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Apple Hair Boy ✖

By Me0wxx_


Title and Description

I like your title. I can see that it's relevant to the story and although it was not the most original (feels kind of generic), it would still draw me in.


Your description is really interesting the way you've put it, beginning with "In which…" and I like that. However, I think the next two lines ("because I am sick of…" and "'I'm Myungsoo. You?' 'I'm yours.'") don't really work with it. It would have been better if you had left it without the second and third lines, in my opinion.


Chapter One

"There was1 just going to be two classes in there;2 the smarter class, and his class."

1. "Two' is more than one, so it should be 'were' instead of 'was.'

2. Incorrect semicolon use. I think a colon would work better here.


"Who in the right mind would answer a simple question like that?"



"Myungsoo that1 just got scolded for eating one too many candy2."

1. *Who.

2. *Candies.


I particularly liked the last part, "Yeah, he was childish but Howon still loved him. Of course Howon loves him. Okay fine, hopefully. No, really, Howon should love him." Made me laugh XD


Chapter Two

"What the hell was that disgusting llama face."

End it with a question mark. It is a question, isn't it?


"Yeah1,  how not bias2 was his mother exactly?"

1. No need for this.

2. Maybe change to 'unbiased.'


"Sungyeol was friendly, despite that eccentric behaviour of his, and he was on good terms with literally all his neighbors."

Eccentric usually means friendly (more often than not over friendly). Using despite here doesn't work. However, if you move the 'and' and put it before the 'despite,' it could work as some find the quality of being eccentric or over friendly to be rather annoying.


Chapter Three

"'Do you miss your yeollie?'"

Caps, even if it's a nickname.


"Howon walked away from Sungyeol after the1 certin2 incident, as he waited for Sungyeol to walk in front of him. He could no3 trust Sungyeol anymore, especially after that."

1. *A. 'Certain incident' is unspecific, therefore the preceding article should not be specific.

2. *Certain.

3. *Not.


Overall Comments

1. Too much explanation regarding why Sungyeol did something or what would happen if he did it. Narration is not meant to explain everything. Some things might need clarification but sometimes it's good to just leave it for the readers to use their common sense or just figure it out later on.

2. Too many changes in perspectives. Although you are narrating in third person, if you are delving into the thoughts of the characters, try to narrate more from one person's side of things. If you do feel like switching, be consistent. Stick with Myungsoo's thoughts for a while before switching back to Sungyeol if you want to, but don't just randomly switch every few pieces of dialogue, or worse, continually switching within the same paragraph.

3. From Chapter 2 and on, there is some random font changing, and it's a little irritating to read unless it signifies a different section, which, in this case, it doesn't.


Your story is humorous and made me laugh on multiple counts (Woohyun's aegyo XD). Truthfully, I might have made it seem like I didn't like it, but I thought it was rather well written overall. I'm just the type of reviewer who only points out things that were outstandingly good or irritatingly bad (or just incorrect), so I'd just like to clarify that I did enjoy your story. Your grammar is very good, a lovely thing for me (it literally hurts my head to read stories with grammar and spelling errors every few sentences), and the few you had here and there can be excused since they were very minor.


However, I feel the characters do not have enough depth. Perhaps invest more time into developing a background or a deeper personality for each character. 




✖ review by ninjagiya

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Wait what? No more requests? Oh. I just requested xD
Requested :3 hehe
Chapter 1: I requested. :3
Chapter 29: Hiiiii I'm so sorry for being late with leaving a comment, but thanks soo much for the review! Oh, and thanks for taking the time to review it hehe
I'm glad that you found all my mistakes. I already know I made them, cuz' they're technically the exact same mistakes I make every time even in normal compositions and stories for school == But since I forget them within seconds, this was a good alarm bell for me. Like the commas and stuff? Yeah, haha, you honestly don't want to know how many teachers have scolded me for the same thing XD
To be honest, I really haven't watched Pandora hearts, never heard of it == But the weapons, yeah they're based on black rock shooter cuz those weapons left the biggest impression on me; I don't a sword or a ball of light is all that interesting anymore since its everywhere XD
As for sarcasm, I honestly don't remember when I wrote it cuz it's been such a long time since I've actually touched the story hehe. I know, I'm a total er at humour, so I don't try to add anything funny, because I'm not good at it hehe
Anyways, again thanks for the review! I know I'm not that good, and I might revamp it like I'm doing with every other fic I have. This story is so far the only story I haven't rewrote (not completely don't worry hehe) and have not tried to update for a long time. This review is really helping me to think more clearly, so BIG THANKS and looking forward to the review to my other story too XD
Chapter 28: Hello, thank you for the review!

But I'm sorry if this was a torture for you >.<

Well, I was trying to achieve some sort of crack, black comedy ish sort of theme so please excuse the randomness of the antics being thrown in such as Shinhwa's immature habit and Hanneul's characterization. But I think I failed on that hahah.

But you pinpoint a lot of things that I overlooked and yes, it was a careless act on my part because I didn't go over it detailed enough.

Hanneul's main problem is Savant syndrome actually. Also, since she is an illegitimate child, she was kept hidden out of Jongyup's wife and son sights. Shinhwa only found out about her recently (except for Hyesung)
I planned on explaining more details in the later chapters but after reading your review, I think it's a good idea for me to hold back and rewrite the earlier chapters.

Thank you for the review. I really appreciate your inputs and I'm sorry if this was a torture for you. I'll credit to you soon.
astrdprtw #6
Chapter 27: Hello. Thanks for the review! Credit would be done soon~