Interlude 05

Brothers in Arms: Falling Sky

Sooyoung expertly steered the chariot as the hydra continued its assault on Atlas.  Sungjong fired his magical arrows while Rain emptied his clip, but nothing seemed to stop it. 


“Wait a second, I remember this story! The only way to kill it, is to cut off all its heads at once” Mir said.


“Got it!” Rain replied, jumping from the chariot and landing on one of the Hydra’s necks.  Mir flew down and grabbed another neck and Sungjong aimed a supercharged arrow at the third.


“Attack on three! One, two, THREE!” Sooyoung yelled.  Rain sliced the first head off with his lucky knife, Mir ripped the second one off with his bare hands and Sungjong fired his arrow, vaporizing the last head on contact.  The Hydra’s lifeless body fell to the ground below, bringing Rain down with it. 


“HELP WOULD BE NICE!” Rain screamed as he fell helplessly.  Mir swooped down and caught him, before bringing him back up to the chariot. 


“We did it!” Sungjong cheered.


“Of course we did, now let’s go help Joon,” Rain said.

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Chapter 3: So Jaejoong really IS a bad guy. He seems like a good match for Joon, so bring it on, you evil bastard! Joon needs to take him down. I love this series and am so happy to be reading this last part of it, even though I'm super late...Great job!
Chapter 2: Poor Joon...He's been through so much already, so I hope he'll be encouraged and rejuvenated by this offer. I still remember Mir's death. It was so sad, after all he did to help. I hope Joon will find peace<3.
Chapter 1: So, I know I'm a "little" late, but I'm finally getting around to reading the end of this wonderful series. I'm looking forward to it!
Chapter 17: It was interesting to read and I liked how you used the mythology, but the chapters were so so short, I'm sad about it! ;/
Chapter 17: Is it bad that I like this ending? ;A; it's not forced and not fancy, it's just the way it should be.
So I want to thank you for everything ^^ I hope you still had fun writing it as I for sure enjoyed their last adventure together ^^
Chapter 16: Jaejoong is the biggest Drama Queen in the entire Universe... and its parallel versions - Period >>;
On another note, JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONIE ;A; ...guess I should have expected that OTL
Chapter 15: Go Team Rain, go Team Rain ◕‿◕ just don't die too you guys ◕‿◕
Chapter 14: "Sooyoung led us to the huge golden chariot." - I first read carrot... then had to check again, yep.
A+ for the chapter title xDDD and goddamnit Joon, why are you always late orz
Ahhh and thank you for taking your time to update! OTL
Chapter 13: The title made me laugh... then I went serious again... then Rain's "Epic fail" made me laugh again, then more serious faces... ugh, chaos, chaos everywhere OTL OTL OTL