i. Kai ♡ You

+) the luftmensch's selection



Guardian of an Obnoxious

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  author: babopanda 
 status: completed / ongoing / dropped


Storyline rating:


Language features RATING:







Guardian of an Obnoxious is a story filled with so much potential. Babopanda, the author, clearly puts effort into each posted chapters as it is long and carefully worded. However, it lacks a tinge of complex sentences and the word choices seems to be limited for certain words such as connectives, they are often repeated, though that problem is very common to other writers. Aside from that, Babopanda’s writing is very creative indeed, for she successfully got me hooked in her chaptered story. The storyline has a gist of originality; I’ve read of guardian angels descending down to Earth to help a golden boy, but I’ve never come across a story which consists of an angel finding out about her past as her secondary mission. That is usually forbidden in these kinds of stories. I like how the author included the angel’s past to pull us more in emotionally. I personally teared up whilst reading this story.

Over all, the story is good. As harsh as this may sound, I’ve discontinued reading it due to the extremely slow updates; if the story was complete, then the given marks would definitely be maximised. Unfortunately, it’s still on-going. If you have enough patience for the updates, then feel free to start reading this story. If you’re like me (impatient for updates) then I’d suggest you subscribe to the story anyway, and wait till it’s completed before reading it. Either way, do not miss out this story!



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