Chapter 2

I will always accept you for who you are and what you do.
Suho and Lay always hang out but then many people would spread rumors about them. This irretated Suho very much. Suho is not the easy going person everyone thinks. He's very sensitive about these things. Rumors, people talking behind his back ajd etc... This is usually because no one really comforted him. This made Lay sad. But he would try his best to calm down Suho. They may have been through these things but Lay was really the one who calmed him down. Then one day, Suho was waitng for Lay to go to school. Then a girl approached him and said "Hey there! You're new. I'm Tiffany Evans" she said. "Oh hello. I'm Suho" he replied. "You're really good looking" she said with a seductive smile. "Uuuh, thanks?" he said. "You like me too dont you?" she said giving him a hug. "HEY TIFFANY WHAT THE HELL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?" her boyfriend said. "Oh I was doing nothing. I was just giving him a hug". She replied. Then Suho was beaten up by her boyfriend. A moment later, he left when Lay came. "Oh my gosh Suho! What happened to your face?" Lay asked worriedly. "I'm o-okay, Lay" he replied. "I'll bring you to the clinic" Lay said. "No it's okay. I dont want to miss anything in class" he replied. After classes, Lay brought Suho to his house to clean his wounds. "Ouch!" Suho said. "Sorry but it's really like that". Lay said. "It's okay. I know that". He said. "Rest here for a while. I will prepare hot chocolate. Wait here" Lay said with a smile. So when it was served, Lay started to talk with Suho. "What happened?" Lay asked. "This girl Tiffany Evans was flirting with me and hugging me but then when her boyfriend saw what happened, he beat me up" he replied. "Oh Tiffany, her, she's not a good person" Lay said. "Oh. But anyways, thank you for taking care of me Lay. That's really nice of you" he said. "You're welcome Suho. Always know that i'm there for you" Lay replied. But Suho's face became sad. And he started to cry quietly. Then Lay hugged Suho. "Why are you crying, Suho?" Lay asked. "It's just that, i'm really sad, no one could accept me for who I was. I mean, they would end up breaking their friendship with me because i'm sensitive" He said. "Suho, everyone is sensitive about what they care about. It does not matter to me if you're sensitive or not" Lay replied then gave Suho a hug. "Thanks Lay" Suho whispered. "You're welcome" Lay replied.
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