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You're Crooked
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It's only been 10 minutes into the lesson and Seunghyun hasn't learned how to shut up yet, which for me is torture seeing as I hate talking to people other than my friends.

"Hey Yurriii" Seunghyun poked my arm.

I ignored him and continued to find the right chapter of the book I was trying to read.


Just ignore him


He only wants attention


"What do you want?!" I hissed.

"Yay you replied. So that's number 3."

"Number 3?"

"The number 3 time you've spoken to me today" Seunghyun replied smirking at me.

"You mean the 3rd time?" I asked.

"4th now." He answered.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the book, flicking through the pages while doing my work.

It's not fair for me is it? I do all the right things... I'm kind, I help people (that I like) and I follow the rules. So how come of all the people I have to sit with for the rest of the year it has to be him?.

Seunghyun continued to poke and prod me for the rest of the lesson. It was now second lesson Art, something that I like and I can't let him spoil it, though, I'm sure he'll find a way.

"Look can you just stop?" I pleaded.

"Nope, I like hearing your voice." He said. His lips curling up into a cat-like smile.

"I'm sure that's the reason why. Anyways, as much as I enjoy this conversation, I have to get a rubber." I muttered u

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Chapter 22: Omo! Wow! I didn't except that it has to end thare, tho I was wanting for more! But anyways, still waiting for your next update and all of your stories are really addicted ... to read xD. SPREAD THE LOVE OF TOPYUL FEELS! ^^
minhoyyuri24 #2
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
kwonyuri1205 #4
Chapter 22: Omg, im supa dupa curious what will happpen next.. they're NOT gonna break up rite?? Please tell me a good news.. huxhux.. update soon~
rachel90anne #5
Chapter 13: haha! oh my gosh! i started to ship Yuri with Top! I like it!