
Miracles in December - xmas oneshots


"Welc- oh hey!" Jungeun greeted cheerfully when she saw who came through the doors of Happy Café.

"Hey." He greeted with his signature grin and opened his wallet. “I never noticed you guys wore nametags.” He pointed out and she shrugged while waiting for the shots to be pulled. “It was only implemented today.”

Within a minute, the drink was in his hands. He took out a crisp 10000won and sipped on his iced americano while waiting for his change. “I think it’s a nice idea. The nametags, I mean. Now I can thank you guys properly.”

“I think it’s a nice idea, too. Makes recognizing the new staffs more easier.” Jungeun took out 3400won from the register and handed it to him together with the receipt. “Here you go,” She put on her best smile. “Merry Christmas!” He smiled back and raised his cup as a toast.

“Same to you.” He kept his wallet. “See you tomorrow, Jungeun!” He waved goodbye and Jungeun bowed happily since, after all, he’s still a customer.


Jungeun was 18 this year, but she works practically everyday because she quitted school. She decided that since she didn't like studying, why waste her parent's money on school fees? 

Of course her parents were against her decision of it at first, but they went along with it anyway - provided she provide for herself. 

Jungeun was more than happy to do that since she didn't like being dependent on people, so she agreed readily and landed herself this job. 

Jungeun had always watched him from afar – not as a stalker, really. He just came to Happy Cafe very often. 

He had been visiting Happy Café almost everyday, ordering the same thing every time without fail and all the staffs working at that café knew his preferences, including Jungeun.

If it wasn’t obvious enough, Jungeun has a crush on him – the guy whom she never got the name of - and it all began when he first talked to her when she first worked there a few months back.

She was learning how to operate the cashier with another worker by her side when he came in and wordlessly, the other worker was beginning to make a drink even before Chanyeol ordered. “It’s okay, he’s a regular. Just key in this and get the money from him. Simple, right?” She explained and Jungeun nodded, doing whatever she was told.

“You’re new?” He asked curiously. “I’ve never seen you here before.”

“Yeah,” she smiled. “It’s my first day today.”

“Ah, I see. I guess you’ll remember my face easily, since apparently I come here so often that everyone knows me.” He chuckled and Jungeun felt that it was the cutest laughter she’d ever heard.

And true to his words, he appeared almost every day and she got to know that he always catches the 8:23am bus on weekday mornings for his classes, so he’ll drop by the store at 8:10am on the way. And that he’d always jog around the neighborhood on weekend mornings before coming in to order some food, all through her keen observations of him.


"So, saw your cute guy again today?" Sam asked when she came out from the back room of the café, tying her apron in the process. 

"Yeah." Jungeun sighed dreamily as she placed her chin in her hand while resting her elbow on the counter.

"I wish I knew his name, though. I've been seeing him for the past two months and the only thing I know about him is that he likes iced americano and going for morning jogs on the weekends." She pouted but instantly brightened when she remembered something. "But he called me by my name today!! Thank goodness you suddenly implemented this nametag thingy. I thought it would be a hassle, but hey, he knows my name now!!" She clapped her hands excitedly and Sam just rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm your fairy godmother. I get it. Now can you please get back to work? I'm paying you for a reason." Jungeun smiled sheepishly and walked away slowly while still facing Sam. "I'll... just... check on the food and everything." She notified and went into the back room. 

Sam was Jungeun's manager, but since there weren't many workers at the café, they were considered pretty close. And because Sam's age was quite close to Jungeun's, the latter found it easier to talk to her. She had worked at that café for a few years now, and although she was a part-timer just like Jungeun, she managed to get to the position of being a part-time manager there. 

Usually there would only be 3 or 4 people working on a daily basis - with both of them working 6 days per week - but that day the part-timer that was supposed to come called in sick, so it was only the two of them. 



Jungeun was sighing dreamily while checking the expiry dates on the items as she thought of him. The way he said her name made it sound like some song.

Sam's loud voice suddenly rang from the door, making Jungeun jump up in shock. "I need you to take orders while I prepare them. Now." She commanded like the true leader she was and Jungeun couldn't help but felt a surge of admiration for Sam. 

"Okay, I'll tidy up a bit and help you outside." She grinned and started dusting her lilac waist apron while standing up. She glanced at the clock hanging on one of the walls and her eyes widened. *It's lunchtime already? No wonder she needs my help.* 

Jungeun checked herself one last time before rushing out, only to falter when she saw the line of people. But being professional, she quickly went over to the counter and took the next person's order. 

Her actions were fast and soon, the line died down to just a few people and she managed to take it slowly now. 

Sam heaved a sigh of relief when the last customer got his orders. Jungeun looked up and met eyes with her before they both broke into a grin and hi-fived each other. 

They always worked well together; with Jungeun's excellent and fast service at the counter and Sam's quick hands at preparing the orders. Lunchtime could be busy at times, but it was never a really big problem for both of them. 

“You wanna take a break now?” Sam asked. “Better now than later when the crowd returns.”

Jungeun shrugged and nodded. “Why not? Do you want me to help you get anything?” She asked as she took off her apron and hung it on a hook.

“Not really, I’m fine. Thanks though.” Sam patted her shoulders. “Now go before I have to cut short your break.” She pushed her lightly and Jungeun laughed. “Fine, fine. I’m going. If you need any help or anything just call!” She held up her phone and waved it lightly before disappearing through the main doors.

They could eat food from the store, but Jungeun wasn’t having any feelings for the food there, so she decided to eat outside.

As she was pondering what to eat, she bumped into someone and she bowed in apology. “Sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She bit her lip as she straightened up. “Are you- oh?” she pointed at him and he did the same.

“Oh! You’re Jungeun, right? One of the baristas down at Happy Café?” He asked and she nodded shyly.

Lady Luck must be shining down on her if she could actually bump into him like this.

“Are you going out for lunch?” She nodded again and rubbed her tummy.

“Lunch hour built up an appetite for me but I have no idea what to eat.”

“Do you wanna have lunch together then? I’m heading towards this eatery just around the corner and their chicken is the best!” He gave a thumbs up and grinned a grin that melted Jungeun.

She processed his words and her eyes widened in shock. “No it’s okay!” She rejected as politely as she could, although the tone she used probably didn’t sound that way. “I can find some other places to eat. You should go meet your friends.”

“I’m eating alone today, they’re all busy.” He shrugged and pouted slightly. “If you don’t want to get lunch together then…” he trailed off and rocked back and forth on his feet.

She felt guilty for rejecting him and since she was alone as well, she was thinking ‘what the heck’ and agreed to his proposition.

She only had 30 minutes for her break, but now all she could think of was how great this chance was and she’s gonna grab every minute of it.

“Oh right!” he stopped walking halfway and Jungeun tilted her head curiously. “I don’t think I’ve introduced myself to you yet, right? I guess it’s not fair that I know your name and you don’t know mine.” He cleared his throat and held out his hand with his signature grin. “Hello, I’m Chanyeol. And you are?”

Jungeun chuckled and placed her hands in his for a handshake. “I’m Jungeun.”



sdfgsfjajfae i hope this story made sense!!! ahahaha it's nearing 2am and i'm beat from a whole day of work T__T if you don't get any parts of it you can ask me either in the comments or pm me or on my wall!! till the nect story, toodles!! 

do comment!!!!!! <3


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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To tend and embrace the heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up.
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa he was too sweet to Jimin. So lucky girl! So jelly! Fighting for next one!
I could not stop reading this I love it