Just Tell Me What's Wrong

Too Short With You, Too Long Without You (4)

...not edited and super short, sorry...

            Dong Hoon’s story haunted me for days.  It was like fate dropped him from the sky and then swooped him away after he talked to me because I never saw him again.

            But I couldn’t get his words out of my head.  He was right.  He was so right, I couldn’t get over it. 

            “Amelia, you hungry?  Let’s order some delivery,” Jae Hyo suggested.  I glanced over at him sprawled out on the floor.  His phone that he’d been engrossed in moments earlier was lying on his chest.

            “Sure,” I replied thoughtlessly, turning my face back to stare up at the ceiling.  I’d been reading, but my mind wasn’t into it and now my book lay forgotten next to me on his bed.

            “What do you want to eat?” he continued.  “Chicken?”

            This was my life.  Dong Hoon was right.  I was the one who had to do all this stuff and if I didn’t want to do it, then I shouldn’t. 

            “Sure,” I replied automatically, still not really listening to him.

            My parents want what’s best for me, I understand, but what they think is best for me is not the same as what I want.  What I feel is best for me.

            “I don’t want chicken,” he grumbled.  “Pizza?”


            “How about dog meat soup?”


            It’s not like I want to stay in Korea to live at home forever.  And do nothing with my life.  No, I want to work.  There are plenty of good universities here.  I could get a really good opportunity here in Seoul, too.

            “I have to tell you something.”  Jae Hyo’s face appeared next to my head.  He’d magically come over to the side of the bed and knelt next to it.  “U-bomb is not real.  It’s JaeBomb.  I’m sleeping with Min Hyuck.  How do you feel about that?”

            It’s not unreasonable to want to stay in my comfort zone.  Plenty of people hate change!  I’ll get a good job here, damn it!

            “Jae Hyo, I really don’t have a preference on what we…wait, what did you say?”

            Blinking, I sat up and reined in my thoughts.  Jae Hyo was sitting on the floor next to the bed now, pouting.

            “You’re ignoring me,” he declared.  I giggled and slid off the bed to sit in front of him.  I tried to grab one of his hands, but he held his arms crossed at his chest away from me.

            I bit my bottom lip.  I guess I was kind of ignoring him.  “I’m sorry, Jae Hyo.”

            He poked me in the forehead before crossing his arms again.  “Too much stuff going on in there.  There’s no Jae Hyo in there anymore.”

            He could be so cute when he wanted to.  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.  “That’s not true.  I keep a spot empty right here” – I pointed to a spot on the back of my head – “That’s where I keep Jae Hyo.  He’s always in there.”

            Jae Hyo’s brown eyes narrowed at me.  “Why is he in the back?”

            I dragged my fingers from the back all the way over to the front at my hairline.  “There.  Now he’s in front.”  I flattened my hands on his thighs and slid them forward until I could hook them into the front pockets of his jeans.  I pouted out my lower lip.  “I’m sorry, Jae Hyo.  Really.  I know I’ve been distracted lately, but you’re always in my head.  Honest.”  His face turned slightly toward me.  He was cracking.  “Forgive me?”  He caught himself and sniffed, tipping his face away again.  I scrambled into his lap and put my hands on his neck.  “Jae Hyo,” I whined.  “Please, forgive me.”  When he continued to refuse to look at me, I squeezed his neck.  He hacked and grabbed my hands.  Finally looking at me, he looked shocked.

            “If I don’t forgive you, you’re going to strangle me?” he cried.  I nodded.  He frowned.  “Not the best way to get me to forgive you.”

            I wiggled my hands out of his grasp.  I smirked as I let my hands trail down his chest until I reached his belt.  I situated my face right in front of his until our lips were centimeters apart.  “Sorry,” I whispered.  “Should I squeeze somewhere else then?” I asked as seductively as I could.

            Jae Hyo choked and put a hand over his heart, falling backwards, I toppled on top of him.  I laughed as I adjusted myself directly on top of his laid-out body.  He let his head loll to the side as if he were dead.

            “Do you forgive me now?” I wondered, poking him in the cheek.

            He opened one eye.  “I didn’t feel any squeezing.  Ah!  The good kind,” he corrected when I placed my hand over his throat.  I giggled.

            “You totally forgive me,” I replied, rolling off him to sit next to him.  “There’s no need anymore.”

            He huffed and sat up.  “I never win.”  I arched an eyebrow at him.  “Ok, sometimes I win, but I wanted to win this time.”  I smiled at him.  “Baby, when are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you?” he asked softly.

            Not until I get myself together, I told him mentally.

            “I love you, Jae Hyo,” I murmured, crawling back into his lap sideways.  I hugged him around the neck.  “And I want to eat jjajangmyun.”  He cradled me close to his chest and growled.  I pecked him on the cheek. 

            That was that then.  Dong Hoon was right.  About everything.  It was my life and I was going to live it the way I wanted to.  Not the way everyone who’s ever known me wants me to.  And I was going to live in Korea.  With my family.  With my friends.  With Jae Hyo.

            “Nothing’s wrong, I promise,” I assured him as I placed my cheek on his shoulder, inhaling his scent.  The scent I'd never leave.

            At least there won’t be anything wrong.

            As soon as I figure out how to fix this so I don’t feel like I’m screwing up my entire life.  Hey, fate, I could use a sign right about now.

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Hehe the Italian flag part was so adorable just imagining him doing it irl lol. Anyway, great fanfic! Loved it. It was sad it ended though :(
faddyrobot09 #2
awwwww! I finally finished this! Goodness, it took me soo long! But I loved it. Dong Hoon was probably one of my favorite characters! He was just there to knock some sense into her! Jordan was great as well for telling Jaehyo! And Jaehyo supporting her just shows how much he loves her! UGH, if only guys are always like that! <br />
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Great story as always! XD
Ethrel #3
So.freaking.cute. I can hardly stand it! Woman you're screwing up my bias list all over again and yet I regret nothing. I have to admit this one is probably my favorite ending out of all of them.
miiivp #4
OH MY GOD IT ENDS ;~;<br />
no more sweet romance between Jaehyo and Amelia huaaa<br />
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it was good. really good.<br />
makes me know what I WANT to do.<br />
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I just have 4 thumbs and I know they're not enough to express my feeling abt this story. and you <3