chen, her older brother lightly knocked on the door. She didn't reply, right now she didn't want to eat. She wanted to see Luhan's face, she wanted to be embraced in his firm arms, she wanted to kiss his soft, plump lips. But she couldn't. The door suddenly unlocked and her worried brother stepped inside. "Come eat." 

His stern voice faded as soon as he saw the condition his sister was in. Her usually bright eyes were swollen from crying, her beautiful long hair a knot of a mess, and he knew her heart was in pain. 

"Come here." He opened his arms and she ran into them sobbing hysterically, "Don't suffer alone, okay? You're not the only one effected by this. Kris has gone insane losing his best friend. The other guys are speechless too." Chen told her as she rubbed her tear filled eyes. 

"I miss him." Bomi managed to croak. "I just wish he was here." 

I miss him too, kiddo. Chen thought as a he patted her lightly. 


Two weeks after the death of Luhan, Bomi returned to her usual life. Well she tried her best to go back to the way things were before, but nothing felt right. 

I can't do this, Bomi thought slumping down on a bench. I miss him too much

She scanned the park, watching the little kids play. Remembering the times Luhan and her had come to the park to play. Unconsciously tears began to fall once again. It seemed like she was never going to run out of tears.

After a few more minutes of crying to herself, she rose from the bench and made her way to the bus stop. Bomi got onto the bus, but it wasn't the bus that took her home, it was the bus that would lead her to where he was waiting. 


Kai took Minyoung's hand in his and smiled brightly at her. "Noona." He beamed. 

"Yes?" Minyoung asked. 

"Noona." He repeated again. "Noona, noona, noona!" He chanted making her laugh. 

"Why are you so happy?" She questioned, "And where are we going?" 

"I'm happy because I feel healthy." He grinned, flashing his pearl white teeth, "And it's a surprise." 

"A graveyard is not a surprise Kim Jongin." Minyoung pouted as she glanced around the place. She had no idea why he wanted to come here, but she followed him any ways. 

"Fine." Kai gave in, "I'm here to thank the boy who gave me his heart, I heard he was a year older than me and decided to pay my respects. If it wasn't for him I could be dead by now." The couple both shuddered at the thought. Kai had been very ill since he was young and just a month ago the doctor had said if he didn't get a heart transplant he wasn't going to live long. Thankfully a donor had appeared and Kai was able to go through with the surgery. 

"I guess I should thank our donor too then." Minyoung beamed, the two of them made their way to where Kai's savior was resting. 

When they arrived at the grave site they were surprised to see a figure lying beside it. "Oh my gosh, is she dead?" Minyoung gripped Kai's shoulder in fright. 

Kai made his way to the fragile girl and knelt down. Her pulse was still beating, but it was weak. "We need to get her to a hospital." Without thinking, he picked her up bridal style and rushed towards the exit, Minyoung followed behind. 

I wonder who she is, she thought as she studied the girl in her boyfriend's arm. 


"The cause of her fainting was from lack of nutrition and depression." The doctor explained, "Other then that, nothing seems to be a major problem." Kai nodded and signed the papers, the girl had not come around yet due to medication so he claimed himself as her guardian.

He glanced at Minyoung who stayed by the girl's side, wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead, a smile appeared. That's why he fell in love with Minyoung, she was so kind and soft to everyone. 

"The doctor said she can be discharged as soon as she wakes up." He spoke, Minyoung looked up at him and smiled. 

"I always wanted a little sister." She looked back down at the girl, "I wonder why she was at the graveyard." 

Before Kai could reply, the girl began to stir. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up. "WHERE AM I?" She screamed, seeing Kai. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" 

"Don't worry, please calm down." Minyoung hushed her, "I'm Shin Minyoung and this is my boyfriend Kai, we found you unconscious at the graveyard and brought you to the hospital." 

The girl glanced around the room and blushed, Kai smiled at her. "Don't worry. You can be discharged now, let's go get some food." He paused, "I hope you don't mind eating with us, I think you need food." 

Bomi's face flushed red and she rose from the bed. "No, I should get going." 

"Please stay." Minyoung begged the her, Bomi hesitated, but agreed in the end. Kai smiled at Bomi and she gave him a soft smile in return which made his heart jump. Surprised he blinked a couple of times, and put his hand to his heart. 

Why are you like this? He asked. 

"Are you coming?" Minyoung raised her eyebrows, Kai dropped his hands and chased after the two girls. 


Once at the restaurant Bomi sat awkwardly beside Minyoung. Kai had already ordered their food and he sat silently avoiding eye contact with Bomi. 

"So," Minyoung broke the silence, "Why were you at the graveyard?" 

Bomi stared at her hands holding back tears. 

"I'm sorry if you don't want to talk-." 

"I was visiting my boyfriend." Bomi sadly looked at Minyoung who gasped. She softly patted Bomi on the back. 

Kai stared at Bomi with pity, but again his heart did a little jump. 

"I'm so sorry." Minyoung embraced the younger girl who sobbed into her shoulder. 

"We were there to visit Luhan and were really surprised to see you, we thought you were dead." He softly chuckled, but at the mention of Luhan, Bomi's eyes grew wide. 

"You know Luhan?" She asked. 

"Yeah, Luhan donated his heart to me." Kai patted his new heart. 

Bomi stared at Kai, and her eyes moved to his chest. A piece of Luhan was still alive, but it was beating inside of someone else. 



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Chapter 1: Ahhhh debak as always your storys make me feel alot of things and hope you update this one as well~~ ♡♡♡♥♥♥