Chapter 9

Taken Gift

Sunggyu acts like a captain on the boat. He has to think deeply before making any decision that able to change either his life. Oh, the simile is too much. Well, merely he is thinking the right idea to fix Sungjong.

            “The best is,” Sunggyu pats Sungjong’s shoulder, “Go meet the doctor.”

            “Hyung,” Sungjong refuses as he doesn’t like hospital, “I don’t want and I won’t.”

            “Sungjong, don’t be stubborn please,” Myungsoo attempts to coax him. “You are unwell still you are hard headed.”

            “We will be with you. By your side,” Sungyeol gives a broad grin, almost shows his gums. “We are one, aren’t we?”

            Sungjong alas agrees to his leader’s opinion. He and the members then go to the hospital after they have their late breakfast.


And yes, the result is grim.

            Sungjong has no difference as those crazy ones out there. He is staring the white and plain wall for hours, not having his meal for days, and doesn’t get enough sleep almost a week. His changes make the members worried of him.

            “I wonder if he has accepted the fact,” Howon sighs.

            “If I were him, I can’t either.” Myungsoo squints. “It feels like the doctor is whispering into my ears, mentioning ‘bout it.”

            Howon returns to look Sungjong. He has become as messy as he wishes he will be 90 years later. He sometimes moves his lips, he seems like talking but there is no one with him and no voice is heard while he is doing so.

            Sunggyu comes to him and sits beside him.

            “Leave me, hyung.” Sungjong does not lift his head.

            “Hey, when have you become this rude to me?” Sunggyu scoffs.

            Sungjong ignores him.

            Everyone’s attempts have failed. Sungjong never listen.

            “From my investigation,” the doctor uses his very serious tone, “it seems like your view is fading day by day. From your whole family’s health history, it’s not impossible that you are suffering… glaucoma.”

            “Huh, it’s another Biological thingy.” Sungyeol moans, “Dongwoo hyung, translate it for me.”

            “I won’t. Do you expect me to explain it to you? Hey, I will not.”

            Sungyeol then pouts.

            “What is glaucoma, doctor?” since Sungjong seems petrified by the news, Sunggyu asks the doctor for more details on Sungjong’s behalf.

            “It’s a disease when your eyes’ vision is becoming blurry due to infection in the retina. Or it could be caused of genetic. You had told me about one of your father’s siblings that suffers blindness too, hadn’t you?”

            Sungjong can only gape. He leans his back at the seat he is sitting on and lets out sighs by sighs. Sunggyu grasps his hand to give or to supply, merely, a little strength.

            “Your eyes vision field is decreasing, Mr Lee. You have only about four months to be able to see before you become… blind completely,” adds the doctor.

            Sungjong reminisces the doctor’s news to him days before that. While Sunggyu is sitting beside him, and Myungsoo and Howon and Sungyeol are about to arrive at their current spot, Sungjong reaches a cushion and punches it several  times before he throws it to the plain wall and lets out various cursing words. He yells like crazy.

            All those, of course make Sunggyu, Howon, Sungyeol and Myungsoo immerse in astonishment. They don’t think Sungjong will be throwing tantrum that way. They never think so. Sungjong they know is the one that is always bullied due to his generosity. Sunggyu, since he is the nearest, immediately hugs Sungjong to lock him from hurting others or himself. He drags Sungjong to lie on the floor to calm him down. Sungjong doesn’t seem to follow. He struggles as to make Sunggyu release him from his tough arms.

            “Sungjong!” Sunggyu yells to his ears, but Sungjong slaps him.

            “Yah!” this time Sunggyu loses his temper. He does let Sungjong off from his hug but then he pushes Sungjong to the floor. He locks Sungjong’s shoulders with his palms. “Listen to me, Sungjong!”

            Sungjong breathes exuberantly. “Let me go!”

            “Please help me!” Sunggyu means to Sungyeol and Howon and Myungsoo.

            They come to the rescue. Each of them holds Sungjong’s left arm and right arm and both legs. Sungjong now cannot move even an inch.

            “Sungjong, please don’t act like there is punishment day happening tomorrow! You still have a chance to have everything!”

            “And what is it?”

            Sunggyu shuts Sungjong’s mouth with his palm. “That old man (the doctor) said that you have about four months left. He said, about,” he emphasizes, “but you act like you are going to die two hours after this.”

            Sungjong looks the figure that locks his limbs. He, absolutely, cannot see who is sitting on his midriff until suffocates him yet he knows that the figure is Sunggyu from his high pitch voice. He glances to other direction.

            “Look into my eyes, maknae!”

            “Where are they?”

            Sunggyu turns silent. He almost forgets that fact.

            “Sungjong, I am not putting myself in your shoes. But, if you want anything before that period ends, just tell any of us. We will be beside you,” Sunggyu slows his voice down.

            Sungjong becomes calmer too. He is able to breathe properly and is looking in front. He realises drops of tears fall onto his fluffy cheeks. It’s Sunggyu’s.


            “Shh,” Sunggyu gets up and commands the others to do the same, “Just rest and think thoroughly. We will be waiting.”

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Chapter 11: I love the story wish there was more to it. Thank you author-nim for the great read.
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 11: Hey!! I just finished your story and it's a really good idea. Too bad that the end is so fast. I think that you could write a little more^^'
Anyway, it was still great, thank you for this fiction et see you~
naznew #3
Chapter 11: It kind of sad.. poor maknae.. I can see their bond so strong..