Page 16 (Note Taking part 2)

Vehement Brightness! [Hiatus]



 Page 16

“No; no. Your insolence was far too great. Not even someone like me could save you from your untimely death sentence.”


“What!? (0_0) You’re going to kill me? I thought you would just lock me up in the dungeon. Spare me Princess! I’ll do anything for you!”


“Anything, you say?”


“Yes! Absolutely anything to regain my lady’s trust! I know I was playful, but I couldn’t help myself; (shrugs shoulders) that’s just how I am (^_^) But I really mean no harm; I swear that I’m just a kidder at times. I’m truly sorry to have caused the princess distress. Whatever you ask of me, consider it done.”


“Hmm… well… During math, I have a hard time taking notes because most of the time, I don’t even understand the solution! It’s only in math that I find it hard to do both listening and note-taking. So if I could ask for one thing, could you please help me take down notes? I mean, if my notes are lacking I would surely like to borrow your notebook sometimes.”


“Oh… is that your only request my lady? It’s rather light of a punishment for an insolent knight like me.”


“Of course I know that (-_-). (smirk) Who says I was going to forgive you that easily? I have 2 more requests for you, oh impertinent one!”


“Have mercy on my soul~ (^_^)”


“The 2nd request is that you shall be my math tutor! So it must be automatic that every time we have a new lesson in math or have a test, you shall remind me and we shall have a tutoring session!”


“Is that all you got princess!? That punishment is still too light! BRING IT ON! BRING IT ON!”


“And my 3rd request is you shall give me a massage on the back while I eat the chips, cookies and drink the juice that omma prepared (^_^) and…”






“Yeah I’m serious! Now do as I say!”


“That’s waaaaay too much you spoiled princess! (-_-) You might as well kill me!”


“You were asking for punishment, so I gave you punishment (^_^) Now get started before I kick you out of my palace!”




A few minutes later, Ji Yeon’s test paper lies on the floor as she is eating away chips and cookies, and drinking juice. Baekhyun is massaging her back, just staring, and I mean STARING REALLY HARD, at the forbidden goods. This was punishment indeed.




He massaged her for 15 minutes.




“Fair princess, I’m afraid my hands are getting tired … may I sto-”


“No; 5 more minutes.”


“Please!! Make the horror end!”


“Hihihihi (^_^) No.”




Another 5 minutes of massaging




“Alright you pitiful knight, you are forgiven for your foul misbehavior (^_^)”


“(sighs in exhaustion) Finally!”


Baekhyun flops down on the floor, arms stretched out.




“Man Ji Yeonie, you were harsh.”


“Well (-_-) you started it oppa.”


“Yeah… I know. I’m sorry again… I haven’t really had that many friends who were girls, and now that I have you, I remember my sister.”


“You have a sister oppa!? (0_0)”


“Yup, a younger one. But (chuckles) that’s a story for another day (^_^) Did you have fun playing princess? Hahaha (^_^) If I ever tease you again in the future, and you get mad at me, we’ll play this again as a way for you to take revenge on me for my pranks. As for being your math tutor and note-taking, I’m happy to accept the job offer.”


“Thanks Oppa! (^_^) Oh, and you can eat now if you want.”


“MAN! That was THE WORST punishment ever! To have snacks right in front of me and not be able to eat any! And even more horrendous; I HAD TO WATCH YOU EAT IT! Gosh, my mouth was watering. You really know how to make people suffer (-_-) After having a taste of the chips, I craved for more—but you suddenly restricted me! I could have you sued! (>_<)”


“Wahahaha! (^_^) LOL dude. Anyways, come eat already while I go back to answering your test paper.”


“Go on and answer Ji Yeon (^_^) I’ll eat when I start feeling my hands again (-_-)”


Baekhyun remained lying on the floor with his arms stretched—it made Ji Yeon feel kind of guilty to see Baekhyun so tired. Baekhyun caught her looking at him.


“What’s wrong Ji Yeonie? (^_^) I’m fine.”


“Yeah… now I’m sorry for overworking you; my bad. Now that you’re free to eat, you’re too tired to even grab the snacks.”


“No, it’s alright. Don’t worry about me.”






Ji Yeon felt really sad—it’s true that she completely got her revenge, but now that she wasn’t angry anymore, she wished she had never punished Baekhyun in the first place. Not to mention that it was all Baekhyun’s plan about playing princess that enabled her revenge to be of total satisfaction. Seems that he’s gone back to being the sweet Baekhyun that everyone loves; even though he really wants to eat, he keeps telling Ji Yeon he’s just fine.


Again Baekhyun notices Ji yeon’s look of guilt




“Ji yeonie, are you still worried?”


“I’m sorry (bows to the ground); truly I am.”


“You’re forgiven (^_^) Now go live your life and answer the freaking test!”


“But I have to make it up to you somehow…”




Then a thought popped up in Ji Yeon’s mind… it was… kind of… embarrassing?... but she knew it would help Baekhyun a lot… and anyway… he was her ideal type or something…


…so this plan seemed kind of legit…




“Um… Oppa…”


“what is it now Ji Yeon? (^_^)”


“Please let me feed you.”




After that statement, Ji Yeon was prepared with her poker face—a face that was totally blank and unreadable to most people, except for her family, Chan yeol and just recently, Kai. It seemed that what she said did not affect her at all; although she was embarrassed to bits. Baekhyun on the other hand, was so obviously shocked. He quickly sat up and waved his arms in the air.


“See? I’m fine (^_^) No need for whatever nonsense and guilty feelings.”


“Oppa, just please stop pretending and let me feed you (-_-) I know you’re tired.”


“Yeah; but do you have any idea what Chan Yeol would say?? I’ll tell you right now, HE’D COMMIT SUICIDE!”


“That’s an exaggeration (-_-)”


“Well… yes (-_-); kind of. But still! He’d sulk for a week or something! I don’t know; all I do know is he likes you a lot. And I don’t want misunderstandings Ji Yeon, I’m sorry. I know you only wanted to help.”










“Right… whatever…”




Ji Yeon turns her back and starts answering her test paper, disappointed that her help was rejected. It was so embarrassing too; who in the world says “Please let me feed you”? She had totally humiliated herself; even though all she really wanted was to help.


Obviously, Baekhyun knew her intentions were good too. But he just didn’t want to get involved with anything that may be mistaken as romantic when it came to Ji yeon—since it seemed that Kai maybe developing a crush on her, that he and Sehun very well knew would not end well. But still… Ji yeon was just being nice…


He sighed and sat beside Ji Yeon.




“Ji yeonie?”


“What? I’m busy answering.”


“Are you mad at me again?”




“But you’re disappointed right? Because you wanted to help me eat, but I didn’t let you. I’m sorry; I just don’t want Chan Yeol to-”


“Alright; I get it. Go eat by yourself.”


“But Ji Yeonie, you’re so obviously upset with me.”


“Seriously Oppa; Whatever, I don’t care. Do as you please.”


“Ok, fine.”




At that moment, Baekhyun took Ji Yeon’s paper and tore it in 2.




“(0_0) Oppa! (annoyed) What did you do that for!? I worked so hard and I didn’t even get to finish!”


“Hmph. Now you’ve got no excuse.”




Suudenly, Baekhyun lied down on Ji Yeon’s lap with his arms crossed.


“You were asking for it, so here it is.”


“Feed me.”







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iammia960107 #1
Chapter 31: aaaaaw...kai please be alright ^_^ will kaisoo tell their story to jiyeon already? *_*
Retsel_ #2
Chapter 30: Hahaha... it was funny the introduction of his fathers...
Jiyeon was nervous ^^
Update soon ♥
linhkju #3
Chapter 30: Yeah yeonie try know chanie more and im sure you will love hjm . Update soon
iammia960107 #4
Chapter 30: aaaaaw...chanyeol slowly opened up ^_^ you write so well authornim...
Parkshiyoon #5
Chapter 29: update soon authornim ♥
Chapter 29: I really, really like Yeol's personality in this story! He's so adorable! I can't wait for the next chappie.
yulsicbyung #7
Chapter 28: poor yeollie :(
Chapter 28: the "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful~" part really made me laugh. I hope Jiyeon will develop feelings faster for Yeol soon, 'cause I really pity him. Though I think she is starting to see him as a guy, not just a puppy or a best friend.
iammia960107 #9
Chapter 28: wahahaha...baekhyun's "don't hate me cuz i'm beautiful" really made me laugh XD gah...i'm really curious now with the whole exo's backstories ^_^ jiyeon's agyeo is totally daebak ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 27: i mean, Yeollie. i was distracted 'cause I watched the video. hahaha... that was Kai's part, right? the one Baek sang.