Chapter 3

Be yourself
"Of course not! thats why you tell me"said Ren. He looked at the shoes on the top shelf, Min hee looked at the shoes on the bottom shelf. She saw some nice shoes that she liked, sneakers that were black white and had blue soles. She smiled and picked them up, Ren grabbed the shoes and put them back in there box, he handed her some white heels "Try these on please"said Ren. Min hee shook her head, "I'm not wearing these heels"said Min hee. She picked the sneakers up, Ren put them back down "Why not?"said Ren, "There not my style, mianhe Minki"said Min hee. Ren puffed his cheeks and pouted, he handed them to her again "Jebal!"said Ren. Min hee sighed and grabbed them, she went over to the seat and tried them on. She stood up and almost lost her balance "You look good in heels"complimented Ren. Min hee chuckled "I'm so tall, they are kind of nice though"said Min hee, she looked at the design. Ren smiled "I'll buy them for you"said Ren. Min hee shook her head and took them off "Ani! Ani! don't take them off"said Ren, "Wae?"asked Min hee. She froze and stood straight up, Ren measured his height with hers "Heh, even with those heels i'm still taller by a bit"said Ren. Min hee frowned and sat down, she started to take the heels off "Ani! Mianhe"said Ren. Min hee stopped and stayed sitting down, Ren smiled. He went to search for new shoes. Min hee looked around, she saw Ren come back with at least four boxes of shoes, all heels. He put them in front of her "Try these on"said Ren. Min hee tried them all on, Ren ended up choosing some black heels that he thought were very cute. He smiled and put the other heels away in ther boxes "Okay, i'm gonna buy you these okay? My treat"said Ren. Min hee shook her head "No, its fine. I have plently of shoes"said Min hee, "Not like these. Come on i wanna buy'em for you....Jebal?"said Ren. Min hee sighed and nodded, Ren smiled and bought the shoes for her, they walked out of the shoe store, Ren carried the shoes for her "Min hee...Can i ask you something"said Ren. Min hee nodded "Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"said Ren "No. I don't want one, there annoying and break girl's heart all the time"said Min hee. Ren thought she sounded so cruel "Cruel. Not all guys are like that you know"said Ren. Min hee crossed her arms and sighed "I hope so"said Min hee, Ren smiled and pat her back "Thats a for sure, theres some really sweet guys out there"said Ren. Min hee smiled and nodded. They ended up at the theaters, Min hee followed Ren inside "Okay, what movie?"said Ren, "Movie? Were watching a movie?"said Min hee. Ren laughed and nodded "Its kind of the whole idea of going to the movies Min Hee. Pick one while i get the popcorn"said Ren. Min hee stopped him "I'll get it. You pick WHATEVER you want okay"said Min hee. She winked at him and walked away, Ren smiled. He picked a movie, he really wasn't looking at which movie it was, he just picked whatever. Like she said. He got the tickets and looked at her, she was talking to some guy, Ren frowned. He walked over to her and smiled at her but frowned and the guy "Hey"said Ren blankly to the guy. The guy smiled at Ren "Whats up. Anyways...Over at my place at around 9pm k? Your gonna be there right?"he said, "Yeah, probably"said Min hee, "Okay then. i'll see you later"he said. He walked away with his hands in his pocket, Min hee smiled at Ren "Who was that?"said Ren "A friend, he invited me to a party"said Min hee "Can you bring dates?"asked Ren. Min hee raised an eyebrow. That was a weird question to ask. She nodded, Ren smiled again "I'm your date okay? Okay. Lets go watch the movie"said Ren. Min hee stopped him "Wait what? I'm not bringing a date. Like i said i don't like boyfriends and dates lead to boyfriends"said Min hee, "So do going to parties. I'll be a fake date"said Ren. "Why?"asked Min hee a bit confused on why he wanted to come with her. Ren shrugged his shoulders "I wanna party to"said Ren. Min hee shook her head and walked towards the theater room. Ren chuckled and followed her. When they got to the room they sat down next to each other "What movie did you get anyways?"asked Min hee "I forgot, we'll know when we see it"said Ren. Min hee nodded, they watched the previews then the movie started. Half way through the movie they ran out of popcorn, Ren stood up "I got it"said Ren. He walkedout of the theater room and got more popcorn, on the way back he saw that same guy sitting next to Min hee. He looked around and snuck behind seats. He knew he was visible because of his blonde hair so he put his hood on and listened "No you don't have to."said the guy "Okay, cause i don't drink or smoke"said Min hee "I know. Your the innocent one"said the guy laughing. Min hee smiled "By the way can i bring a date?"said Min hee. Ren smiled and kept listening "Yeah of course. Is he willing to drink or smoke?"asked the guy "Not sure. I'll ask him. So tonight?"said Min hee "Yeah. Wear something good okay. Although you always look good"said the guy "Haha yeah right man. Whatever"said Min hee. The guy pat her on the head "See you tonight Min hee"said the guy. He stood up and walked away, Ren stood up after he left and pretended he just arrived "Got the popcorn"said Ren, "Cool. Thanks"said Min hee. Ren stayed quiet. He spoke "Min hee...Can i go with you to the party. I wanna be your date, see what people would do you know. How i'd feel, how we would feel"said Ren. Min hee ate a piece of popcorn and sighed "Okay. You can be my 'fake' date"said Min hee. Ren smiled and grabbed a handful of popcorn. He started to imagine what she would wear, would she wear the heels. Does she have nice clothes? Does she curl her hair? Does she wear make up? What should HE wear? Ren had so many questions. He smiled and didn't even watch the rest of the movie. He wanted to see what she would look like in a dress. He wanted to know so bad.............................................................................................Mianhe for late update, i was a bit busy with my life T.T it ....Anyways thats this chapter, please subscribe/comment/upvote you choose, jebal. Kamsahamnida L.O./\.Es
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caterinechizen #1
Chapter 3: uh, this look interesting. Update soon please, I also wanna know what's gonna wear Minki *-*
MarisabellKpop4EVER #2
Chapter 2: i apologize for the crappy format, it tends to squish the text together, my phone screws it up. sorry sorry ^////^
MarisabellKpop4EVER #3
kamsahamnida for reading ^^ i'll continue
HmooThweLwin #4
Chapter 1: i love ur story Author-nim. plz update <3