Chapter 2

Once Upon A Dream

    Weirdly five days past by fast, so it was a day before school-which I constantly complained about but would miss extremely if I ever had to leave. Reasons not debut I thought to myself. Besides who enjoys walking up at 6:00? Okay well not everyone wakes up at six but I don’t have all that fancy stuff to do its just bun, jeans, sweater and I’m ready to go unless I was in the looking good kinda mood. Seeing I only had one day before school started I figured why not do something fun and exciting, after all you didn’t really get much fun at school cause well its always work, work, work, and more work but then again I do attend SM International High School, also referred to as S.M. High. Then I thought again I have to go set up my dorm, get my schedule, and do other lemme ruin your last day of summer chores.

“My life ends today. Hell here I come.” I muttered while getting out of bed to go get my stuff ready and head down to the dorms, which was a relief because every year you got to room with SooHa or SooMi. Quickly looking through my closet I saw all my stuff in boxes already with a little note on top that read:

“Off to work my little princess love you! Have fun setting up with your chingus; call me if you need anything.

  Breakfast is in the fridge and there’s a twenty on the counter for lunch.
Hwaiting! We love our HyeRi  

Smiling at the note you walked over to your phone which started ringing like a maniac

[SooMi: Be over in an hour!]
[SooMi: Be ready!]
[SooMi: Can’t wait ^. ^]
[SooMi: Going into shower, annyeong dongsaeng]
[SooMi: Oh Right don’t forget to eat.]

Smiling at the messages you put your phone done and walked out of your room into your brothers, only to see he already left.

Pabo, When you get back you’re gonna get it! Who leaves to boarding school without saying by to his unnie?!?! Sadness filling my eyes but anger filling my thoughts, the thing is my brother gets bullied a lot because he just well different than other boys but he insist on intending an all-boys boarding school cause he thinks it’d get worse at public school. But every time I check his phone theres always messages calling him gay or a or something extremely offensive, but thankfully he has his wonderful girl friend who lives just a mile or two away and comes to see him a lot. You’d think what’s a girlfriend gonna do? But one day I remember him telling me if it wasn’t for her he probably wouldn’t have been able to bear it. Anyway while walking to the bathroom I quickly toke a shower and headed down stairs slipped on my Jordan Flight sneakers, and sat to eat breakfast. Minnie Mouse waffles? Really Appa? I thought smiling like an idiot. I quickly finished and headed up stairs to bring my boxes down. Just on time I heard the door ring so I grabbed my shoulder bag and my phone and beats (My headphones for the dummies who don’t know). When I answered the door there stood SooHa smiling and excited

“Let’s go!” she chanted
“Araso! Help me with these boxes, so we can get going.” I said to her, once we loaded the stuff up into SooMi’s new car we drove to school. When we arrived we parked the car quickly and headed to the office to get your dorm numbers and schedules. Already the lady knew who you guys were because you guys always traveled together. Like a pack of wolves you thought. Forgetting the thought you looked at your schedule.

 Student Name: Hye Ri, Lee                               Home Room Teacher: Mr. Kim
Dorm Number: Dorm #15 Building D                                      Honors Student

Period 1: Music
Period 2: Acting
Period 3: Composing and Writing
Period 4: Dancing Lessons
Period 5: Lunch
Period 6: Math
Period 7: Study Hall
Period 8: Singing Lessons
Period 9: Languages and Reading

Quickly I headed over to SooMi and SooHa to compare our schedules. Like always you guys had every single class together- all besides period 7 they had Art.  But weirdly you were all bunked together this year, well not the bad weird but the Oh Holy-that-isn’t-a-coincidence-but-I’m-lucky kinda weird, if ya know what I mean.

“Daebak” I cried overly happy with your dorm and schedule
“Let’s go now” I said while my unnies shook their heads in agreement, but before you could walk out the door the lady at the front desk called to you.
“One Second!” while she quickly approached you guys
“Nae?” we all called
“There’s one thing you might want to know” shaking our heads giving her a little signal to continue she began to speak
“You will be sharing you dorm with a group the debuted a little over a year ago but you 3 will be the only ones sharing the dorm with them cause they like their privacy, but we ran out of the room and that’s all the space we had left. You might have heard of them they’re really famous in Asia and the states, the used to be 2 separate groups but were combined I think its EXO-K and EXO-M, but now they just go by EXO.” she said seeming out of breathe shaking your head in disbelief I just shook your head. “The idea is cool and all but I’m still shocked seeing that boys and girls are cautioned about doing things together, especially date and if were living ALONE in the building something’s bound to happen.” I replied
“Well there professionals honey, they are cautioned about dating, which I understand an entertainer should focus on entertaining. And you my friends should stick studying! Especially you SooHa.” She barked joyfully at us and with that comment walked off.
“Is that so? Well make sure to stop done and say Hi” I said confusingly at the secretary who was already walking away. Shaking her off we hopped into the car while opening the car door I called
“Who the hell is EXO anyways?” I asked still trying to grasp a hold of it all.
“You tell me” SooMi said while pulling out of the parking lot
“Give them a break, they sound really cool” SooHa said
I just shrugged it off put my head phones on a Kpop playlist and lost myself in the music...


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