finally his

First step

#Luhan's pov#

We rode a bus on our way to Lotte World at first it was kinda awkward but then she started asking questions about my future and stuff I told her that I wanted to be a singer and idol to be exact she asked me if I could sing.

"What you want me to sing here?now?in the bus?!"

"Yeah why you cant then its fin-"

"Ani ani aniyo I can do it sing with me"

"aaaaa shiro I cant sing"

She exclaimed while gigling I denied I told her if she wanted me to sing then she had to sing to.It took me a few minutes to get her up and stand in the middle of the bus in the end we ended up singing No Other by Super Junior yeah even if we were only two person singing a 13 people song she had a really nice voice.

#So Young's pov#

We sat down after singing and embarassing ourselves we sat down with our faces red as a tomato Luhan-sunbae had a really nice voice.

"You know Luhan-sunbae you have a really nice voice I think your gonna be an idol with tons of fangirls and just incase you forget me Im your #1 fan"

"First of all your voice is just as good ok maybe Im better-I gigled at his boast-ness- second I wont forget you and third just incase you become an idol too Im YOUR #1 fan"


I said holding out my pinky he looked at it while chuckling before taking out his pinky and locking it with mine.


suddenly the bus came to a rough stop and this time Luhan-sunbae was ontop of me with his hands on my side supporting himself so if enyone would look he'd be some bad guy pinning me down,we awkwardly stood up and entered lotte world it was really crowded that I accidently blurted it out.

"waah its so crowded"

"Chincha,then you should hold my hand so that you wont get lost"

Luhan-sunbae held out his hand as I slowly slippe my hand into his it felt....right as if it was a puzzle piece being put together.

"You know since we are on you should call me opaa instead of sunbae ok"

He looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

We sailed through the crowd until we rode a really big roller coaster at first I was terrified since I was terrified with heights Luha-su I mean Luhan-oppa at first laughed at me but then he held me closely on the ride I actually laughed at his actions cause when he held my hand he was kinda shaking.

"Oppa are you scared?!"

""Wh-what of course not I-I wait did you call me 'oppa'"

I blushed at his staement just when I was about to answer him the roller coaster started to go down hill Luhan-oppa screamed like a girl and I just laughed yet screamed with him.

*Luhan's pov*

Oh god I just embarassed myself infront of my date.

Through out the date my hand kept a firm hold on So Young after the roller coaster we decided to go for lunch after that we played the random games not earning a prize because of our losing a few hours our stomach growled for dessert we saw an ice-cream stand I told her to stay put at a bench near by I bought vanilla and chocolate but when I came back she wasnt there I threw away the ice-cream not caring if it was a waste of money.


"Oppa why are you screaming?"

I ran towards her hugging her tightly I cupped her face

"Yah where did you go I was so worried something might happen to you!! its really crowded here"

"Oppa I just went to the toilet I sent you a text"

"Aaa chincha-I checked my phone- I was just worried anyways lets get that ice-cream...kaja"

We ate ice-cream she had a taste of mine and I had a taste of hers but then there was a smudge of ice-cream at the corner of her lip I gave her a signal ut she still didnt get it.Then I thought this is it kiss her I gave myself encouregment then I took her chin by my fingers she looked at me with thoose innocent eyes and leaned foward the last thing I saw before closing my eyes was her angelic face then I placed my lips on to hers ever so gently at first she didnt know what to do but then we started to built our own rythym,the kiss lasted a few minutes quite long for my first kiss and Im pretty sure it was her's too when she pulled away for air her face was red as a tomato and I loved it.

*Autor's pov*

The both of them thought it was getting late they took the last bus home So Young was sleepy of course Luhan offered his shoulder but So Young declined Luhan hold her head and put it on his shoulder she slept happily Luhan couldnt contain the sleepiness and his head ended up on So Young's,they arrived home at 9 o'clock on the porch they looked at each other as if they were the only living things in the world Luhan started to talk first.

"Listen So-Young-ah Im afraid and Im sorry to say that I cant accept your confession towards me that day"

So Young's face was already red out of sadness she slowly nodded a turned around ready to open the door when Luhan talked again.

"Dont you wanna know why"

So Young turned aroung weakly but when Luhan brought here closer to him by pulling her by the waist gently while on So Young's face was tear stained So Young put her hands on his chest slightly,weakly pushing him while Luhan wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Su-sunbae ju-just tell me and let me go"

"First because it was indirect I mean you practically blurted everything out"

He ended his statement with a chuckle before continueing

"And second I want to confess first the fact that I love you"

So Young looked up in shock and Luhan chuckled before placing a kiss on her pink lips. 


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