With You

      Yifan walked to the kitchen with shuffling steps and his eyes are still not fully awake. Arriving in the kitchen, he found Shinhye’s figure has already with her work dressed presenting rice hotdogs and omelette for breakfast menu. Yifan was astonished at the dinner table in front of him. He wondered what for his wife in order to cook it so it made his eyes fully literate. Yifan then take a glass of water and sat down in a chair to drink water.

      "Good morning, my husband." Shinhye greeted Yifan with a sweet voice and then she pulled out a smile as sincerely as possible to greet her husband. She felt happy because Yifan’s face is no longer pale like two days ago. His body even already seen fit now. 

      "It's your tea." Shinhye said, putting a cup of tea on the table beside her husband.

     Yifan smell tea aroma giving Shinhye, then sip it. He felt refreshed after drinking the tea. Wondering why Shinhye make the uproar breakfast, Yifan then asked. "Why did you cook this uproar breakfast?"

     "Uh?" Shinhye half surprised to hear the question. She then cast a glance toward the omelettes  and rice hotdogs before taking her seat. With stammered and did not dare to direct her eyes to Yifan, Shinhye answer "Uhm, it’s, I, ah, I've been waking up an hour earlier than usual so I can take longer to make breakfast."

     "Oh." Yifan respond Shinhye’s statement with no expression. He then took a rice hotdog that has been presented by Shinhye.

     "Haish, Park Shinhye you fool!" Shinhye scolded herself in her mind. "You should not say so earlier if you want to present a varied breakfast so Yifan not bored!"

     Yifan spent hotdogs with appetite and quickly. He did just taste the delicious food as long as he was sick, his mouth tasted bitter so just soup and porridge was delicious food in his mouth. Before entering the omelette to Yifan’s mouth, he praised the rice hotdogs. He said that the rice hotdogs was very tasty. Yifan want to made food like this again next time. The compliment made Shinhye rosy cheeks like pome fruit.

     "Uhm, Yifan." Shinhye start a conversation in the middle she eat the rice hotdog. "By the way, you don’t have schedule today, do you?"

     Yifan stop activity slicing  the omelette to answer the question, "I'm off today. What’s going on?" He then went on slicing the omelet.

     "So what's your plan for today?" Shinhye asked rather curious.

     "I'll meet up with Luhan at lunch. After that, maybe I'll go to my favorite bookstore."

     "Oh." Shinhye bowed her head. "Fine then." Shinhye said with a slightly disappointed tone. They then spend breakfast.

     "Gosh, why did I just realized?" Yifan wondered in his mind in the middle he spent omelette. "I wish I invited her to eat lunch together, haish stupid stupid stupid!"

      Shinhye has done with her breakfast 30 minutes later. She then said goodbye to Yifan to go to the office.




     It’s already lunch time. Yifan has parked his car at the edge in front of Luhan’s house for fulfill Luhan invitation to meet up and eat lunch together. Since Luhan is a game developer, he setup his house is also his office so he doesn’t need to be faced with traffic jam every morning. He also hold his wife as web developer, Yoona, to join with him.

      Back to Yifan. He knocked the main door of Luhan house. A few minutes later, Yifan see a person open the main door with a happy face. It’s because of seeing his best friend maybe. Without direction, he then patted Yifan’s shoulder and dragged Yifan to come in. The person, Luhan, then asked about something to Yifan while they was walking in to the dining room.

     “Is it a coincidence or something else, Yifan?” Luhan says, “I just would to call you this morning but you called me first that you have something to tell about.”

      Yifan just stares at Luhan and smiles flatly. He then says, “I will tell you after we’d lunch.”

      At the dining room, there’s Yoona who’d sat on the chair. She also greeted Yifan warmly and asked Yifan to sit. She asks about Shinhye. Yifan said that Shinhye is perfectly fine. Yoona then asks to Yifan to also persuade Shinhye if Luhan and she invite Yifan next time. Yifan, Luhan, and Yoona and then start to eat their lunch. They’re keep quiet since the Dim Sum is really delicious. Yoona leaves the two of them after she finished her lunch. Yoona wants to lie down for a while in her room. She felt short of breath because of her pregnancy which has been turned into the 9th. Besides that, she knew that Yifan is only want to talk face to face with her husband, Luhan.

     Luhan dragged Yifan in to his office room. He then sits on his chair and turn on his laptop, meanwhile Yifan sits on the chair in front of Luhan. Before Luhan give a game project for Yifan, he asked Yifan first what’s the main purpose Yifan came to his house. “So, what’s the matter, Yifan? I know that something wrong happened to you.” Luhan said.

     Yifan begins to speak, “I” But there’s something which was like clogging his throat so that he only could continue to says, “Nothing. Nothing happened to me.”

     “Lie!”  Luhan yelled for the respond. He has known and be friend with Yifan since they were 18th and now they’re 26th so that Yifan can’t hidding something from  Luhan.

      Yifan takes a deep sigh, trying to open his truely mouth before he begins to speak “Okay, I was lying. I don’t know where I should starting this stupid story.”

     “Ckckck.” Luhan shook his head. “You’re still the same you know. Hard outside but fragile inside, plus you have fear by yourself.” Luhan paused his statement. He starts to recall what’ve happened to his best friend, Yifan, after he married because he guessed that Yifan will tell him about his marriage life. Luhan then continue to says, “It looks like I must give you some hints first. So, I heard that media started to stalking about your relationship with Shinhye after her picture with Kim Woobin spreaded out several times ago. Is it true? ”

      Yifan only gives a nod as a sign.

     “I just have read the magazine that you and Shinhye prefered to standby at home for spend your togetherness, plus you have successed to bomb your SNS with your selca. Ah I remember, I saw you and Shinhye looks like happyly when we’re at Minseok’s wedding party.”

     “You’re right, Han.” Yifan respopded the statement, he then take a bow of his head and says, But-”

     Luhan keep staring at Yifan, hoping for his head will turn. He raised his right eyebrow and  then asks, “But?”

Finally, Yifan turn his head up. Staring at Luhan and then gives his statement carefully, “But that’s all was just acting.”

     “Wh – What?” Yifan’s statement makes Luhan really surprised. Even he almost lost his slanted eyes. He then asks Yifan, “ Can you repeat what you’ve said?”

     “All we’ve done, was just acting.” Yifan repeat his sentence clearly.

     What Yifan has said makes Luhan almost lost his controls. He says, “Oh – my – God.” Even Luhan failed to keep himself calm. He keep giving questions to his best friend. “Is that means, your marriage is legal but only based on law?”

     “Yes.” Yifan gives response to Luhan, and then explained. “Our marriage is just an agreement for bringing back the mayor’s image; and also for fulfill my grandfather’s ultimatum for marrying a woman at least one year so that I can give the position as his successor to my mother.”

     “And then what’s your problem now? You just wait untill the next year, don’t you?” Luhan asks with full of curiousity.

     “It isn’t like that, Han.” Yifan shook his head as a sign that he has a problem behind his marriage life. Yifan tells, “My problem now is I’m regret.” He paused speaking for a second, and then says, “I’m regret for made the fake marriage, because I’m just realized that I’m fall in love with her.”

     Luhan’s jaw dropped. “Just make it real, Yifan!” He said.

     Yifan just give a response miserably, “I wish I have the courage, Han.”  

     “Wu Yifan, You!” Luhan doesn’t know what to say, untill he find the sentences he hope it can give the courage to his best friend. He began to talks, “Listen to me. Just make your marriage real if you don’t want to regret for the three times!”

     “But I’m afraid, you know.” Yifan tried to give an explain, “What if she just need my money since she has known about my real identity? What if she just felt sorry about my past? What if she doesn’t love me? What if-“

     “Just shut up!” Luhan cuts Yifan’s anxious even he yelled at Yifan. He stands up and give Yifan an advice, ”Remember! You have lost Yoona and Seohyun because of your discourage. If you still don’t have the courage to confess your feeling for Shinhye, you may neither lost her. Just fight to win her heart, burning the annoying agreement, and make your marriage real, Wu Yifan!”

     “And then, What should I do to make it real, Han?”

     “It’s up to you.” Luhan said with back to sits on his own chair, “I will always by your side to help you winning her heart. Don’t worry.”





Okay. Firstly, I want to say sorry if this chapter is too short. We will see at the next chapter what will happen with Yifan. Will he dare to confess his feeling or he will keep silent until someone come to take Shinhye from him?  I hope all of the readers will keep enjoy reading this story. By the way, about the 'nightmare' that we have known, hope the best for all of 12 boys. 



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Hallo readers and subbies, please check chapter 17. Thank you :) :)


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Ayustar #1
Chapter 17: Can"t wait ... update soon .. i like kris and shinhye
I love Shinhye as long its happy ending I am happy .off reading now.
ratriana #3
Chapter 17: It's good or bad about seohyun know that video,, I'm scared she would used that evidence for threat yifan and shinhye about the marriage
fie2603 #4
Chapter 17: Hallo....you cameback. I am so glad. Thank u for update again. This story getting wow...cant wait for next chapter. Did they became close. And make wuyifan junior. Came soon ok
Chapter 17: hey authornim thanks for de update,wen will kris confess his feeling im getting very curious.anwy Happy christmass stay healthy.
Chapter 16: Nice story....please please update soon.....
sarahsusanti #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon author
sarahsusanti #8
Please update the next chapter author...
Thanks for good story ^_^
Chapter 16: Thanks for update chingu.. :D cant wait for next chap.. pls make more krishye lovey dovey moment okay! ;D
Jisoo_Kim #10
Hi Iam new reader your story... this story is nice and the couple in this story is rare, kris-shinhye... so it makes interesting : ))) but there are some typos and wrong-grammar in this story.. but it's okay I enjoyed to read this story : )) one more,are you indonesian? Bcs Iam indonesian too..