Chapter 7

Taken Gift

Myungsoo cannot sleep. Although Dongwoo has fallen asleep and is letting out terrible snore, he cannot follow his hyung. He is thinking of someone. Of course, he is thinking of Sungjong. He is worried by Sungjong’s admittance, Sungjong’s sickness, or Sungjong’s secret unrevealed.

            He wishes that Sungjong follows Woohyun’s advice for meeting the doctor in the next morning. Sunggyu told the managers about him and they agreed to bring Sungjong to a hospital. But the problem is Sungjong is too hard to listen to advice.

            He misses the old Sungjong. Yes, Sungjong has not changed even a bit. But, he misses the moment when Sungjong dances majestically, the moment when Sungjong pouts as he teased by the elders, the moment when Sungjong laughs and do whatsoever happily. He misses that kind of Sungjong. The recent Sungjong is killing him. Really, Sungjong has worried him to death.

            Myungsoo feels anxious. He wants to see Sungjong, although it is just for a few seconds. He wants to see his beloved maknae’s true face, of course when he is sleeping. He is really longing for Sungjong.

            He strides to the Lees’ room and turns the door knob and peers into the room. He directly looks Sungjong’s bed. And he finds there is no one laying on it.

            “Sungjong?” he calls the maknae.

            But, yes, no one replies.

            Sungyeol is the one who gets up instead of the one that he called earlier. “Myungsoo, it really is. Why are you in here?”

            Myungsoo gapes as Sungyeol blinks several times, “hyung, where is Sungjong?”


Sungjong walks very slowly to the nearest bus stop from their dormitory. He wants to return back home; to his family’s residence. He does not want the elders to know. He tried to call his parents, but he couldn’t see the screen of his cell phone. Well, he could, but what appeared is what he can’t reach.

            “Ah,” he sighs. Luckily, he is able to see the empty seats under the roof of the bus stop. He goes there and puts his backpack on one of the seats and sits beside it. He waits for a midnight bus.

            The clock almost strikes to 1 am but no bus is passing by. Sungjong starts to feel anxious.

            “Just where all the buses have been to,” he complains.

            Then, he hears of sounds of chatters and laughs of some guys, he bets as he doesn’t see who is, or who are, approaching his place in the darkness.

            “Hey, look,” one of the guys says, “it’s an idol. What is he doing here?”

            “Idol?” another voice, seems like there is one or two years older than Sungjong, says, “Well, I wonder where he wants to go with his backpack.”

            Then the gang let out evil laugh. Sungjong frowns. Are they not the good ones?”

            “Excuse me,” he feels a bit challenged yet he tries to control it, “can I know who are you?”

            “Who are we? We’re the one who will rob you.”

            Suddenly, the gang attacks Sungjong. They are a few, maybe around seven, guys heed Sungjong. Three of them take Sungjong’s bag and bring it to nowhere. The other four, probably, hold Sungjong.

            Again, Sungjong’s eyes become problematic ones. They don’t function properly until Sungjong cannot see who are holding his upper limbs.

            “You are an idol so you suppose to own much money,” says, merely, the leader.

            Sungjong grits his teeth. He still controls his anger. “Let me go!”

            “Hell not!” the leader punches his midriff.

            Sungjong gasps for fresh air. The others slap and hit him on his head. He is bullied heinously.

            Without no one notices, there is someone who is searching for Sungjong sees the scene and he is able to see Sungjong the victim in between those gangsters.

            “Hey you!” he approaches the leader and hit him on the face. The abrupt fight stops the others.

            The leader falls onto the floor. “Who are you?” he asks.

            “I’m Myungsoo and don’t you ever touch my dongsaeng!” Myungsoo yells bravely thus makes the gangsters split up.

            Sungjong gasps and inhales fresh breath. He is saved by Myungsoo. “Hyung, is that you?” he asks.

            Myungsoo grabs Sungjong’s hand. “Yes, it’s me, Sungjong. Where have you been?”

            “I wish to meet my… family.”

            “No you can’t,” Myungsoo forbids him.

            “No? But, can I know why?”

            “Because,” Myungsoo forces Sungjong to stand steadily, “You went out without telling any of us. What are you trying to do actually? Are you trying to make us worry? Huh?”

            Sungjong is petrified. He never sees that kind of Myungsoo’s anger. This is the first time Myungsoo yells at him. Myungsoo loves him so much that he never raises his voice to Sungjong. But that night, that night is the .

            “Can’t you see how I love you so much? Can’t you see how I care for you? Can’t you see how anxious I am when you disappear like just now?”

            Sungjong bits his lower lip. He doesn’t dare to cut off.

            “Now I command you to go home. Go to our dorm not to your parents’. I mean it right now!” Myungsoo points to one direction before them.

            Sungjong pulls Myungsoo’s wrist, “Hyung, I beg you. Don’t bring me there.”

            “If you refuse, I drag you there.”

            Sungjong sighs. “Hyung, do you understand? I don’t want to trouble anyone! All of you face troubles each time you tried to confront my problem. You see that? I don’t want to burden all of you anymore.”

            “Do you want to let us worry or your parents?”

            Sungjong keeps quiet.

            “See? You, yourself are in dilemma. Go back now.”

            “No,” Sungjong turns to ignore Myungsoo. He still wants to proceed.

            Myungsoo half runs to Sungjong and hugs him from his back. By Sungjong’s ears, he murmurs, “Sungjong, I beg you. Please don’t go. I love you. I miss you so much. We love you. We miss you.”

            Sungjong stops.

            “We don’t want you to fall sick. You are our only one maknae, there is no one able to replace you. So please, don’t leave us.”

            Sungjong’s tears, without he notices, rolls down his fluffy cheeks. He, too, wishes that he will never be away from Infinite.

            “Yeah, you’re so true,” Sungjong dips his face in Myungsoo’s arms and cries as much as he wants. Myungsoo ruffles his hair and lets him sobs on his arms.

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Chapter 11: I love the story wish there was more to it. Thank you author-nim for the great read.
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 11: Hey!! I just finished your story and it's a really good idea. Too bad that the end is so fast. I think that you could write a little more^^'
Anyway, it was still great, thank you for this fiction et see you~
naznew #3
Chapter 11: It kind of sad.. poor maknae.. I can see their bond so strong..