
Chanyeol's Christmas List

He was a leader, the leader of EXO M to be exact. He was scared of nothing, always towering over everyone with his height. His face never giving soft looks to anyone, he would always be rankled by the slightest noise or action by the members surrounding him. But all that changed when Chanyeol's most prefered holiday came around in December, Christmas.

It was the routine that Chanyeol had to follow everyday, waking up in a twin sized bed that surprisingly fit both him and Kris, with arms tangled around his waist and his head tucked under Kris' chin. He untangled slowly from Kris' tightening grip only to be pulled back under the grey, black, and red striped blanket, hitting his jaw on Ace's plastic eye making him wince at the slight sting. "Really." Chanyeol sighed as he shoved Ace to the top of the pillow and checked to see if Kris was still sleeping or just didn't want him to leave. The even breaths, the hot puffs of air, and the now unmoving figure indicated the leader was still sleeping. Chanyeol took the stuffed alpaca and slid it in between the two bodies and unwrapped the arms around his waist, finally moving out of the bed. Kris almost immediatley found the alpaca and snuggled into it's soft figure as Chanyeol once again pulled the blanket over rare sight to see. Almost too rare to see his boyfriend to act this cute. Chanyeol walked into the bathroom and shut the door as quietly as possible not to wake Kris up from his slumber. He brushed his teeth and flossed, quickly moving at the sight of Kris looking more comfortable with a stuffed toy than him.

"Hey Chanyeol, you're up late!" Kyungsoo's voice echoed throughout the dorm almost giving a heart attack to the ove dramatic Chanyeol.

"Shush! Kris is still asleep!"

"Well sorry that its the afternoon and you just got up..." Kyungsoo pouted and went back to making the member's lunches, which consisted of pouring some ramen into eleven bowls.

Chanyeol looked at the clock, it read 12:16 PM. His apologies were cut off at Sehun screaming "Stop yelling will you, I am trying to focus on my video game!" and he ended up mouthing the words that were going to come out as 'Sorry Kyungsoo'.

"Sehun you are the one who is screaming." Luhan stated as he rubbed his temples because of the incoming headache he is going to suffer from.

"Sorry Lulu!" Sehun replied not caring about his pain, and just repeatedly started hitting the 'x' button on his controller.

"You know maknae you are not going to win by hitting that one button." Kris laughed from behind Chanyeol which startled everyone besides Sehun who is too absorbed in his game. Kris made his way over to the youngest and took the controller leaving a gaped mouth maknae. "Sehun, you have to use the attack combo with the shield or you're not going to get anywhere in this level."

"What do you mean I'm not going to get anywhere." Sehun crossed his arms on his chest and Kris paused the game.

"If you keep on getting hit with a weapon while trying to fight back, you are just going to lose a life or many lives throughout the whole level. If you use the shield to block them they are going to fall backwards which makes them vulnerable at the time, that's when you attack. Like this." Kris unpaused the game and dodged the first enemy, brought up his shield as the enemy swung his sword, he fell back and Kris hit him with an upstrike and with a swift downward motion, it was destroyed. "See now if you do that throughout this level, you'll most likely beat my high score." Kris ruffled his hair as Sehun realized Kris was talking to him.

"Thanks hyung!" Sehun gave Kris a quick hug and then grabbed the controller back from the leader and did exactly what he was told to do.

"No problem Sehunnie." Kris smiled brightly, showing his gummy smile that everyone loved and redirected his eyes to the kitchen. "Kyungsoo, do you need help with breakfast?"

"No thanks hyung, I'm fine!"

"Oh yeah that's right I can't cook, that's the reason why you don't need help isn't it?"

"Yeah that's exactly the reason why." Jongdae shrugged his shoulders trying to make Yixing's unpeal from them. "Stop it ge!"

"No." Yixing stuck his tongue out making Jongdae cross his arms in a huff. "Oh and Kris, it's lunchtime not breakfast, you know that right?" Yixing asked.


"It lunch not breakfast are you deaf?" Jongdae said three times louder than his usual voice's sound.

"I wish I was right now." Luhan mumbled from his headache finally hitting.

"Be quiet Luhan!" Jongdae raised his voice even louder making Luhan shut his eyes tight and cover his ears. Kris threw a pillow at the sassy Jongdae. "Hey!"

"Jongdae please be quiet." Both leaders said simultaneously.


"Well since it's this late and it's snowing we should just stay home today and watch Christmas movies and eat." Joonmyun stated.

'"We could do Christmas traditions our families' did when we were kids!" Minseok added in.

"That sounds fun!" Jongin said as he bolted for the ramen Kyungsoo set down on the table located in the same room.

"Does that mean I can kick all of your butts in wushu?" Tao asked.

"What the heck, that's a Christmas tradition in your family?" Baekhyun asked confused while scootching away from Tao.

"Yeah it is, every year we went out to a dojo and I would face my dad in a wushu fight, is that so bad?"

"That's messed up." Jongdae furrowed his eyebrows.

"Shut up troll!"

"Make me!"

"This is gonna be a long day....." Chanyeol said finally as he threw himself between Tao and Jongdae.

"A long, long day." Kris winked at his boyfriend when picking up Tao and putting him on the floor to stop the fight.




December 23 was a very time consumed day, all the traditions were fulfilled as promised. Starting at 1:00 PM they started with baking Kyungsoo's holiday cookies which Kris ended up burning a batch. Then followed Minseok's cookie eating competition that he had ever since he was three years old. Next was Jongin's dance off that Chanyeol and Joonmyun got in last place not Kris because he was the judge. Sehun's was filled with getting every type of bubble tea in the near by shops. Baekhyun created a new tradition by making everyone try on eyeliner and take pictures. Yixing forgot what his tradition was and ended doing the same thing as Jongin. Jongdae's tradtion consisted of making jokes about each other. Tao did get to do a wushu match against Baekhyun but Baekhyun got kicked in the thigh so they stopped. Kris and Joonmyun ran out to get Mariah Carey's Christmas album and a lot of slushies from a local 7/11 to fill up a bath tub. Kris' tradition was wearing Christmas sweaters and playing basketball. Lastly Luhan and Chanyeol combined their traditions to watching Christmas movies by a fire (A fake fire on a laptop) and writing their Christmas lists.

At 8:00 PM they were all settled watching the 'Grinch Who Stole Christmas' with Korean subs and writing long awaited Christmas lists. Luhan finished his and snuggled into Sehun's chest as the youngest tried to think of things he desired. Jongdae made a paper airplane a threw it over to Joonmyun with all five wishes on it. Chanyeol avoided Kris for now saying that it he wanted to write it in peace which made made Kris pout. Chanyeol started to write quickly, almost making his handwriting look like unreadable scribbles, After writing his 11th wish as 'a ferret' he hesitated. He at last wrote his 12th wish, then crossed it out, then wrote it again as he bit his lip from being unsure. He looked over to Kris who caught Chanyeol's gaze and smiled, and after that, Chanyeol didn't erase or scribble his wish out, he wanted it to come true.

"I'm done." Chanyeol breathed out and motioned Kris over to sit on the couch. Gladly Kris claimed his seat and Chanyeol unintentionally threw his arm around Kris' left shoulder, making Kris have a light shade of blush form on his cheeks as he gawked at Chanyeol with a confused face.

 "What are you doing?" Kris whispered as he pushed the arm off his shoulder and threw his own around Chanyeol's neck, pulling Chanyeol into an unwanted kiss to the forehead.

"Putting my arm around you, or well I was doing that until you switched the positions." Chanyeol said in an irritated tone as he pushed Kris off and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Did I upset you? I'm sorry Chanyeol." Kris replied as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yes you did upset me!" Chanyeol said a lot louder than before, now grasping everyone's attention, and threw his arms down, knocking off his Christmas list.

"What did I do?" Kris said looking a little hurt.

"What did you do? What did you do hm let me see, oh yeah here it is. You think I can't put my arm around you, you think I can't hold you, you don't think I can comfort you!" Chanyeol yelled making Kris flinch as Jongdae picked up the piece of paper and gasped slightly at what Chanyeol wrote.

"Chanyeol I'm sorr-"

"STOP! Will you just stop so I can speak!" Chanyeol roared getting out of his happy virus self.

"Chanyeol!" Jongdae interrupted,"Why did you write this?" He pointed at the last item at the list.

"Hyung give that to me please!" Chanyeol pleaded when he saw that Jongdae was holding up his list.

"What does it say?" Minseok asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It says-"

"Hyung please don't!"

Jongdae cleared his throat,"It says, 12. I wish Kris was more feminine."

Everyone's jaws fell at the words and turned to face Chanyeol that exhaled heavily. Chanyeol avoided and turned to his left to see Kris with a quite noticable blush on his face that reached up to his ears. "Kris hyung I-" Before Chanyeol could say anything Kris got up and ran to his room that he shared with Chanyeol, locking the door behind him.

"It would be a true miracle of December." Chanyeol's voice faded at the last syllable of December  from all of the members getting up and ignoring his words. They continued watching the last couple minutes of the movie and cleaned up all of the mess and collected the lists. The all trudged to their rooms fand shut the doors with a couple goodnights to each other but no words to Chanyeol. Joonmyun let him sleep in his room with Minseok from Kris not opening the door to let him in. In the room there were an EXO poster hanging on the wall from Wolf era representing their first win as one band. His eyes stumbled from the right starting at Tao to the left, ending at Kris. He stared for minutes that felt like hours and mumbled,"Goodnight Kris, I love you........"



Author's note:

There is going to be a next chapter, I have work to do;;;;;

Sorry if this chapter isn't interesting but I wanted to build the story off of something

I might start the second chapter tonight if I finish my work early

Bye for now^^




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whatever27 #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon~~~~~
Chapter 2: Please update soon T-T
Chapter 2: Hope you'll Update Soon Author-nim!!!!!
Please update soon author nim^^
cutiekris #5
Chapter 2: Write more uke! Kris author nim fighting!
Phoenix-inDra-around #6
Chapter 2: please write more bottom!kris ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: I cant wait for this story to be updated but its really all up to you! ^^ In the meantime cant wait for your bottom!kris stories!
Chapter 1: the picture suit the story
Usernamealreadytaken #9
Chapter 2: Noooooo~ Don't wait pleasee T.T But I know it's all up to you authornim
nice story!