Memories in the Sky

An Ambivalence Christmas

Word Count: 357

Ideas used: Sky Lantern, Exo, Han River, Snow, Kisses, Romance

Jongin waved his hands in the air, cueing another person across the large river. They let go of the bright lantern in his hands so that it flew up into the night sky slowly, joining the other twinkling stars to light up the darkness that blanketed the earth. Jongin placed his hands in his pockets as he watched it fly over the Han River towards him, a satisfied grin stretching across his face. Unfortunately, snow had just begun to slowly fall down. His face scrunched up. Great, just great. Hopefully, it will get past well. Or else all of this will have been for nothing.


He shuffled over to the very edge of the bank to a girl dressed in white and black, blending in with the falling snow. He gently put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. Leaning in close to her ear, he whispered, “Ok, you can turn around now.”


Her hair was dotted with white flecks as it caught the snow while her eyes caught sight of the lantern. A bright smile lit up on her face. Her mittens shot up to cover her surprised face. She looked over to him and back at the lantern with a squeal. On the lantern were the words: I love you. As it slowly spun around in the wind, she saw more words were painted onto the other side: Marry me? She looked back over to him. Her eyes were b with wet tears accompanied with an expression of absolute joy. Another squeal escaped her lips.


Jongin pulled out a small red velvet box and went down on one knee. Opening the box, he shouted, “Marry me, Yejin! And I will forever be by your side.” He looked up at his girl with a hopeful smile.“Will you accept this?”


“Yes, and I truly want to be with you for the rest of my life.”


Jongin closed the distance between them and pulled her in for a kiss. He spun her around in circles, making her giggle. This was a moment that will be special for the both of them, an unforgettable Christmas.



A/N: I wrote fluff this time. How do you like it? 
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Chapter 1: YOU'RE DOING A FANFIC ABOUT EXO, YAY~~^^ (I really like it:3)
oh and nice title btw. it's much better than mine xD
Chapter 1: I see that you've chosen the second version. good choice. i hope you made it to the next round ^^