But for now, this is all what i wanted

Baby I'm in love with you

Chapter 2 : But for now, this is all what i wanted


Suzy's P.O.V

Suzy couldn't believe what she just heard and saw. Is that man really slammed the door in front of her? Wow. Just wow. She couldn't possibly daydreaming right? The girl pinched her chubby cheek, "Awww!" . it was actually hurt. Then that means it was a reality. And to be honest, it isn't the reality she wanted.

Suzy searched up her notebook and a pen in her grey leather handbag. She ripped one sheet of paper and wrote.


"Dear Mr. I-don't-have-any-manner,"

she took a deep breath, controlled her anger and continued writing.

"You shouldn't be that harsh right? I was just trying to greet you and help you out actually.


Suzy (and not SUSHI)"


The girl the upper tip of the paper and slammed it into the door right below the 103 lable. She pressed the paper until it could stick to the door and put the notebook and the pen back to her bag. There it was. Than man should really be given an advice or else he would be overwhelmed. Seriously, it was the first time Suzy has ever met a person with a bad attitude as that person, and she didn't even want to consider him as her new neighbor after what he did.

She realized that it was actually and maybe, partly her fault because she was insisting to disturb the man even though it was already late. And she also realized that maybe the guy was really tired after moving here and taking care of various bussiness he might have. But that didn't meant that he could do that kind of act right? She was coming, and greeted him with a good intention and not for seeking any trouble. But what did she got?

A slamming door in front of her face.

She took a deep breath and walked away to her room. It only took a few seconds though, since her room and the-mr.-rude's room were only 10 meters apart. She untied her red scarf and took off her boots before going inside the apartment.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." she greeted limply. Suzy looked around her small apartment room and sighed. At times like these, actually she wanted to be welcomed, she wanted someone to ask how was her day, to help her put her coat and smiled to her with a warm smile. She missed her mother and father so much that it couldn't be hold anymore.

Although she knew, and realized that even since that day she saw her mother fell collapsed after hearing the worst news in her life ever, Suzy had to be an independent girl and throw up all her selfish and childish wishes, but she always always felt lonely inside. She couldn't help but seeking 'love' from the other person. And there was when Taecyeon entered. That guy was always there for her, although not anytime and anywhere --- because of course, he has a life too.--- but he always tried his best to be there for Suzy. He listened to her problems, giving the girl advices, tutoring her in her studies, and even accompanying her going shopping. That's why Taecyeon's presence has a huge impact in Suzy's life. So much that she couldn't even compare him as a lover.

But nowadays, she slowly, after these years, realized that she couldn't depend on him forever. How if later that guy has a wife and children? it isn't possible for her to keep depending on him, enter his family's life like an ignorant little girl right?

She took out her cellphone and looked at it desperately. There's still no signal of incoming call from anyone.

Yeah, she knew she couldn't disturbing Taecyeon's life forever, and she should move on and give him some space. But... not now. She will do it, she surely will do it. But at this moment, she still need him. Just a little bit more. Until she found the man who could memapahnya for the rest of her lifetime.

Until she found her 'right' person.



Soohyun's P.O.V

Soohyun massaged his forhead as he walked back slowly to the sofa. His head felt like exploding. He didn't even care anymore about the condition that his room was in a total mess and that he hasn't unpacked a single thing from those boxes.

The girl, or whatever creature that was intruding his sleep, was a very pain in the . He would surely, surely give that sushi girl her 'reward' tomorrow. He doesn't care even if she was his neighbor. A neighbor should've understand the other neighbor's condition. Oh yeah, call him selfish or whatever but that's what she supposed to do.

Asian's culture was always like that, they always wanted to know about other people's bussiness while their bussiness themselves was in a mess.

Peoplehere really need some changes. He thought.

Soohyun threw his body to the sofa and grabbed his iPod. He ed the earphones deep into his both earholes and shut his eyes off. But for now, what he wanted to do is just sleep.



soo that's the 2nd chapter! i'm sorry it took me sooo long to update :( i was hella busy these past weeks. but guess what? my Eidl Fitr holiday is starting tomorrow! *cries unicorn blood* so maybe, i'll try to update more often in this holiday ;)

also, actually i'm supposed to post this chapter longer, but due to various reasons i'll just split it into 2 chapters (useless, i know) but don't worry i'll post the next chapter right away (maybe tomorrow). and also, please bear with any gramatical errors i made ;;____;; i'll try to correct it later.

soo thanks for reading! comments and subscribe if you don't mind ;)

lotta love,


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effiea #1
please update soon!!!
YippieM #2
I like it ~~~~
Soohyun is so rude but so hot~~
You remind me of a song - Rude Boy from Rihanna~~~
gauri92 #3
soohyun!!! so rude...but seems like he moved from some other western country since he's talking abt the attitude of the people...<br />
but im very curious to see how their relationship will go on...cuz it will b awesome!!!
choiminholuver #4
Uhm ur story awesome lol
ppuing2 #5
yeay....samdong suzy...though his name soohyun.hhhaahah. oh suzy...nvm maybe its his time of the month hahaha. do update soon!!. subscribed
astridikka #6
@gauri92 : uh thank you so much for the comment. and also i'd like to say thanks for those who have subscribed :)) i promise i'll try to update as soon as possible <br />
stay tuned ^^
gauri92 #7
im the first to comment?!?!?! weird...!!!!<br />
this sounds amazing...and since u have the suzy-soohyun couple here, who i absolutely love to death...more plus points..!!!<br />
update soon please