
A Jjang's Life
Lily gawked at Tao. She had only seen him in her dreams, but here he was, standing in front of her. She pinched herself to make sure that she was not dreaming. 
"Ouch!" Lily yelped. 
Tao chuckled. "Why did you pinch yourself?" 
"This isn't some weird illusion, right?" Lily asked, mostly to herself. 
Lily walked toward him and placed a sooty hand on his face. 
"You're real," Lily gasped. 
"Of course I'm real," Tao said. 
"It's just that I dream about you every night," Lily blushed. 
"Me too," Tao said sheepishly, blushing. 
Tao and Lily blushed and looked away. It was so... awkward. After dreaming of each other for so long, they didn't know what to talk about. 
"Uh... Why are you here?" Lily asked gesturing to the broken door. 
"Oh! I forgot! Where is Baekhyun?" Tao asked. 
"I will show you," Lily said as she lead Tao up the stairs. 
They passed several corridors before stopping in front of a white door. 
Lily knocked cautiously on the wood. "Young master, you have a visitor." 
"Come in," Baekhyun said at once. 
"You may enter," Lily said to Tao as she opened the door and bowed. 
 Tao nodded and entered into Baekhyun's room. Lily closed the door behind him and went back to cleaning the entrance floor. The faster she sleeps, the faster she could see her dream boy again. 
Oh wait! 
She didn't get his name! 
Lily mentally slapped herself for not asking the stranger for his name. She blew off her chance with her dream boy. After all, who knows when they will meet again in real life? 
"Give me back my sister," Tao growled. 
Baekhyun smirked. "What if I don't want to?" 
"I'll take her by force," Tao answered. 
Baekhyun merely chuckled. "Are you sure you want that, Tao?"
A group of bodyguards surrounded Tao. 
*Shoot. I'm outnumbered.* Tao thought. 
"If you leave willingly, I'll spare you from any harm." Baekhyun said. 
"I..." Tao started. 
"No way! I'm getting out of here!" SK bursted out from the other door. 
"SK!" Tao called. 
SK merely nodded. She jumped into the air, landing right next to Tao. 
"If you want to get Tao, you'll have to get to me first," SK said with a glare. 
"If you stay, I'll let you have anything you want," Baekhyun said with a smirk. He knew that she wouldn't be able to resist the power of money. "This mansion could be yours. You could have anything you wanted and more. I'll buy anything you want. Even if I have to pluck the stars out of the sky, I'll do it if you want." 
"No," SK said. 
"W-what?" Baekhyun was taken aback. 
"I don't care about money. Even if you were to offer more money I could dream of, I don't care about money. In fact, I despise how people like you use money just to get what you want. But here's a news flash: You can't get everything you want with money." SK explained. 
Baekhyun was shocked. He was frozen. He had never heard anyone reject his money, especially when he was willing to give it. 
With one last glare at Baekhyun, SK kicked a guard that was beside her and kicked the guards that kept advancing. Tao punched the guards one by one until they were all down. 
"Let's get out of here!" SK yelled at Tao. 
Tao and SK ran down the stairs and out of the front door. 
One of the body guards slowly got up, and tried to follow them, but Baekhyun stopped him. 
"Just let them leave, and you guys are all fired," Baekhyun said coldly. 
"Yes, sir," the head bodyguard said. 
After all the bodyguards left, Baekhyun came up with an idea. 
"Since all my bodyguards are gone, I guess I need to hire new ones," Baekhyun said. "And I know two people who are perfect for the job." 
SK and Tao climbed into the window, which Tao had left open earlier. 
"That was awesome!" SK said. 
Tao smiled and laid down on his bed. He wanted to fall asleep quickly so he could see his dream girl again. 
"Today was the most epic day ever. It makes me feel like I've been in an action movie! I mean, we fought professional body guards. That's something I should check off on my bucket list! I always wanted to spar with a professional fighter. Well, I had this chance to take on a professional wrestler when uncle invited us to see that wrestling match a few years ago. You remember that, right Tao? Anyway, there was a contest to see who could take down one of the wrestlers and the winner got to have ₩10,000,000. So I wanted to enter, but the contest was for men only. Don't you think..." SK babbled.
With the sound of SK's voice droning on and on, Tao fell asleep instantly. 
Tao ran. He desperately needed to find her. He sliced his way through the thick vegetation  with his sword. When he finally reached a clearing, he dropped his sword on the grassy green of the forest. She was there. 
Lily turned around and came face to face with her knight in shining armor. Literally. Tao was wearing a knight's outfit, which would explain why he had the sword. Lily was wearing a white dress, which reached up to her knees. 
Tao walked toward her. Lily stayed rooted to her spot, her eyes watching Tao. Tao cupped her cheeks, making Lily look directly into his black orbs. 
"What is your name?" Tao asked. 
"My name is..." 
Tao was quickly fading away from Lily's vision. The forest was fading as well. Everything became black. 
Lily blinked and saw her brother, Chanyeol, smiling at her. 
"Chanyeol!" Lily yelled, glaring at him. 
"What?" Chanyeol asked innocently. 
"What are you doing in my room?!" Lily yelled louder. 
"To remind you that you have only ten minutes to get to school," Chanyeol pointed to Lily's alarm clock. 
"What?!" Lily scrambled out of her bed to her closet. 
As soon as she got ahold of her uniform, Lily made a mad dash to the bathroom. In three minutes,  Lily was dressed, hair brushed, and ready to go to school. Before she left, she took a breakfast sandwich to eat on her walk to school. 
"Bye Chanyeol!" Lily yelled as she ran out of the house. 
"Bye Lily!" Chanyeol hollered back. 
Lily slowed down to eat her sandwich. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining in the sky, a nice breeze was blowing gently on her face, and there were no clouds in the sky. If Lily didn't have to go to school, she would gladly spend the day relaxing in the park. Maybe with an ice cream cone or perhaps a cold drink to wash down her sandwich with. 
Suddenly, Lily's thoughts were disturbed with a low whistle. 
"Hello, hot lady. Would you like to spend this beautiful day with me?" a guy asked. 
"Um... No thank you. I have to go to school," Lily said. 
"Come on, I'll be real nice to you," the guy reached over to touch Lily's shoulder but then... 
"She said she didn't want to go with you, so don't bother her," an icy voice said. 
Lily looked up and saw a tall boy with raven black hair. She gasped. It was him. 
Tao turned to Lily and asked, "Are you ok?" 
Lily couldn't trust her voice to be stable, so she nodded. Tao sighed in relief. 
"I'm glad that you are safe," Tao smiled. 
Lily's heart raced. She was meeting her dream boy again, and he saved her from that stranger and smiled at her. 
"Thank you," Lily smiled. 
Lily turned around and saw a girl who wore a similar uniform to Tao's running in their direction. She was petite and had brown hair that looked like a boy's hair. The only thing that gave away her gender was the uniform skirt which she was wearing with black leggings. 
She glared at Tao for a moment, then looked at the guy, who was half-conscious, and to Lily. 
No words were exchanged, but Lily could tell that the girl understood the situation. 
"Hi, my name is SK," the girl waved at Lily. 
"Hello. My name is Lily," Lily said. 
"So I see my brother, Tao, saved you," SK said. 
"Yes. Wait- did you say brother?" Lily asked. 
"Yup, we're siblings. You see, my mom and his dad married each other, so we're siblings," SK said. "I guess you can consider us step-siblings, but I like it better when we refer each other as sister and brother instead of the whole 'step-' prefix." 
Tao nodded. 
SK's watch beeped. 
"Oops! That means that Tao and I are late to class! We have to go! Nice to meet you, Lily!" SK yelled as she ran off. 
"Bye, Lily," Tao said before he sped off to SK's side. 
"Bye, Tao," Lily whispered to herself. 
Lily stood there for a while, trying to remember her dream boy's name, Tao. Then she remembered the reason she was there in the first place. 
"Oh no! I'm going to be late for class too!" Lily said as she ran all the way to school. 
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nerry55 #1
Chapter 5: AHH!! I loveeee this!! Its so cute and the plot is so interesting!!!
WhySoSerious_Icicle #2
Hey there!! I just wanted to let you know that your story is really good :)!! But poor Tao, he thinks Lily and Chanyeol are dating, well I think he shouldn't just think they're dating, but since she said I Love you too well.… you can misunderstand hahahaha. Well, please continue soon ^^ !!