Chapter 4

War & Peace

~Xiu Min’s P.O.V.~

A sudden pounding jolted me awake. I leaped out of bed angrily and threw open my door.

“What is it?!” I snarled. “What do you want now?!”


It was Yao Xing. He gaped at me and bowed low. “Forgive me, sir.  But I’ve got something to report-“


“Then, spit it out!”


Yao Xing nodded frantically. “Yes, sir. I-it’s my brother… He has fled.”


I stood in silence, shocked at the fact that Luhan would betray me.


“A-and,” Yao Xing timidly went on, “Yi Fan and his sister.”


It finally sunk in and I exploded. “WHAT?!” I raised my hand to smack him. “YOU’RE LYING!”


“N-no, sir, please,” he pleaded. “I watched them leave.”


I hesitated. “Wu Yi Fan even left?” he nodded slowly. “I see…” my hand fell. “Well then. I guess I don’t mind too much if Luhan is gone- although, it does surprise me that he would think to betray me… But Wu Yi Fan? He was my best ally! I would have lost without him many times!” I leaned against the door frame and thought. “I’m going to have to bring him back. I can’t possibly win this war without him.”


Yao Xing bowed his head respectfully. “How do you propose-“


“I’ll kidnap his sister.” An evil smirk flashed across my lips as the idea came to me. Yao Xing looked up at me with some sort of awe. I chuckled darkly. “Think you’re up for it?” He nodded obediently. “Good. Round up Yi Xing and bring him with you. Make sure it’s done quickly and quietly. Leave at dusk tonight.”


“Yes, sir,” he bowed.


“Now go wake him up and get ready. The kidnapping of his sister is our first move in this war. You had better not mess it up.”


~Marissa’s P.O.V.~


After the lovely reunion, everyone went downstairs to the kitchen; where D.O. was cooking everyone breakfast… Bibimbap, to be exact. When the heavenly smell filled my nostrils, I ran twice as fast down the stairs and didn’t stop until I crashed into his back and hugged him.




He jumped and dropped the spoon that was in his hand onto the stove. “Wha-?!” he turned his waist around and looked down at me. “Oh. Hi, haven’t seen you in a while.” He hugged me back with a smile. “How have you been?”


“Good,” I giggled before letting him go. I peered around him and looked at the bibimbap in process. “Is that what I think it is?”


Kyungsoo nodded and laughed. “Yep! Your favorite!”


“MARISSA!!” someone yelled before I could respond. I turned around and noticed that Sehun was moving towards me with a big smile slapped on his face. When he reached me, he threw his arms around me and gave me the biggest hug possible. I could hardly breathe.


“A-agh, Sehun…”  I grunted, wanting to return the hug, but I was being squished too much. When he finally let go, I gasped for air.


“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” he exclaimed. “You left us, like, seven years ago!! Where did you go??” His bottom lip jutted out in a cute pout.


Suddenly, my heart started beating a little faster.


I ignored it and answered nonchalantly, “I went back to America!”


“For what?” he demanded.


“My cousin Avalie, who is somewhere around here….” My eyes scanned over all the people present in the kitchen, which was everyone. Luhan, Kris, A-Ya and Kai were having a conversation by the fridge; Sang Hwa and her boyfriend were acting all lovey-dovey in the corner, which I quickly looked away from; Baekhyun was standing next to D.O. and helping him make breakfast, which I didn’t notice before, and Suho was sitting alone at the table. I turned around and looked, noticing that Ren was watching Baekhyun with some sort of twitterpated expression. Aish. “Where is she?” I wondered aloud.


Sehun shrugged. “Either way, that’s no excuse to leave us for that long, ok?” I looked up at him. Even though he was scolding me, he had an adorable expression on his face, which showed he wasn’t truly upset. He was just happy that I was back. I smiled up at him and tried to keep my face from bursting into a bright scarlet blush.


To distract myself from his face, I turned around and asked Ren if she had seen Avalie.


“No,” she answered. “Haven’t seen her anywhere…”


“Breakfast is ready~” the two cooking mamas announced in a singsong voice.


“YAY!” was the general reply as everyone gathered around the table and sat down.


“Now I really have to find her,” I said to myself. “She’d be missing out if she didn’t eat D.O.-umma’s cooking!” I left the kitchen to go and look for her.  


~Suho’s P.O.V.~


“Jal mogesseumnida~” we politely chorused before digging in to the delicious breakfast.


“Kamsahamnida, hyungs,” Sehun and Kai said at once.


“Of course,” Baekhyun smiled as he took another bite.


“Anything for my donsaengs and hyungs,” D.O. grinned. “And noona,” he added, looked pointedly at Sang Hwa. She smiled at him.


We ate for a little bit in silence. Then we all turned our heads as two people entered- Marissa and another, more attractive, American girl with her.


“Everyone, this is my cousin Avalie,” Marissa began, pointing at her.


“Annyeong~” we greeted. She simply nodded.


“Sit down, Avalie,” Marissa said in English before taking her place beside Ren. Avalie looked around for a minute to find an empty chair. I suddenly realized that the only remaining one was beside me. I awkwardly looked down at my breakfast and anticipated what would happen.


A few seconds later, surprisingly, I saw out of the corner of my eye that she was sitting down in that chair. I looked over at her tentatively as she got settled and dished herself some bibimbap. I watched her the whole time; the way she moved, the way she bit her lip as she looked carefully around the table to see how everyone was eating, and the way she picked up her chopsticks and awkwardly tried to eat with them. She was struggling, being a foreigner, and my heart suddenly felt for her. Without another thought, I reached over and steadied her hand, placing the chopsticks between her fingers the correct way.


“Like this,” I said to her. Then, I guided her hand to the bowl and showed her how to pick up the noodles.

She nodded, understanding. “Thank you,” she said. I looked at her and smiled softly. The corners of twitched up in such a way that made my heart burst with affection. I quickly let go of her hand and looked away, blushing.


“Y-you’re welcome,” I stuttered, and took another bite of my food.

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