A Broken Promise

A Heart Can Only Love One

Chunji couldn’t see anything in front of him, as his tears blurred his vision. He knew he was bumping into people of course, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get away from L.Joe, from Hyuna, from the reality and bitter, pain-stabbing truth that everything had been a lie. L.Joe never loved him.


He never did.


Clambering into the secret hideout where he used to be when he needed to be alone or just to gaze at the stars, and also a place he spent with L.Joe sharing secrets and sweet moments, Chunji huddled in a corner of the platform at the children’s playground. Chunji never cried. He had never cried before in his entire life.


But at that moment, Chunji was crying his heart out.


Flashback (10 months ago):


“Hunnie?” Chunji looked up at the pink hair rapper who had his arms around him. The couple were once again at their special secret spot late in the night, gazing at the stars that shone bright above.




Chunji stared at the empty swings nearby that were giving off a lonely vibe. “Do you think fairy tales ever come true? That prince charming exists?”


“Of course. Your prince charming is right here.” Chunji laughed as he felt L.Joe placed a kiss on his cheek. “You mean you will love me forever?”


“I will love you forever. Only you. I promise.”


End of Flashback


Chunji laughed as he cried. L.Joe had sounded so sincere back then. How stupid was he? Always believing in crazy fantasies where prince charming existed. All lies. Why? What had he done? Wasn’t things fine just yesterday? L.Joe was still showering him with back hugs, with kisses. What went wrong? Was Chunji not worthy enough for L.Joe?


Why did things change?


L.Joe trembled slightly as he scooped up the pieces of cake splattered on the floor. The words on the icing only made him feel worse, as he realised that Chunji must have spent the day baking for him. Chunji kept his promise.


But he didn’t.


“Byunhun sweetie, don’t dirty your hands. I’ll clean it with a mop instead!” Hyuna tugged on the boy’s arm. And to her surprise, she was ignored as Byunghun continued to pick up the remains of the cake.


As he pulled out a plate to put the damaged cake instead of throwing it away, L.Joe his fingers clean. The cake was chocolate, L.Joe’s favourite, and it was the best cake L.Joe had ever tasted. And yet he felt this was the worst birthay he had ever had. Feeling arms wrapping around his waist, L.Joe’s heart started thumping faster, he tensed up as he heard Hyuna’s words filled with happiness: “We’re finally together~”


Suddenly the front door was slammed open as the duo heard Niel’s loud yawn and the squabbling coming from Ricky and C.A.P. Teen Top had returned. “Woah. Hyuna you’re still here? And why are you two?....” Niel pointed at the Hyuna’s arms circled around L.Joe’s waist as Teen Top filed into the kitchen. Changjo raised his eyebrow as he folded his arms, Ricky’s mouth fell open.


“We’re together!! Hunnie finally realised his true feelings for me!!” Hyuna squealed as she turned the blushing boy around and buried her face in his chest. The rest of the members were stunned at the sudden news. But C.A.P being the oldest spoke up, “I’m guess since hormones are raging at your age, it shouldn’t be surprising if you got into a new relationship. But have you told Chunji?”


L.Joe stiffened at the name mentioned. An unexplainable pain creeping back into his heart as Chunji’s devastated face once again floated into his mind. Hyuna spoke on his behalf: “He… Chunji he… walked in on us when we were kissing… and… I don’t think he took it well…”


There was complete silence once again, when the sound of running footsteps broke the awkwardness and before they knew it, Changjo who had been beside Ricky in the kitchen was gone, and they heard the front door closed with a slam. Byunghun felt a sudden urge to run after Changjo. He knew the maknae was going to find Chunji, and that made him feel even guiltier and the pain in his heart intesified.


L.Joe HATED all these mixed up emotions.


A drop of rain landed on Chunji’s knee, as he felt a sudden strong blow of wind. The boy, who was tired from all the crying, looked up at the grey sky as he witnessed more droplets of rain plunging down from the sky. Chunji knew he was going to get drenched, he knew he might fall sick. But he had nowhere else to go.


He doesn’t want to return home.


Burying his face once again between his knees, Chunji continued to allow his tears to fall as he felt his heart slowing rotting away. The rain had gotten heavier and Chunji was soaked within minutes. But out of nowhere, he felt a pair of small arms wrapped around his shoulders as he was pulled into someone’s hug. He felt warmth once again.


“YOU IDIOT!!” The mysterious person screamed. Chunji recognised the voice immediately.




“Idiot hyung! Why are you putting yourself through all this torture?! Not giving a damn about everyone, not giving a damn about yourself!! So what if you saw something you shouldn’t?! Will you change the facts if you ran away? What will we do if you fell sick?! What will happen to Teen Top is something happen to you?! YOU ARE SO STUPID!!” Changjo rambled on and on as the rain poured down harder. Both boys drenched to the skin but not one of them is moving an inch.


Chunji sobbed even harder. Everyone already knew what happen. But he knew none of them will really understand how he feels. Grabbing onto Changjo’s arm like it was his life, he looked up and met a pair of worried eyes.


“Please Changjo… help me… Help me… forget… it hurts… so much…” Chunji mumbled, feeling exhaustion eating him alive.


And suddenly everything went black.






A/N: UN-BETAED! sorry i din have time to proof read because i wanted to post this asap before i started on my school work! i have a really busy weekend. so i will edit this chapter for errors when i have the time next time! HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS CHAPPIE! i will start replying to comments soon :D

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Chapter 9: I'm still wondering about what happen to L.Joe's relationship with Hyunah. Yea, since He and Chanhee were back together but he didnt ask for breakup. Btw, you made me cry authornim! This story is so great! I Love It !!! ♥
Chapter 9: This was just so beautiful. My feels ㅠ^ㅠ
Chapter 9: No! The ending isn't fail AT ALL! It was so lovable yet sweet, oh my goodness, look! what have you done to my feels T^T I'm crying really hard.
Oh my... This story is awesomely awesome! I truly like it, uh no! I love it♥ ^^ Thank you for writing this, author ;;
Chapter 4: I'm sobbing really hard ;;
Chapter 9: OMO!! It was so sad and cute!!! >< and a beautiful ending!! XD OMG I LUV IT!!!
ILoveYou_Forever #6
Re-reading this and still cry... Thank you a lot for this and please don't ever delete this please!!!
Chapter 9: That was wonderful author-nim... TwT ♥
Chapter 9: aww the ending was so cute <3
Chapter 9: aww this story can make me cry ;__; L.joe you're a b*tch here e.e but the end is so cute :D I luv it <3