Of Rosy Cheeks and Melted Snow

Of Rosy Cheeks and Melted Snow (Gift Fic)

A/N: Caution: Super Fluff. I'm so sorry. XD


     It was never quiet with maknae in the room. Date or time or location, didn't matter. Seungri just wouldn't shut up. Even now, nearing three in the morning in July and after just arriving back at the dorm from a full day of schedules, it was still the same.

     Youngbae had grown accustomed to just ignoring the youngest, because it wasn't like whatever was being babbled about was that important, but this time he couldn't help but to give in to Seungri's attempts at getting attention. Seunghyun was still in the kitchen finishing up a late night snack. Jiyong and Daesung had long since retired to their beds. Seungri and Youngbae were in the next room over, closest to the kitchen, so of course it wasn't long until Seungri stopped mid-sentence about something pertaining to a wild night in Osaka before he sniffed the air around him and walked briskly to the place with the food.

As soon as Seungri entered the room with Youngbae following close behind, it was Seunghyun who reacted first.

"Youngbae-ah, how do you deal with him?" he laughed lowly, elbows on the kitchen table, wiping his lips from the juice of his favorite fruit. Seungri watched Seunghyun's fingers attentively as they swept across his lips and reached for a napkin in his lap.

"I don't. I just wait for something else to distract him, and then I'm off," he smirked. "Oh hey, look maknae. Its Seunghyun-ahjussi. Go keep him company," he smiled, giving maknae a light shove toward the kitchen table. Seungri gave the two his usual pout, as Youngbae sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, what is it now?" Seunghyun mumbled through a napkin against his mouth.

"I just remembered I wasn't done with my story," Seungri recalled. "Yeah! Like rockmelons, this really hot chick-"

"Seungriyah!" the two elders interjected.

"Well it's true! Just like what hyung is eating. Her melons. I just-"


Seunghyun wrapped his hands around maknae's mouth while Youngbae put maknae in a head lock and proceeded to rub his knuckles at the top of his head. Seungri's muffled yelps could hardly be contained in Seunghyun's grasp, but at some point he had stopped complaining.

Seunghyun's hands were warm, and the faint scent of watery sweet melon sticking to the elder's palms was calming on a warm summer night at an odd hour.

    Seunghyun had always been like that in Seungri's perspective. Seunghyun made him feel calm, just with his warmth, his silence, in those times when he wasn't cracking jokes with Daesung or putting on the air of T.O.P, almost ignoring him. But Seunghyun was just being himself now, helping Seungri in ways the eldest wasn't even aware of. Because when Seunghyun gave Seungri his attention, it was such a rare thing to him that he savored those moments. He missed the times of acting with him in My Nineteen, or competing with him in the early days as Big and Little Seunghyun, to the times he helped the eldest with choreography, or even when Seunghyun's jokes would pertain to something Seungri did, or-

"Mmmf mff mf mf," Seungri muffled through the eldest's hands. Youngbae let him go.

"Don't say anything stupid,"Youngbae warned, eyeing Seunghyun to let him go too. Seungri nodded.

"Its too hot. I miss the winter," the youngest sighed. "I want to eat snow with the hyungs again."

"What? Seungriyah, how does your thought process work?" Seunghyun laughed. "Here, I'll go get you an ice cube from the freezer."

"Yah! Not like that," the youngest pouted.

"Then what?" Seunghyun asked again. "If you just miss wearing the coats and those long scarves of yours, they're stuffed in your closet somewhere."

"I want to go out," was all Seungri would say.

     What Seungri really wanted was an excuse to get cold and have to share blankets and hot drinks together, maybe stay up late, huddled up under mountains of quilts, while chatting away, as always, about nothing or anything. Or how fun it was to hear the crunch of snow beneath his feet, to feel numb to the cold, to laugh at everyone's red noses, to hum songs with chattered teeth, and to go inside someplace warm at the end of it all and just melt. And who better to melt with than the quiet-yet-thrilling Seunghyun.


Not two weeks later, Seungri's people skills had landed him a spot to meet a relative in New Zealand, where it would be winter weather. It became a joke that Seungri seemed to have a relative in every country, but when it kept being proven as true, s stopped teasing.

This trip didn't involve filming for a commercial in the mountains nor anything else promotional. There were no private planes or product placement this time, but instead a short vacation that maknae had longed for and the hyungs would have to give in to. Maknae was stubborn, after all, and maknae was persistent.

With a long, dramatic sigh of contentment, Seungri found himself at the peak of a small skiing slope, looking down into nothing but pure white with his hyungs by his side.

"Okay, he got what he wanted, now let's go back to the lodge," an already cold Daesung laughed. Jiyong told him to hold on a little longer or else maknae would whine about it. The four expected a pouted or grimace, but realised the youngest was too focused on the white in front of him for him to pay attention to anything else.

With shaking hands, Seungri gripped his skiis with all the strength he had, and was about to push himself down until Youngbae did it for him.


With a screaming maknae, followed by his hyena laugh, the others followed closely behind and all that could be heard was the swooshing of the cold wind burning against ears, numbing everything in mere minutes. Once they arrived at the bottom of the slope, snow no longer undriven, they all had a good laugh, breath fogging in the air. The air was so sweet, the tightening in his muscles were so familiar. Seungri eyed Seunghyun to his left, still laughing and pointing at him.

"Seungriyah, you're so pink," Seunghyun laughed, dimples and all, with the creases of his eyes wrinkling just right.

"So are you, hyung!" Seungri laughed back, picking up a pile of snow and tossing it at him. It didn't take long for a snow ball fight to ensue, and at some point the two Seunghyuns had teamed up against the other three members and the elder was using the younger as his personal sheild. Seungri took all the hits, with one even from Jiyong landing right smack against his forehead.

Seungri was always aware of Seunghyun's hands on his shoulders as he steered him in all directions, how his breath tickled against his ears, how the elder's low chuckles in contrast to all the other's laughter stood out to him. He was so happy in those moments.


Even after hours of being inside, the youngest had still suffered the most physical damages of embarrassment.

"Rosy cheeks, rosy cheeks," Daesung would tease in a sing-song voice, pinching all over. Jiyong and Youngbae would join along until it was all interrupted by Seunghyun, who had just gotten out of their suite's shower.

"Hey, we match," the eldest said as soon as he stepped out from the bathroom door. "Rosy Seunghyuns."

Seungri was overjoyed.

"Hey kid. You still cold?" he asked, approaching the others who were gathered around one of the hotel beds. Seungri had been huddled under all the blankets for about an hour now, but he still couldn't quite feel his fingers and toes. So he nodded.

"Are you really going to spoil him further?" Youngbae asked, lightly punching one of Seungri's shins over the blanket.

"Nah. I was going to offer to group attack him, actually," the eldest mused.

"Great idea!" Jiyong beamed.




It was Seungri's favorite time of the day, the dead of the night. When all was quiet, when he should be asleep but never was, when he allowed his mind to wander.

It had been so long since all five had crammed together in the same bed. Seungri could hardly breathe, but he loved it.

Maknae wasn't sure if he was half-awake or half-asleep, but whatever this warmth was of an arm across his chest, he would let himself think it was meant to be there. He closed his eyes as he felt fingers lightly tapping his nose, as the familiar hands of whom he knew belonged to Seunghyun poked his cheeks.

"Yah," Seungri moaned. "Hyung."

"What?" Seunghyun lowly chuckled into the dark. "Seungriyah is so cute. Don't you like this kind of stuff?"

Offering only a pout, the youngest said nothing.

"Your nose is as cold as a pup's."

"Yah," the youngest moaned again.

"But your cheeks are really warm."

Seunghyun's hands then moved to sweep across Seungri's brunette hair.

"Hey, are you blushing?"


"You've been blushing this whole time, right?"

"Why would I be-"

Seunghyun was chuckling again, and with a light smacking sound, pecked the maknae's cheek.

"Hyung!" Seungri stuttered.

"Ah ha," the eldest mused.

A few moments of silence.

"Yah. Are you happy now, Seungriyah?" Seunghyun whispered.

More than he would ever know, Seungri thought to himself.


"Good," Seunghyun replied with a final pinch of his cheeks before he offered more of his portion of blankets to the youngest.

Seungri decided then in that moment that maybe he couldn't be any happier, any warmer, and all was right in his world where two Seunghyungs could keep each other company like this. And all it would ever take was a bit of snow and rosy cheeks.







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Tenkaichi2121 #1
Chapter 1: Omo so cute i cant believe i just found this story. I love topri ❤️
ElleEvans #2
Chapter 1: love The Seunghyuns <3 cute story btw
tabingu007 #3
Woop woop yay i feel proud to be from nz all of a sudden. Nz represent..... :p
Chapter 1: Weeps cause I'm from New Zealand. Weeps louder cause finally an amazing topri FIC. Wails cause everything is PERF
Chapter 1: Can't. BREATHE.

*swoons and curls up in a lil ball of feels*
This is so amazing.
They're so amazing.
You should have said something when I didn't same day comment xD

I am so so lucky to have people like you in my life, you have no idea!
Love you too~ ❤❤❤❤❤
choiandlee #6
Chapter 1: T.T
definitely my favorite moments, when 2 seunghyun together T.T
its so fluffy and cute and adorable
i love this T.T
Chapinadee17 #7
Chapter 1: Sooooooo cuuuuuuuuutttttttttteeeeeree
Chapter 1: Let me just bask at your presence!
Ah seungwhores will forever be pleasing to read. I'm just glad to have some new material

Even though the gift wasn't for me (happy birthday TOPcorn!), I'm glad to be able to read it. It wasn't exactly the fluffiest of me all, but it's enough to make me feel mushy.

On another note, I'm surprised you didn't add in something about Seungri's birthday somewhere. Hah. #happyVIrthday
Chapter 1: Omg I freaking love this~ <3 heheheheh ^•^