Ch 16

This isn't me. (My new life)

Loud music coming from inside the room escaped into the dim lit lobby. I opened the door and peered inside. The boys were practicing intensely. I looked at Kai with a guilty expression and we slowly stepped onto the black floor that belonged to the dance studio. 

"Yah! You're late!" Chen cried. Faces that glistened with sweat turned to us. 

"Kai's fault!" I pointed to the boy beside me and ran to hide behind Chanyeol. "Yah!" He yelled. Suho walked up to him. "Jinjja." He tried saying sternly but instead a small chuckle hid under his voice. 

"At least I came." He said as he strides past the other. 

"Where'd you go anyway?" Chanyeol asked as he patted my head. "Ice Cream." I smiled, remembering the delicious cream filling my stomach. 

"Alright. Let's start now." I stood up and brushed off any dust on my pants. 

"Haneul. Did you start your solo yet?" Kris asked. I looked at him and shook my head. "Sehun-ah!" He turned to the maknae who was talking to Luhan. "Neh?" 

"Help Haneul a with her solo after practice." He looked at me before agreeing. 


"Bwoh?!" A loud voice filled the room, hushing everyone from their small talk. "Why Sehun?" Our heads turned to the voice. A wide eyed Kai was standing in front on the stero. 

"Wae? Shiro?" Suho asked. "A-Ani." He stuttered. "Then stop talking and let's start." Kai looked at me dully before hitting the play button. We all got into our positions and waited for the cue. I looked at Kai from the corner of my eye and shook my head. 

We have already danced a good two minutes of the dance and we were still going at it. I was making my way to the center of the room. As I did, Kai lightly bumped into me, causing me to stumble a bit. I turned my head to him. He smiled and continued to dance. I rolled my eyes. 


"Good job everyone!" Both Kris and a Suho said as they wiped the sweat off their body. I tiredly chugged down the water. I began packing my things until a hand was placed onto my shoulder. Is topped and turned my head around to see who it was. 

"Remember the solo?" Sehun smiled down at me. "Ah! Right!" He chuckled at my relization and we made our way to the center of the room. Slowly, everyone started to exit the room. Everyone except one person. Kai. 

"Hyung. You're not leaving?" Sehun asked him through the mirror. Kai sat down on the couch at the back other room and just stared at Sehun's reflection. He stayed quiet for a bit before replying. 

"Eo." He got up and trudged his way out of the door. I raised my eyebrow and look at Sehun before cracking a smile. 

"Weirdo." Sehun chuckled. 

"Arrasso. I have some ideas. Let a try this." 

Sehun and I stood side by side. I copied his every movement as he went through them. As I was dancing, I didn't realize that Sehun was such a good dancer and chereographer. I stared at him intently as I copied every movement. He caught my eye in the mirror and I gave him a small smile. 

"You okay so far?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer Sehun." He smiled at me and chuckled.

"I'm not just all looks you know." I shot him a look and scoffed. "Please." We both laughed

After practice we were both tired and sweaty. I plopped down onto the floor as he walked to his bag to grab a towel to wipe off the sweat. 

I laid there in silence, staring at the ceiling as I focused on my breathing. "Tired?" I lazily turned my head to the right and nodded my heavy head. I looked at the clock that hung on the ceiling. 9 o'clock. "It's getting late. We have school tomorrow. I can walk you home." He offered. I shook my head. "It's okay. I don't live that far." Sehun shook his head disapprovingly. "Nope. A pretty girl like you shouldn't walk home alone in the dark." I sat up with my hair a mess and rolled my eyes. There was no point in arguing with him cause I know I won't win. I dragged my heavy body off the floor to gather my things and like that, we both exited out the building and made my way home. 

"I thought you hated Kai." Sehun asked. I looked up at his face as I tried to make out his facial features in the dark. I shrigged my shoulders. "He's okay." I stared down at my fingers.

Sehun looked at me with a questioning look. "Stop staring at me." In the darkness I saw a light that caught his eyes and he smiled. "You like him!" He exclaimed. I stopped walking and punched his shoulder. "I do not!" I frowned. Sehun rubbed his shoulder and chuckled. "Oh my god, you are so into him." I rolled my eyes and continued walking, not bothering in waiting for him. "You're stupid." He ran to catch up with me. "He has a fiance." I whispered. 

"So, it's not like they actually like each other." He said. I looked at him. "He's doing it to please his dad. Kai doesn't have much of a choice. Jihyun is only pretending to like him because of who Kai is." I raised an eyebrow. "What's so special about Kai?" I scoffed. 

"Well, to start off, he's part of EXO. All the girls are over him and his dad is one of the biggest businessmen in Korea." I sighed. That explains it. 

So to clear things up, I never had a shot with Kai anyway. So why waste my time with him when he has Jihyun, EXO and his big time daddy. I shook my head frustrated. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled into Sehun's arms. He took his knuckle and rubbed it against my head, messing up my already gross and messy hair.

"Aigoo little one. It's okay." He poked fun. I shoved him off and stomped off in front of him. 

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 2: Cute so far!
Chapter 11: Update soon
Andi_Kai #3
Chapter 9: Why it says you're update? When the truth is you aren't
Chapter 9: Awwww I thought there's a new update. ;/
Catsyleyy88 #5
Chapter 9: New reader here ! Please update soon ! So interesting ! :)
Chapter 7: hehehehe.. nice ,,update soon.............
Chapter 8: I hope it's not true!
Chapter 6: chapter pleaseeee....
Chapter 6: Continue please!!!!!!! :D