What's There To Hide?

The New Boy

Recap from last chapter

You got called into the principal’s office and started freaking out because you haven’t done anything wrong. It turns out that Principal Jung just wanted to introduce you to a new student, Lee Donghae.


Ummm.. H-H-Hi! I-I-I’m Kim Seo-Hyeon. And I’m a senior here. And ummm

I felt like slapping myself. Way to go Seo-Hyeon, way to make yourself look like a fool in front of a world famous singer.

There was an awkward silence as both Principal Jung and Donghae waited for you to say some more about yourself.

Do you have anything else to say Miss.Kim? Principal Jung asked.
Oh umm no m'am, that’s basically it! Hahaha……

Well, okay then. We have arranged Mr.Lee to be in all your classes; however there is a certain task you must do as long as we have Mr. Lee here. It’s a very important task that I believe that only you would be well suited to accomplish. We cannot have the l student body know that Mr.Lee is attending out school. Here, he will be known as Park Minho, however if he chooses, you may called him by his real name when you are absolutely sure that no one is around. If word were to get around that Mr.Lee is attending high school, it could badly affect his image. DO you believe that you can manage this Miss.Kim?

My mind was blown, I did not expect this. But I was sure I could do this. I told Principal Jung so and she dismissed Donghae, I mean Minho, and I back to class.

There was an awkward silence as we walked down the hall back to my class.

Sooooo, what brings you to this fine city of Mokpo?  I asked as we slowly walked down the hall, I wasn’t in a hurry to get back to class, I mean who needs Calculus in real life anyway? Besides, I wanted to get to know the real “Lee Donghae”. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry to actually start his classes either.

I was born here. A lot of people think that I was born in Seoul, but I wasn’t. He answered, His regular voice was so much different than his signing one, a bit deeper and more, I don’t know, manly, I guess.

Oh really? That’s interesting. Is there anything else that you’d like me to know about yourself? I asked politely. This boy was way too friendly for a famous idol, there has to be more to it.

I was born here in  MokpoJeollanam.I'm 18(for story purposes only ) years old.I;m part of the boy band Super Junior and sub-group Super Junior-M as the main dancer, vocals, and rapper under SM Entertainment, My birthday is on October 15th. I actually wanted to be an athlete but my father convinced me to become a singer. I act sometimes and I write songs for my band. There's not much to know, I'm sure you could just look up all thing stuff on the internet if you're really that curious. I gave him an evil glare, because as he said, I could have easily googled that information about him.

So what about you? Miss. I'm a senior and that's basically it? He said with a laugh. 

Wait what? He wants to know more about me?
I was actually born in America, Dallas,Texas to be exact. I'm 17 right now, I'll be 18 on April 20th. I like eating sweets and I really don't care if I'm gonna get fat or not. I'm on a "gulit-free" diet. I like to draw a lot and go traveling​. I'm part of the dance team, art club , special events and bake-sale committees, so if you ever have an idea of an even or want free food I'm your girl!  And I'm actually a big fan of Super Junior ELF's forever right? You guys have really good music and choreography.

Donghae laughed at this.

Well I do love a good dessert!

He made no indication of hearing that I like Super Junior. I don't even know why I said it. But it's true. I love them. From their hair to their dance moves! I have been an ELF forever! And guess who my bias was? This is gonna be a long year.



Sorry for not updating in a while! I had a whole bunch of exams and then break came and I just wanted to sleep!! I'm really sorry if you were waiting a while for this :( Any ways! I hope you liked this chapter! There'll be more to come! Any does anyone want to make a poster or something for this story? I'd make one, but I'm not good with making art on the computer! PM me if you are interested please !Thanks a ton! :)



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Hello there my very few but lovely subs! I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in FOREVER and I'm super sorry about that! But next ch coming up soon!!


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Chapter 8: Yeeey a new update!! That 'little fishy' thingy just made my day xD
Really cute chapter, can't wait to
Chapter 6: That update took like forevaaaaa~
Just kidding^^ Keep them coming*
Chapter 4: I'm really liking this plot ;) please update soon <3
sincerly_me #4
Chapter 2: omg im soo excited UPDATE SOON
Thanks for the dedication!
I was just checking out your story and I saw my username there.
I don't think we have talked before, or have we, and I don't remember.
Well thanks!