With You

           "Ckckck!" Yifan shook his head because of seeing his sleeping wife. His fake wife, Shihye, has been slept since they have finished their dinner at the restaurant Arabian Because of too full. She does not even wake up stil whereas they have arrived at the parking area at the apartment.

                 "The Arabian coffee does not has effect for her." Yifan said while still staring at his wife. He tried to wake her up but no avail. Shinhye still fell asleep. Instead of a wake her up until he dies, Yifan than Decided to piggyback her. He then come out from his car and then took Shinhye.

                 Arrive infront of the home, Yifan take out the RFID card. He opens the door; while still piggyback his fake wife. When Yifan and sleeping Shinhye come in, Yifan suddenly slips so that they fall and Shinhye's head hit the cupboard so that it makes her wake up.

 "Shinhye, are you okay?" Yifan asks because he surprised when hearing the voice bump. He sees Shinhye who winced in pain.

                 Shinhye answers calmly, "As you can see." While holding her bruised head and endured the pain.

                 Yifan then held out his hand for help Shinhye stand. He also led Shinhye sit on the chair in front of the TV before taking tool to compress Shinhye’s bruised head.

                 "This is for you." Yifan said while providing the tools to compress it. Shinhye then put it on her bruised path while still holding the tool compresses it.

                 "I'm sorry, I didn’t accidentally slip." Yifan spoke, his head is looking down. He felt guilty for making Shinhye’s head bruises.

                 Suddenly, Shinhye remember that there was something that Yifan would convey but he was interrupted by a video conference from their mother. As long as Yifan was sit beside her, Shinhye also ventured to ask. She asked, "By the way, what did you want to say to me in a restaurant before?"

           "Oh, it was-" Yifan was sputtered. He suddenly felt stupid because he couldn’t express his feelings. For some reason, when he was about to say "I love you" to Shinhye, his throat is like clogged a big rock so that the sound doesn’t come out. To distract Shinhye, Yifan forced to pretend to forget he will say. Yifan see the look of disappointment on her face. Inwardly, he apologized to Shinhye as folly it.

            The atmosphere was quiet again for a moment, until finally Shinhye remembered when their strangeness, Shinhye and Yifan, was in the car on the way home. Because Shinhye was asleep but she felt there was something that touched her lips, she asked Yifan about what really happened. Shinhye started asking, "Did you kiss me when I was asleep, Yifan? Because I've been feeling like there is someone kissing my lips."

           Again, Yifan’s heart is like hit by an atomic bomb. He didn’t think that Shinhye know that he did. To hide the shame, Yifan is trying to calm. He hides shocked expression in order to answer her questions. With slightly eyes to avoid Shinhye’s eyes, Yifan said that maybe it was just a feeling or maybe it was just a dream. Inwardly, Yifan was very relieved because Shinhye believe him. Seen from Shinhye’s eyes that she can understand the words of her husband, but who would have thought, Shinhye save something that Yifan doesn’t know. When in the car, she just pretend asleep because she didn’t want to disturb Yifan who was driving.

         "Do you think I can trust you easily, Mr. Wu?" Shinhye murmured in his heart. "From the perspective of avoiding your eyes is obvious that you're lying. And this is the second time you have stolen my kisses. "

            Although annoyed by the Yifan’s attitude, Shinhye can’t show her annoyance. She just submit to accept the existing situation. That makes Shinhye confused is why Yifan kiss her secretly. She remembers that Yifan has an introverted personality that he might not show something openly. Shinhye’s brain suddenly whispered something, whether Yifan has feelings for her? If it is so, in fact Shinhye had opened the door of her heart for him, but Shinhye still haunted by the shadows of the deceased person in the past. Someone who gave false hope to her that frightened her to give her heart to someone.




           "Wu Yifan!" knock knock knock! “Don’t you want to go for family dinner?" Shinhye asked in the same tone when Princess Anna singing for Princess Elsa while knocked on the door. Yifan had told only a short shower but this would have been an hour he hadn’t come out of his room so it make Shinhye irritated. Shinhye decided to wait ten minutes longer but Yifan still doesn’t out of the room.

           "Yifan!" Knock knock knock! Shinhye knocked on the door loudly but no avail. When once again Shinhye was about to knock on the bedroom door, suddenly the bedroom door was open so that Shinhye not lifted her hand to the door. Yifan’s figure, came out with sharp eyes, showed that he doesn’t like to be rushed like this.

            "Can’t you be patient a little, Mrs. Wu?" Ask Yifan with deep voice.

           "It's been an hour wait and you still said I could not wait?" Shinhye was asked. "So how long should I wait patiently so that you can say, huh? One year? 5 years?  10 years? "

            "Come on, just let's go." Without further ado, Yifan pulled Shinhye’s hand out of the house. They headed the car park with a half run. If it is happens, Shinhye already can’t argue, but simply follow Yifan to take her wherever he goes.

            On the way, again, they are both shrouded with silence. Until a few moments later, Yifan find the topic of conversation to break the ice. He apologized to Shinhye because he made her wait long. Yifan said he was contacted by his counterparts to discuss something. At first, Yifan didn’t want to convey this to Shinhye, but he changed his mind when he remembered that it is also related to his wife.

            "Is there relation with me?" Shinhye said curious.

             Yifan nod then asked Shinhye, "Do you still remember the events that bring us 4 months ago?"

              "Oh, My God!"  Shinhye surprised. "Did you also investigate, Yifan? And for what? Why do you have the same think as father? Why do you still investigating the events that have passed?"

             The red light was lit so it make Yifan hit the brakes to stop the car. When the car has stopped, Yifan’s head turned to Shinhye thus making their eyes stared. Yifan is quietly but firmly answered Shinhye’s questions, "To prove that there is person a malign me or maybe us, or also father. Besides that, I'm sure father must have had his own reasons to investigate this case."

           Before responding to Yifan’s statement, the green light was lit so Shinhye let Yifan first stepped on the car gas. It was only after the car drove, Shinhye respond to the statement.

           "Well to your point I agree, but about father? For what father is still investigating the incident when the people no longer care about it?"

            Without thinking, Yifan said, "Of course for the safety of his daughter. Did not you wonder how can you be in the hotel when it should be you at the airport?"

            For this time, Shihye is only silent sculpting. She just stared at Yifan while continuing their conversation.

            "Yes I understand that your goal to marry me just to keep your father's reputation as a mayor. During the 4 months I lived with you, I understand that Wu Shinhye was always care for other people, but unfortunately she instead often neglect herself for the sake of the people around her."

            Yifan make such statements that Shinhye got hard slap. For Shinhye, happiness for the Park family is the most important thing.

            Not felt, Yifan’s car has reached in front of the gate of the Park family house. In the main room, looking Chanyeol hugged Yifan and Shinhye when they both arrived at the house. Chanyeol is really happy because finally his beloved sister would go to honeymoon. Without further ado, Yifan and Shinhye was diring by Chanyeol to the dining room. In there, there are Jungsoo and Sora. The Park family, then started dinner and followed by a second gathering in the family room to provide the air tickets.

             Since the dinner is over and ticket already in hand, Yifan and Shinhye decided to say goodbye to Park family. They were escorted by Jungsoo, Sora, and Chanyeol to the front yard. When Yifan and Shinhye just about to enter the car and start the engine, Yifan’s smartphone suddenly rang so he took the smartphone. Yifan quickly touch the 'answer' in the smartphones since it was written the name 'Lu Han', his best friend, on the smartphone screen. Yifan’s eyes widened slightly as he listened to a phone call from Lu Han with very panic sound. When Lu Han had hung up, Yifan also hung up in a hurry and put smartphones on somewhere.

           "Lu Han and Yoona need our help, Shinhye."  Yifan said to Shinhye before he drove the car. "We went to  Lu Han’s house first." Yifan then drove the car at high speed.



           Lu Han is seen pacing frantically awaiting the arrival of his friend, Yifan. A few minutes later, the sound of a car is approaching his yard. When the car stopped, came out a couple of in the car to move in a hurry. The incident made Lu Han somewhat relieved because finally people who he had been waiting to come as well.

          "Sorry for disturbing you." Lu Han said to Yifan and Shinhye as he let go. "My car is acting up even in times of emergency like this."

           Shinhye suddenly surprised that Lu Han is still thinking about his private car this time then gining advice to Luhan, "At a time like this you should forget your car, Han. The important thing we have to do is bring Yoona to the hospital immediately. Where is Yoona now? "

            Luhan then bring Yifan and Shinhye to his room. In there, there Yoona is grimacing in pain because her fetal membrane has broken. With deft, Yifan assisted Lu Han started carrying Yoona to the car; while Shinhye preparing to Yoona purposes give birth and to stay in the hospital. During the way, Lu Han and Yoona are unrelenting to give thank Yifan and Shinhye who have helped them.

            Four of them arrived at the hospital and went straight to Yoona childbirth. A few hours later, there came the sound of crying babies sign the delivery process has been completed. Happy smile radiates from Lu Han and Yoona because Yoona has given birth to a beautiful baby girl. The baby is being carried by Yoona.

            Knowing that Yoona was in inpatient wards, Yifan and Shinhye who has just returned from the supermarket to buy the parcel immediately go to Yoona’s room. Shinhye looks happy to see the baby girl being held by Yoona. Without further ado, she asked who the baby's name.

            Luhan and Yoona smiled and looked at each other, then Lu Han said that the baby they named 'Hanna' is derived from the Han and Yoona. Yifan has not had time to say that Hanna has thin lips like Yoona and a sharp nose like Lu Han; there is a voice door so that he doesn’t say about that.

             "You actually admit me as your cousin or not?" The high tone of voice that seemed spontaneous that makes Lu Han, Yoona, Yifan, and Shinhye turned toward the sound source. Jung Nicole, the owner of the sound source, view step closer toward the four of them. With a cynical gaze toward Yifan and Shinhye, Nicole said something, "Your friendship seemed very closely so that you can forget about your own relative."

               "Jung Nicole!" Yoona trying to clear the atmosphere, "Please don’t misunderstand. Ignoring you is not our purpose, but Lu Han had already tried many times to call you but no response so he tried to contact Yifan."

               Nicole also invalidates Yoona. She was annoyed to Yoona and Lu Han why prefer to ask for help from others rather than their own cousin. She scolded Yoona and Lu Han, said that they should wait until Nicole called Yoona.

               "Woman who wants to give birth was in need of help as soon as possible, Jung Nicole!" Shinhye also give protest to Nicole because she couldn’t bear to see Yoona being scolded like that. "How can you even scold your own cousin?"

               "That's none of your business, Park Shinhye! What do you know about our family, huh!" Nicole snapped with a high tone that makes Yoona, Lu Han, and Yifan surprised. The atmosphere became tense, but only lasted less than a minute because there was a knock the door that turns Seohyun came to visiting Yoona.

               "Hello all." Seohyun greeted with friendly. "Uh, Yifan Oppa!" Even Seohyun hugged Yifan when she knew that Yifan was there. That make the entire contents of the hospital jaw gaping, especially Shinhye. Even, while Yifan and Shinhye leave hospital, Seohyun was ask for Yifan drive her home because Nicole is still has over time work. Again, Nicole gave quip to Shinhye’s jobdesk for not getting heavy.

               Shinhye, Yifan, and Seohyun escorted by Lu Han to the parking lot; Yoona while accompanied by Nicole. When Yifan has unlocked his car, deftly Seohyun precedes Shinhye open the front door of the car next to Yifan. The incident made Yifan, Shinhye, and Lu Han surprised that their jaws gaping. When Seohyun was sitting in a chair and was about to close the door, Shinhye then approached Seohyun with a friendly greeting, "I’m Sorry, Miss Joo Seohyun, it seems your place is not belong here."

              "How come, Eonni?" Asked Seohyun who shocked because Shinhye addressed her like that. Before answering the questio, Shinhye threw her sweet smile and her cool face first.

              "Because this place is belong to Mrs. Wu." That is Shinhye’s answer.

               By holding the embarrassment and annoyance, Seohyun finally moved to the rear. Do not forget she pretends to apologize to Shinhye because of carelessness. Yifan who see the behavior of the two women he'd been able to shake his head just because he thinks this is funny incident. Yifan then turn on the engine and the car speeds away.


              "Shinhye wait!" Yifan cried while holding Shinhye’s hand. He intends to ask the only Shinhye’s reason to silent after from Seohyun’s home; whereas she doesn’t behave like that before. Shinhye even dare to feed Yifan chocolate in front of Seohyun.

               Actually, Shinhye intend immediately to sleep as it was already her time for sleep, coupled with helping Yoona to a hospital that was exhausting. However, because Yifan.prevent it, she reluctantly turned toward her husband's body. Shinhye then directs her eyes to the right arm held tightly by Yifan, giving a sign that she wants to let go of her arm.

              "No!" Yifan said aloud. "I will not let you go before you answer my question."

              Shinhye sighed before she sent asked to Yifan because she was very tired and sleepy.

             With all the courage he has, Yifan finally ventured his grudges. He asked, "Wu Shinhye, are you - are you jealous of Seohyun’s attitude?"

              Shinhye was frowned and then asked, "Jealous?"

              Yifan nodded his head - answered Shinhye’s questions. He then started talking again, "I understand you're pretending to be nice because of our agreement. But actually, are you jealous of other women treat your husband like that?"

               Hearing the question, Shinhye just smiled. She then let go of the hand grip by Yifan and walk towards the chair and sit in san before answering the questions. Once she got right sitting position, she began to answer the questions.

              "If it is speaking as Wu Yifan’s wife, of course I'm jealous but if it talking as Park Shinhye, maybe I would not care about it because I don’t like to disturb in other people's business."

              "Then what is the real answer?" Yifan asked curious.

               Shinhye smiled and then replied, "I'm jealous."

              Yifan then follow Shinhye and sitting next to her. He asked again because still wondering, "Why?"

              Before answering the question, Shinhye holds Yifan’s palms so it makes Yifan’s heart beat faster. Shinhye issued a cheery smile and replied, "Because Park Shinhye is Wu Yifan’s legitimate wife."

             For the umpteenth time, Yifan hearts tremble upon hearing the words and attitudes of Shinhye.





Hello yeorobun *spread chanyeol's happy virus*

I'm sorry for not updating this fanfiction long time because *sobs* I have do the examination for my final assignment and many things so that I can graduate from my campus. So, this chapter is my present from all of my readers as finally I've graduate.

Happy reading^^

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Hallo readers and subbies, please check chapter 17. Thank you :) :)


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Ayustar #1
Chapter 17: Can"t wait ... update soon .. i like kris and shinhye
I love Shinhye as long its happy ending I am happy .off reading now.
ratriana #3
Chapter 17: It's good or bad about seohyun know that video,, I'm scared she would used that evidence for threat yifan and shinhye about the marriage
fie2603 #4
Chapter 17: Hallo....you cameback. I am so glad. Thank u for update again. This story getting wow...cant wait for next chapter. Did they became close. And make wuyifan junior. Came soon ok
Chapter 17: hey authornim thanks for de update,wen will kris confess his feeling im getting very curious.anwy Happy christmass stay healthy.
Chapter 16: Nice story....please please update soon.....
sarahsusanti #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon author
sarahsusanti #8
Please update the next chapter author...
Thanks for good story ^_^
Chapter 16: Thanks for update chingu.. :D cant wait for next chap.. pls make more krishye lovey dovey moment okay! ;D
Jisoo_Kim #10
Hi Iam new reader your story... this story is nice and the couple in this story is rare, kris-shinhye... so it makes interesting : ))) but there are some typos and wrong-grammar in this story.. but it's okay I enjoyed to read this story : )) one more,are you indonesian? Bcs Iam indonesian too..