The Chapter before Sh*t goes down

Brothers in Arms: Falling Sky

Sooyoung led us to the hall of the gods; a huge, ancient Greek looking building.  I sat the crate down in the center of a large circle of chairs.


“Where are the other gods?” Sungjong wondered.


“They’re all dead… the war in the 1920’s, it wiped us all out,” Sooyoung said softly, looking off into the distance as if she was reliving some terrible memory.  My attention was diverted to Mir, who was prying open the crate. 


“Oooh, a sword! Called it!” Rain shouted as he grabbed the golden blade.


“That sword belonged to Perseus, the killer of Medusa and one of the founding members of the slayer order that you’re a part of now.  The shield should be in there too,” Mir explained.  Rain found the shield and strapped it to his arm.  I looked through the crate and found a pair of boots that had a faint glow to them.  Sooyoung gasped when she saw them.


“Those belonged to my brother Minho… uh Hermes… they should give you the ability to move at super speed and even fly,” she said.  I kicked off my shoes and put the boots on.  They felt strange at first but that feeling quickly went away.  Mir tossed me a robe, made from a lion’s pelt.


“This was the property of the one and only Hercules.  Wearing this will give you greater resistance to Jaejoong’s attacks… but still be careful, it won’t turn you into Superman,”


I put it on and felt a rush of energy.


“Alright… I think I’m ready to do this,” I said.


“Okay, we move out in thirty minutes.  We’re going to find Jaejoong and stop him before he can carry out his plan,” Sooyoung said.  I took a deep breath and pulled Rain aside.


“What’s up Joon?”


“There’s something I need to tell you,”




“Remember how dad always used to say, happy endings depend on where you stop telling the story?”


“Uh… yeah, why?”


“Well, if I don’t make it out of this… I want you to tell people that I gave my life for our cause, and leave it at that… there’s no reason to ruin the story with a sad ending,”


“Joon… you’re going to make it out of this.  We’ll stop the Hydra, you’ll stop Jaejoong.  Our team has always been unstoppable and that’s not gonna change now,”


Our conversation was interrupted by Sungjong, who was still searching through the crate.


“What’s this Sooyoung?” he asked, holding a strange orb.  Sooyoung’s eyes grew wide and she grabbed the orb from him and put it back in the crate.


“That is the Omniforce, the source of all energy… I didn’t even think it really existed,”


Before any of us could respond to her words, the ground began to shake violently.   We all ran to the entrance, and Sooyoung was hit in the shoulder by a large spear, knocking her down.  I looked out into the field and saw the boy from the battle on earth… the one that Sooyoung escaped from.


“Myungsoo,” she whispered.  He marched closer to us and I pulled out my gun.  I didn’t even have time to shoot before Sooyoung held out her hand.  Her golden apple materialized in her palm.


“Run,” she commanded.  We all ran back inside the building.  I could see the glow from the apple and hear Myungsoo’s screams.  I didn’t want to know what she had done to him.  When the screaming stopped we helped Sooyoung stand up.  Myungsoo’s body was nowhere to be seen.


“Why is the ground shaking so bad… Myungsoo wasn’t that strong…” Sungjong said.


“My god… the pillar!” Sooyoung shouted, pointing up at the huge stone pillar that was starting to crumble.


“What’s happening!?” I asked.


“The pillar… it’s not actually a pillar.  It’s Atlas, the largest of the titans.  To pay for his crimes against the gods, he was forced to hold up the sky itself… if Jaejoong kills him, the sky will fall!” she explained.


“He must’ve sent Myungsoo as a distraction,” Mir said.


“Epic fail,” Rain mumbled.


“He must be using the Hydra to hurt Atlas… but where is it, I don’t see anything,” I said.


“He must be attacking his upper body, it’s high above the clouds,” Sooyoung replied.


“How can we get up there?” Rain asked.


“I have access to Baekhyun… I mean Apollo’s chariot… let’s go!” she said, running back into the building.


 This was it… our confrontation with Jaejoong was about to begin…

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Chapter 3: So Jaejoong really IS a bad guy. He seems like a good match for Joon, so bring it on, you evil bastard! Joon needs to take him down. I love this series and am so happy to be reading this last part of it, even though I'm super late...Great job!
Chapter 2: Poor Joon...He's been through so much already, so I hope he'll be encouraged and rejuvenated by this offer. I still remember Mir's death. It was so sad, after all he did to help. I hope Joon will find peace<3.
Chapter 1: So, I know I'm a "little" late, but I'm finally getting around to reading the end of this wonderful series. I'm looking forward to it!
Chapter 17: It was interesting to read and I liked how you used the mythology, but the chapters were so so short, I'm sad about it! ;/
Chapter 17: Is it bad that I like this ending? ;A; it's not forced and not fancy, it's just the way it should be.
So I want to thank you for everything ^^ I hope you still had fun writing it as I for sure enjoyed their last adventure together ^^
Chapter 16: Jaejoong is the biggest Drama Queen in the entire Universe... and its parallel versions - Period >>;
On another note, JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONIE ;A; ...guess I should have expected that OTL
Chapter 15: Go Team Rain, go Team Rain ◕‿◕ just don't die too you guys ◕‿◕
Chapter 14: "Sooyoung led us to the huge golden chariot." - I first read carrot... then had to check again, yep.
A+ for the chapter title xDDD and goddamnit Joon, why are you always late orz
Ahhh and thank you for taking your time to update! OTL
Chapter 13: The title made me laugh... then I went serious again... then Rain's "Epic fail" made me laugh again, then more serious faces... ugh, chaos, chaos everywhere OTL OTL OTL