And you held my hand

And you held my hand


The first time was in the park between our houses. The smell of freshly cut grass hovered around us and a sweet shy smile was on your face as you took my hand and told me you’d like to do that more often. You did. Many, many times you have held my hand. You held my hand as we walked along a beach while the sunset danced on soft waves and we whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ears. You held my hand as you kneeled in front of me and asked me to be yours. You held my hand for years, and suddenly…you were holding my hand as the doctor told me about the illness they had taken too long to notice, holding my hand as I lay weakened on a hospital bed.

The last thing I remember…is the warmth of your hand as it held mine and you sung me to sleep.



The whole of our lives, it's been us. All we've needed is each other, but now I don't know what to do because you're leaving, that light in your eyes is leaving me as I speak and I want to grab on and tell you to wait and ask where we'll meet each other when it's my turn to follow you but it's too late, because you told me that I couldn't stop singing, and the final distant smile on your face is too precious to disobey you now. So I keep singing, I sing as I lose the only thing I've ever loved, and you hold my hand even after you're gone. But it's not the same anymore. I'm alone. I let go of your hand. I'm alone. I place it on your heart and I lean over to weep into your chest. I'm alone.

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heyitstheduff #1
Chapter 1: Sad! Seriously! You have to write more!><
i like it ^^