[DaeJong] This is far too long, but I had this idea...

Sticky Situations V.2
[X] Flowers
"Ooh, are those for me?" Jongup grinned, taking the roses from Daehyun. "It's almost as if you knew it was my mom's birthday today! You're a savior!" he grinned, side-hugging Daehyun.
[X] Cake
Daehyun presented it nervously, Jongup's name written neatly with icing. "It's the first cake I've ever made..." he mumbled nervously. Jongup blinked in surprise before taking a bite. 
"I'm glad you're trying your baking skills out on me; in case you kill me with it, you can perfect the recipe for next time!"
[X] Lunchbox
"I made you some of your favorite food! I even woke up early to do it." Daehyun stifled his yawn. Jongup grinned around the mouthful of rice he had just shoveled in. 
"So this is bribery for me to make food for you, now?"
[X] Love Letter
Daehyun watched nervously from across the room as Jongup read his letter. There was no reaction, but Jongup began writing on it with a red pen.
After class, Jongup came up to Daehyun, the letter in tow.
"Here, here and here are the spelling errors, and here the grammar is wrong...it's a good thing I proofread this before you sent it, huh?" Jongup shook his head in mock disapproval.
Looking back at his checklist, Daehyun sighed heavily. Obviously his so-called "subtle" methods were not working. Leaning back with a sigh, he didn't see Jongup approach him until he was standing over him.
"Hey, what's up?" Jongup greeted him cheerfully. Suddenly, Daehyun stood up and grabbed Jongup's collar, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I like you, you thick-headed idiot. Go out with me," Daehyun demanded.
Jongup smiled up at him, pressing another kiss to his lips. "I thought you'd never ask."
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yuu_sama #1
Chapter 12: OMGG!!!!! Daehyun! ^^ I can't believe it~
This fic is so entertaining, author <3
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 11: Jungkook is scaryyyyy~~ >_<
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 9: Hahahaha.
This fanfic is really interesting.
Thumbs up, author ^^
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 4: Hey, I wanna taste the hot dog too!!!
And Taekwoon, where are you in this scene??? Kkk~~ ^^
you must be enjoying the hot dog so much that you didn't event want to talk.
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 3: The GIF is really killing me, author~~~ >_<
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 1: OMG OMG!!! CODE!!! 0_0
What are you trying to do????
