Chapter 2

War & Peace

~Xia He's P.O.V.~ 


Kris and Luhan left to pack up, so I was alone in my room- with the light on, so nothing would get me- so I began to get my things together. I opened my drawers and pulled out the clothes inside them, setting them carefully on my bed. Once my dresser was entirely empty, I went through my desk drawers. Suddenly, I heard a poof behind me. I whirled around to find a strange (and attractive) man standing there. Startled, I opened my mouth to scream. But he was quick- he clamped his hand over it and shushed me.


"It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you," he whispered. "I thought this was Kris' room, sorry." 


I reached up and yanked his hand away. "Well, it's not. This is my room. And even if it were his room, what are you doing here? And who are you?"


"I'm Kim Jong In from Kumiho," he replied, bowing, "and I'm looking for Luhan."


My eyes widened. I realized that this was probably the help Luhan had sent for in his note. I knew he couldn't fly. But.... How was this guy going to get him there? "What for?" I questioned, giving him the benefit of the doubt. 


"...You're Kris' little sister, aren't you?" he shook his finger at me in realization. 


"That's not an answer," I told him impatiently. "And seriously? It took you that long to figure it out?" 


The man- Jong In- laughed a little. It was a nice laugh. "Yes, sadly... I was afraid I'd run into someone else and that would have meant that I was in trouble. Anyways, if you're Kris' sister, you should know why I need him."


I took a breath and began to speak, when suddenly, a voice came from my doorway:




Jong In spun around and I peered around him. Standing against the doorframe was Luhan. He looked straight at him. "I never thought you'd actually come..."


I looked more carefully at his face and saw that his eyes were filling with tears. 




"Of course, I would come for you," Jong In answered quietly. "I made that promise to you, remember?"


Luhan nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. 


"Aww... Is my hyung crying?" Jong In asked.


"You're more like a hyung to me, Kai," Luhan sniffed.


Jong In- or Kai- walked over to Luhan and hugged him really tight.


"I missed you so much, hyung..." Luhan's voice was muffled by Kai's shirt. 


"I missed you, too, Luhannie."


 Hey! Only I can call him that! "Umm, hello? Hi! I'm here!" I said to them. "Would you mind explaining yourselves??"


Luhan sniffed once more before the two separated. "Xia He, this is Jong In, and... He's my best friend. I haven't seen him since the countries split when I was 8. He and I always played together, and when our forefathers, Super Junior, fought against the Rogue Chinese, we were technically enemies, but that never hindered us from always looking out for each other."


"But one day," Kai continued, "my mom found us playing together. As you can imagine, it was not a pretty scene: she literally tore us apart and screamed at him, 'Don't come near us! We don't allow your kind here! And DON'T TOUCH MY SON!!' After that, I only saw him once... He had been taken prisoner by my father, General Siwon. He'd asked me to feed the prisoners, and like a good son, I did as I was told. Luhan was the last person I fed... And right there, I promised him that if he ever needed me, I would be there."


Wow. What a sad and sweet story.


"And here he is now," Luhan finished with a small smile. 


"Of course, hyung. Now... Are you ready to go?"


Luhan nodded. "I'm not sure about Kris, though. Xia He, would you please go check on your brother?" 


"Sure, Luhan." And I left the two alone. 


~Suho's P.O.V.~ 


As soon as Kai disappeared, I fled from my room and turned every single light in the mansion on. Then, when I was finally finished with that, I stood on the top floor and shouted down the stairwell: "EVERYONE GET UP!! IREONA!!!!! RISE & SHINE, MY LITTLE MUNCHKINS- WE'RE ABOUT TO HAVE COMPANY!!!!" After a few seconds, I began to hear the sounds of opening doors and groaning zombies. I walked down the stairs to meet the first people. "Good morning, little maknae!" I caught Sehun in a headlock and gave him a noogie.


"Oww! Hyung~" he whined. "I just woke up~" 


"I know." I laughed and let go of him. Muttering, he fixed his hair and headed downstairs to the main floor. I looked at the door beside his and saw Chanyeol and his girlfriend come out. 


"Good morning, hyung," he greeted. 


"Good morning, Oppa!" his girlfriend, Sang Hwa, smiled at me. 


"Good morning, you two," I answered as they walked past me, hand-in-hand, and went down the stairs as well. Again, another hint of jealousy showed itself, but I also banished it. I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs too. Already, Kyungsoo, Aya, and Baekhyun had come out of their rooms and were greeting the other three. "Good, everyone's up!" I said loudly. At the sound of my voice, everyone quieted down. "Now, I realize that it is about four in the morning, and that all of you were fully prepared for at least three more hours of sleep. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen this morning. You see... Xiu Min, in honor of Hankyung, I would imagine, has decided that there will be another war, but between us this time."


The dongsaengs muttered amongst themselves at this. I gave them a moment before I continued, "Also." They immediately silenced themselves. "We will be having guests here. Three of them. They are coming from Magu and they will be our comrades. I'm sure you know them..." 


"You mean Ren and her brother?" Sang Hwa spoke up. 


"Yes. And also Luhan." 


At this, the others spoke loudly. They were really surprised. 




"Ah, Luhan?"




"Wow, he's finally coming home...!"


"Omo, Luhan?! Jeongmal??"


"So!" I clapped my hands together, and once again, the hallway was silent. "We need to prepare for them. We need three bedrooms set up. Kai is already getting them, so here's what's going to happen: Aya and Sang Hwa will choose a bedroom for Ren and make it up for her," I pointed at the two. They bowed and scurried off. "Baekhyun and Sehun will make up Kris' bedroom-" they bowed and left as I said this, "-and Kyungsoo and Chanyeol will fix up Luhan's room." The latter two nodded. "I have to go wait for Kai..." I turned and went back up the stairs.

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