
"Jongin, please listen to your Noona. Even just this once" Jongin's older sister told him as their phone conversation heated.


"No, Noona. I love where I am right now and I have no plans on going back." Jongin said with a firm voice.


"I know that you don't want to come back here but at least consider migrating to America with us." His sister said. Jongin sighed loud enough for her sister to hear.


"Mom and Dad misses you so much, Jong." Jongin's sister added.


Jongin's thoughts cluttered a hazy mess, swirling and contradicting with each other.






Kyungsoo tapped the keyboard lightly, not knowing what to write at all. Like his character, his thoughts, too, are in a daze. Perhaps, his thoughts went along with the smoke that took its exit through the window.


and once again, Jongin was gone, AWOL, out of sight.


He was nowhere to be found.


Getting aggravated of himself, he began to type.


Jongin agreed to his sister's wish despite of feeling forced to do so




"That doesn't seem good enough" Kyungsoo thought to himself.


Jongin rejected his sister's request. What's important for him right now is his own well-being




"Too selfish. It's not good enough" Kyungsoo said to himself. He clenched his fist as his patience grew thinner. With three deep breaths, his patience was recharged. 




Kyungsoo was frustrated as ever. His mind was blank. He punched the table out of self-irritation, the ashtray flew down to the ground because of the intensity of his punch. It made him angrier. He slammed his laptop shut and pushed the table away from him.


"Wow, take it easy Hyung" Jongin popped out of nowhere, placing his hands on Kyungsoo's uneased shoulders. Kyungsoo kept his angry look and took Jongin's hands off of his shoulders. 


"Where have you been anyway?" He asked, exasperated of the sudden writer's block.


"Hyung, just relax will you? I was just gone for a few hours-"


"No, I can't relax! God-ing-damnit! I just want to finish this story and you should be helping me! Instead, you've gone off to...to....I even don't know where! What's your use if you chose to disappear on me like that!?" Kyungsoo bursted out. 


Jongin felt his knees wobbling and his body weakening, as if his soul was taken away by a dark entity. He felt his heart sink, deeper and deeper. His lips quivered, not knowing what to say now that he knew what would happen. Take it back, please take it back.


He was intentionally preventing Kyungsoo to finish his story. He at least wanted it to take more time.  Jongin admits that he's not ready to leave him. If he could ask Kyungsoo to leave his story unfinished, he would. But he doesn't want to be selfish. He loves him too much to be selfish.


Kyungsoo saw the hurt expression of Jongin and finally came back to his senses.


"I'm sorry" He said calmly "I just....just don't know what to write. I'm sorry I blamed you like that Jongin. I...." He said, straightening his dishieveled hair, then covering his mouth from speaking further.


He glanced at Jongin only to find him smiling enthusiastically. Jongin opened Kyungsoo's laptop to read what Kyungsoo has written.


"That's why I'm here" he said to Kyungsoo and winked. 


Tears formed in his eyes as he tried to fixate his mind on reading his story. 


“C-can you make me some garlic bread Hyung?” Jongin tried to contain his emotions, but it prevented him from speaking straight.


Kyungsoo nodded, got up, and went to the kitchen.


Jongin sat on Kyungsoo’s chair and weeped, but not to the extent that Kyungsoo would notice.






The afternoon breeze comforted Kyungsoo as his writer's block continued. He observed his surroundings, but felt nothing. The park looked more astonishing than it did before, but Kyungsoo couldn’t see it. There is something about this day that distracts him dearly. What makes it worse is that he doesn't know what that is. His fingers itched, but he wasn't sure what to write.


He didn’t go there to think, he was there to be an accomplice. Today, it was Jongin who insisted to go to the park and think.


They sat in Kyungsoo’s favourite bench, not too close and not too far from people. 


And for someone who have once spent his entire day sitting in this bench, Kyungsoo was pretty impatient. He looked at Jongin, looked away, then looked at him once more, anticipating his view on the story. Jongin's face suddenly lit up as he nodded by himself.


"I'm coming back not because my sister's forcing me to" Jongin finally said.


Kyungsoo remained silent as he looked into his eyes.


"I'm coming back because I love them, and I don't want to waste the opportunity to be with them. " Jongin said


Kyungsoo doesn't know why, but these words took pieces of him away.






The apartment was in a complete mess. Empty bottles and trails of ashes were on the floor, not a clear walkway in view. It reeked of pizza and cigarette with a hint of liquor. Music blasted through Kyungsoo's beat up, dusty radio. For a normal person, this would look like an alcoholic's den, but this is how Kyungsoo celebrates.


He finally finished Jongin's story.






Kyungsoo could have sworn that he saw Jongin crying. His eyes were red and puffy, tears continuously flowing from his eyes.


The drunk man’s words slurred and jumbled from all of the alcohol that intoxicated him.  He asked “Jongin, why are you crying?” and “are you not happy that Hyung finally finished your story?”. He could barely sit up. And when he wanted to, Jongin would stop him.  


“Hyung” he repeatedly said, lips trembling, shoulders shaking, heart pounding.


This was not the goodbye he had in mind.




He could have sworn that Jongin laid beside him, their legs entangled and their arms overlapping the other. He stopped crying now, and Kyungsoo's eyes started to feel heavy.


He asked Jongin


"What do you like best about your story?"


"When I fell in love with you" Jongin whispered.


"Hey, that's not a part of your story" Kyungsoo said and let out a laugh.




He could have sworn that Jongin didn't sleep.


He opened his eyes slightly and saw Jongin staring back at him. He grinned, Jongin smiled as well. He pulled him closer, until their faces were inches away from each other. Those inches started to decrease, until their noses touched, until their lips met.




He could have sworn that Jongin said "I love you, Do Kyungsoo" and he could have sworn that he said it back.


"You punk, why are confessing when I'm still drunk?"


Jongin's smile was full of love and pain at the same time.




Kyungsoo could have sworn that all of that happened. But when he woke up next to a cold, empty side of the bed, he wasn't so sure anymore.






Because Jongin was nowhere to be found.






"What do you mean?" 


"He couldn't see me anymore after he finished writing the story. I mean, I was there by his side the whole time, but he couldn't see me.." Tiffany explained.

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Chapter 5: Love on how they actually meet at the end ;) ❤
MissRead #2
Chapter 5: I just found this story and it's awesome.... love the way you described the situation... it's beautiful.. love<3
Red_7892 #3
Chapter 5: Wait so did Jongin come to life as kai or something? Or is Kai just a real person that happens to look like Jongin?
Btw, I love your writing style, it's so simple yet beautiful.
Chapter 5: never thought I'd found these kind of fic. wow author nim this is brilliant! Superb! And slightly angst yet wrapped into a hopeful happy ending <3
Marochhi #5
Chapter 5: OMG I just love it!!! but I feel so bad for Jongin because Kyungsoo can't see him anymore but he can see Kyungsoo with Kai.
StarlessSky #6
Chapter 5: OMG. Did Jongin come back? Agh I'm so confused!
Lilica #8
Chapter 5: It was a beautiful story >\\<
I really like your writing style and just as you I tend not to like stories with too much gramatical errors... it just seems so hard to picture scenes, people and evn the feeling when reading a story with a lot of gramatical errors!
And thankfully your story has almost none =D
Please keep your beautiful writing style ^-^

ooops sorry for capslock i just couldn't help myself...i'm just so...idek...
Chapter 5: Yehet! Good job ^____^b