
The Strength of Us

NOTE** This whole chapter is Jonghyun's thoughts.

'Stress. That's what I'd say has been stiffening my neck and shoulder muscles. I stay up with you when you have nightmares and lately, they've been occurring more and more frequently. I don't know what scares you, Allena. You and I have been together since you were 6. I was 15 at the time. My mother found you and her friend adopted you. So, as far as technicality goes, we've been together forever. Even now.

It's hard to wash your hair, which you prefer rather than do it yourself. I'll do it, though. Your hair is so thick.

Here. Put this towel on your head. Now, you want it braided? What the-? Fine.

Now that I think about it, I wish we could afford that special hearing aid that the doctors were talking about last month when we went in for check-ups. My sign language works pretty well, but sometimes I'd prefer to just talk to you.

If you could hear my voice right now, I wonder what you'd think. My fans used to think that my voice was attractive. Low and enticing, however very energetic. I can hit some high notes, though. I used to be famous. People all over the world used to adore SHINee's Dino Bling Bling Jonghyun. I was the smallest in the group. I miss them. I miss my band members. I miss SHINee. I miss Key.

Dear. Why are you asking for a movie when it's 11:00 at night? No. Let's go to sleep. Come with me.


Here. Lay down. I'll cover you up.

You want it cold in here? Okay. I'm pretty warm as it is, so if you get cold you can move closer to me.

Go to sleep, Allena. You look tired. I'm sure the battle raging inside your silent world will lessen now that I'm volunteering to sleep next to you.

I don't mind. I don't mind. Really. It's okay. Your fears can't hurt you now. Hold on to me.

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Chapter 1: Sovis there like a next chapter?
Ps: I feel sorry for him.......and her