First and Last

~Angel Delight One Shot Request Shop~ | CLOSED |

First and last

Pairing: idol x idol (boy x boy)

Genre: fluff. Tragedy

Idol: Sandeul (B1A4) x Gongchan (B1A4)

Storyline: Two lovers are out for their supposed 1 week vacation to celebrate their 1 year anniversary as a couple. Not really knowing it will be their last.

Gongchan ran through the front door and into the living room, he glanced hurriedly around the room but he couldn't see the man he was looking for.

"Have you seen Deullie?" He asked Baro who was sat on the sofa flicking through the channels for something to watch.

"Sleeping. Why?" Baro asked, looking in Gongchan’s direction.

"I have a surprise for him" Gongchan explained holding up a white envelope. Baro raised an eyebrow before replying.

"What is it?" He asked, eyeing the envelope suspiciously.

"A week in china." Gongchan replied smiling happily.

"A week in China?" Baro repeated, frowning.

"Yes. Do you think he will like it?" Gongchan asked, pouting cutely at his hyung’s behaviour. Baro scoffed and changed the channel again.

"You'll have to wait and see." Baro replied, not looking away from the TV screen.

Gongchan shrugged his shoulders before walking towards Sandeul's room. He knocked lightly on the door and pressed his ear against it.

"Hyung, can I come in?" He asked, smiling when he heard a muffled 'yes'. He opened the door and chuckled slightly at the sight before him. Sandeul was lying in a blanket cocoon with his head sticking out at the top, his hair sticking out in all directions as he looked at Gongchan through sleepy eyes.

"What do you want Channie? I'm tired." Sandeul asked, his voice thick with sleep as he rubbed his puffy eyes.

"I have a present for you." Gongchan said happily as he stepped fully inside the room and closed the door behind him. He skipped happily to his hyung’s bedside and handed over the envelope. Sandeul wiggled a hand out of his cocoon and took the envelope from Gongchan.

"What's this?" He asked, turning the envelope over in his hand as he tried to figure out the contents.

"Just open it and you will see." Gongchan replied as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. Sandeul slow opened the seal and peer inside, he pulled out the two tickets, his eyes widening when he read the details.

"We're going to China?" Sandeul asked, his eyes wide. Gongchan nodded his head before throwing his arms around the elder’s neck.

"Happy anniversary, hyung!" He sang, he felt Sandeul snake his arms around his waist and sniffle lightly.

"Thank-you." The elder choked out before pulling out of the hug.

"But I didn't get you anything..." Sandeul said as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Gongchan gently ran his thumb over his hyung’s cheek, wiping his tears away.

"You haven't been well Deullie. It's not your fault." Gongchan said as he rested his forehead against Sandeul’s.

"I completely forgot." The elder choked out, cupping Gongchan’s face between his hands.

"I'm so sorry Channie." He said before kissing Gongchan on his lips lightly. When he pulled away Gongchan shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Don't apologise for being ill hyung. Your present to me can be a quick recovery." The maknae replied tapping Sandeul’s nose lightly before standing up.

"We have 3 days to pack. I best get started." He said before dashing off to Jinyoung room in search of a suit case.

Everything was packed and the suitcases waited by the door waiting for their owners to wake up. Gongchan was the first to rise from his slumber, his slowly removed his arm from around Sandeul’s waist and dashed off into the bathroom to get washed and changed. His stomach fluttered with excitement when he walked past the front door where the suitcases were.

After showering and changing his snuck back into his room and chuckled. Sandeul had taken all of the blanket and wrapped it around his body so that all was left was a large floral lump on the middle of the bed. Gongchan tiptoed across the room before pouncing excitedly onto the lump.

"Wakey Wakey hyung!" He sang as he rolled over onto his side, pulling the blanket with him. Sandeul grumbled sleepily before trying to snatch it back.

"Nope. Up!" Gongchan ordered, pushing Sandeul lightly. Sandeul grunted lightly before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Okay. Okay. I'm awake." He mumbled, stretching his arms out.

"Go shower hyung, we need to be at the airport soon." Gongchan said, as he got off the bed. "I will be in the kitchen making some breakfast." And with that he walked into the kitchen. 

"Excited?" A voice asked when he reached the kitchen, causing him to jump. When he noticed it was only Baro he smiled in relief.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" He said, making his way over to the fridge and taking out the milk to make his sleepy boyfriend a cup of coffee. He heard Baro scoff under his breath but ignored it, instead he focused on making the best steaming cup of coffee he could. He heard footsteps walk into the kitchen and a chair being pulled out.

"Channie is that coffee you're making?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yes. But not for you." Gongchan replied, smirking as his stirred the drink.

"Why?" Jinyoung whined pouting before resting his cheek on the cold surface of the table. "Someone make me coffee." He ordered.

"No." Gongchan, Baro and Sandeul, who had just entered the kitchen, replied in unison.

"Urgh. Fine. I shall just die from the lack of caffeine in my system." Jinyoung replied, trying to earn sympathy.

"Okay hyung. Have fun." Gongchan teased as he wafted Sandeul’s coffee under his nose before handing it to his boyfriend.

He took a seat at the table and started sipping his own tea.

"You're all so cruel to me." Jinyoung whined burying his face into the crook of his elbow. He watch Sandeul taking small sips of his own drink, frowning when he noticed that he had one hand on his chest and rubbing it lightly.

"Deullie, is everything okay?" Gongchan asked as he downed the last of his drink. Sandeul downed the rest of his own before nodding his head and looking down at his watch.

"We should get going." He said, standing up and walking to his room to get his hand luggage. Gongchan hurried after still slightly worried about the elder. When he saw Sandeul in his room rummaging through his hand luggage and mumbling a small list of things he needs off the top of his head.

"Passport, chewing gum, mints, boarding pass..." He stopped and groaned lightly and rubbed his chest again.

"Hyung are you sure you're okay?" Gongchan whispered as his snakes his arms around the elder’s waist.

"I'm fine Channie, stop worrying, we have a plane to catch." He said, playfully slapping away Gongchan’s hands.

"Flight 142 to China. Boarding." The large screen said above Gongchan’s head. He took Sandeul’s hand in his own and dragged him towards the gates for boarding.

When they reached the line he took out their passports and boarding passes and handed Sandeul’s to him.

"Are you ready?" He asked the suddenly pale elder who simply nodded his head in response. Gongchan took his hand again as they showed the women at the gate their passes before walking down the tube towards the plane entrance. When they reach the door they were directed to their seats, putting their luggage in the slot above their heads before taking their seats. Gongchan let Sandeul have the window seat so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable sitting with someone he doesn't know.

He watched around him as people boarded and took their seats, the whole time holding Sandeul’s hand. The captain announced the cabin was full and they were preparing for take-off. Sandeul’s grip on Gongchan increased dramatically causing the younger to look over in his direction. Sandeul was looking straight ahead at the seat in front of him, his face sickly pale and his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Deullie what's wrong?" Gongchan asked, rubbing circles into the back of his boyfriends hand with his thumb.

"I'm scared." Sandeul whispered as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. You're with me. I'm with you the whole way. Don't cry. Just squeeze my hand" Gongchan said as the aircraft moved. Soon they were off the ground and in the air, Sandeul’s grip on his boyfriends hand only increased as the moved off the ground. He made small whimpering sounds as the change in air pressure affected his ears, the whole time Gongchan rub circles on his hand and brushed away any tears that rolled down his cheeks.

Once the seat belt signs went off above their heads Sandeul’s hold slackened slightly as his nerves calmed down. He rested his head on Gongchan’s shoulder and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down before eventually falling asleep.


"Wow. This is. Wow" Sandeul said, as he looked around the hotel room in awe. He placed his bag next to the bed and took everything around him in. The walls were cream and deep red with one wall papered with a cream and gold wallpaper, the curtains were a deep red matching the walls, light brown oak furniture lined the room, a large king sized double bed with cream sheets and a red over throw positioned in the middle of the room. He turned to Gongchan who was pulling the suit case into the room, he stop and admired his surroundings before closing the door behind him. He looked at the door to his right.

"What's in here?" He asked, gesturing to the door Sandeul shrugged his shoulders and jumped onto the bed.

"Dunno" he replied, feeling the silk over throw between his fingers. Gongchan took upon himself to explore the mystery room. He squealed in delight when he saw it was an on suit bathroom, a large bath, sink and wash basin all pristine white lined the tiled room. Near the sink was a small basket with miniature necessities in.

"Oh my god!! Deullie there's mini soap. Mini. Soap. Oh. My. God" the maknae squealed picking up the mini soap gently. He heard Sandeul laugh before he made his way to see the soap for himself.

"We should go out" he declared, as he played with a tiny bottle of shampoo.

"Where?" Gongchan asked, placing the soap back in the basket and turning to his hyung.

"I saw a nice looking restaurant down the road. How about there?" Sandeul offered.

"Okay we will get washed up and go out then" Gongchan said, pecking Sandeul on his cheek before dashing into the bed room to get a new change of clothes and a towel.

After they both finished showering and changing they shared a brief kiss before walking hand in hand to the restaurant they agreed on. When they got there a small Chinese lady directed them to a table and took their order.

"It's a bit warm in here" Sandeul said, as he fanned himself with a menu. Gongchan frowned slightly.

"Warm?" He asked raising an eyebrow, they were placed right next to the door that was constantly open, it was anything but warm.

"Yeah. It's really stuffy" Sandeul replied taking a deep breath. A silence fell between the two as they both sipped their drinks.

"I feel dizzy" Sandeul said, breaking the silence. His once normal breathing had turned to quick puffs as if trying to catch his breath, a small layer of sweat lined his hair line. Gongchan quickly stood up and offered Sandeul his drink.

"Try drinking this" he said, kneeling down next to hyperventilating male.

"My chest is really hurting" Sandeul gasped, clutching his chest through his shirt.

"We're going back to the hotel" Gongchan declared, standing up and walking over to the counter to cancel their order. When he came back he helped Sandeul stand before leading of the restaurant towards the hotel. During the journey Sandeul seemed to calm down, his breathing went back to normal and his chest seemed to have to have stopped aching.

When they reached their hotel room Gongchan laid Sandeul on the bed carefully, tucking the thick blanket around him before dashing into the on suit to get the elder a glass of water.

“Are you okay?” Gongchan asked as he placed the glass on the bed side cabinet and lay down next to his hyung. The elder sleepily nodded his head and snuggled into Gongchan’s side, wrapping his arms around his waist and laying his head on his stomach.

“I’m sorry for ruining the evening” Sandeul mumbled sleepily. Gongchan ran a hand through the elder’s hair comfortingly.

“Stop apologising for being ill hyung. Tomorrow will go the doctors” he said, placing a kiss on the top of Sandeul’s head.

“What. No. No. I’m not going to the doctors” Sandeul shouted as he sat up and looked at the younger.

“But hyung, if you keep getting chest pains like that and finding it hard to breathe something isn’t right. You need to see someone about it. It isn’t the first time this has happened remember, I have seen happen a few times now and it’s worrying me” Gongchan said, sitting up and resting on his elbows.

“No. I’m not going to the doctors. It’s probably nothing” Sandeul replied sternly before going back to hugging Gongchan’s waist. “Now please let it go. I’m tired”

“Okay hyung. Sleep well” Gongchan replied sighing. When he heard soft even breathing from Sandeul, indicating the elder was asleep he closed his eyes and tried to sleep as well but had no luck. His mind was filled with thoughts of his boyfriend, something wasn’t right but he couldn’t force the elder into doing something he didn’t want to, he would just have pray that it passes by its self.


Gongchan woke up to the sound of soft sniffles and whimpers of pain. He glanced at the time on the clock next to the bed; it was 2:30 in the morning. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and sat up searching for the source of the sound. He looked to his right where Sandeul was now lying under the blanket curled into a ball with his back facing him.

“Hyung are you crying?” Gongchan asked sleepily, wrapping his arms around the elder’s waist and pulling him close.

“It hurts” the elder gasped, rubbing his chest with his fist trying to rid himself of the pain. Gongchan frowned at the action, this was new Sandeul had never woken up during the night like this before. Not knowing what else to do the younger took hold of his hyung’s hand and rubbed soothingly.

“I don’t know what to do hyung” he admitted, tears stinging in his eyes. “I should contact the main desk, ask them to send a first aider” Gongchan said as he leaned over his hyung towards the phone.

“No! Don’t!” Sandeul gasped through winces of pain.

“Please Sandeul. This isn’t right” Gongchan pleaded, the tears escaping his eyes. He hated the thought of the elder suffering and not be able to help.

“It will pass” Sandeul said through gritted teeth before whimpering again and pulling his knees closer to his chest. Soon Sandeul’s breathing evened out again meaning he had fallen back asleep.

Gongchan lie in bed wide awake, watching sandeul’s every move. His eyes stung from exhaustion but he couldn’t bring himself to sleep. He didn’t know what to do, this had been happening for a few months now the on and off chest pains, finding it hard to breath had been the first signs but they seemed to be getting worse as each day passes.

Gongchan kicked the door open gently, trying not to make too much noise. He placed the try he was carrying in his hands down on the bed side table before gently shaking Sandeul awake. Sandeul blinked his eyes open and glanced at Gongchan with large eyes. His face had drastically paled since the previous day and he had large eye bags below his eyes.

“I brought breakfast” Gongchan said softly as he moved a piece of fallen hair out of Sandeul’s eyes. Sandeul nodded his head and slowly pushed himself up the bed.

“How are you feeling?” Gongchan asked as he took a seat of the edge of the bed and placed the tray across Sandeul’s knees.

“Not good” Sandeul admitted, eying his food and poking it with his fork. Gongchan frowned as he stole one of the strawberries off his hyung’s plate and popped it in his mouth.

“Well in that case. We will have a day in bed” Gongchan said, climbing under the blankets and taking a sip of his orange juice.

“No, you don’t have to. I don’t want to ruin this for you” Sandeul said, smiling sadly.

“I’m not leaving you. We’ll watch some TV, there has to be some Korean channels on here” Gongchan said, taking the remote for the TV out of the top draw next to him, he switched on the TV and flicked through the channels.

“Look! I said there would be a….” he trailed off when he noticed Sandeul had fallen asleep, he smiled slightly at the sight and pulled the blankets up under the elders chin before settling down and watching a drama that was on.

He soon too fell asleep cuddled up to Sandeul, holding him tightly as if not wanting to let go. Which he didn’t.

3 days into their vacation and everything had gone downhill, Sandeul was now completely immobile, he didn’t even have the strength to wrap his arms around Gongchan’s waist like he used too but no matter how much the maknae begged and pleaded for him to see a doctor or go to hospital he managed to wheeze out a ‘no’ as reply.

Gongchan hadn’t slept for 3 whole nights now; the low shallow breathing of Sandeul kept him awake at night. He didn’t know what to do, things where serious now. The chest pains were worse and constant; the lack of breath had increased. It seemed his hyung was dying right before his eyes but he couldn’t do anything. How did things get so bad in three days? He doesn’t know, but it did.

Gongchan glanced worriedly over in Sandeul’s direction; the elder was asleep yet again. Deciding it was okay to leave him for a few minutes Gongchan stood up and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

He quickly took of his clothes before jumping into the cubicle and turning on the water, the warm water soothed his tense muscles, as he scrubbed away the dirt that had built he thought about Sandeul. What should he do? His boyfriend needed to see a doctor or someone to help, but he didn’t want the elder to be forced into anything he didn’t want to do. The thought of Sandeul suffering brought tears to his eyes, but he had to be strong, for Sandeul.

He quickly finished his shower, not being able tell if he was crying or if it was in fact the shower water running down his face. He jumped out of the cubicle and dried before slipping on a pair of clean underwear, jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. He walked back into the bedroom and rushed to Sandeul’s bedside when he noticed the elder gasping for air once again.

“Shh shh, hyung calm done. Take a deep breath” he said as he rubbed circles into the elders back, he carefully laid him down when his breathing return back to normal. Sandeul’s eyes rolled back into his head as he took large deep breaths, to shallow to be classed as health, until his breathing stopped.

Gongchan panicked, his hyung had stopped breathing he felt for a pulse but it was so faint it could barely be felt. He quickly wrong the front desk and demanded for someone to come to their room.

In no time people filled their room, first aiders, ambulance crew and managers. They took Sandeul away, asking Gongchan to follow while explain the procedure on the way. Gongchan was led to an ambulance and almost broke down at the sight before him; Sandeul had been hook up to machines as the emergency dashed around in the small confined space trying to revive him.

A slow beeping sound filled the vehicle, it was too slow for health but a heartbeat was there. Gongchan’s heart tightened in his chest at the sound, he scrambled to be at Sandeul’s side and took his hand.

“Stay with me hyung. Please hyung stay with me” he said through sobs. When they reached the hospital they rushed Sandeul to a room and ordered Gongchan to stay outside till they had news.

Hours of none stop worrying seemed to pass before a sympathetic looking doctor came out to see Gongchan. Just by his face Gongchan knew the news wouldn’t be good.

“Mr Gong, I’m so sorry for your loss…..” the rest of what the doctor said went unheard to Gongchan’s ears. His hyung was died, the love of his life. Gone. Something about a heart condition that couldn’t be cured was said. Something about how this had been expected since Sandeul was young. Then another apology was said before the doctor walked away and Gongchan’s world fell apart around him, he sank to the ground curling his knees up to his chested and sobbed.

The journey home was the worse; they said they would send Sandeul home in a week. In a box. Gongchan hated the thought, it broke his heart. He walked through the door and was greeted by the Jinyoung, CNU and Baro. He hadn’t told them yet, what was he supposed to say?!

“Where’s Sandeul Gongchan” CNU was the first to ask, Gongchan broke down again sobbing so hard his chest ached.

“He… had a heart… condition…it couldn’t be cured….” He said through sobs as he clung on to Jinyoung as if his life depended on it.

“He died!” Baro shrieked, peeling Gongchan away from Jinyoung.

“He had been suffering a while but refused to see anyone” Gongchan explained, wiping away the tears that continued to fall.

“And you knew! You didn’t do anything!!” Baro shouted, pushing Gongchan into the wall behind him.

“Baro is wasn’t his fault” Jinyoung reasoned, trying to calm down the situation

“No! He knew! He let him die!! You killed MY Sandeul Gongchan. First you stole him. Then you killed him. I hope you are happy,” Baro spat, before leaving the hallway and stomping to his own room.


Words ~ 3635


This is author Jodie again. wow im working throught these requests quick ahahah this one goes out to MisheeFrancheska :D i hope this is what you wanted. i did have to tweek the story line slightly.....but i hope you like it!! i really enjoyed writing this can i just say so thankyou for your request!! request again sometime!! i will be waiting..... i really hope you like it.... i feel i have made a huge mistake writing this :( tell me what you think.... please?

anyway... i have tried my best to edit it but like last time emily will be reading it over and most likely editing and tweeking just incase!! so thankyou again and i look forward to more requests!! :D xxxx till next time xxxx

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I was wondering if I could request for a group and a solo artist to be added to the list cuz I really ship them together. The group is SPEED and the solo artist is Shannon Williams, I don't know if you've herd of her or not but I absolutely lover and she is at the same company as SPEED so ya :) I ship her with Jongkook from SPEED however I lover how sweet all the guys are to her^^ (this is the vid that made me ship them in the first place: )

So here is my form:

Pairing: boy x girl (idol x idol)

Genre: , romance, jealousy-ish (if that's a genre)

Idol: Jongkook (SPEED) and Shannon

Storyline: one of Shannon's old friends from the U.K calls her saying he is coming to Korea to visit her, she is happily surprised because she hadn't seen him for years, literally. When he comes to visit he finds out the Shannon is a Kpop solo artist under Core Content media and when he notices how close she is with fellow label mates SPEED, specifically Jongkook, and doesn't like it because claims to be in lover with her, or well, more like in lust with her. However one thing no body knows is that Jongkook and Shannon are actually a couple, however they need to keep it a secret as best as possible because she is still under aged and Jongkook having a girl friend in general would cause a scandal. With her friend trying to destroy their relationship and Jongkook trying to keep it together much drama happens, but in the end after certain things (*wiggles eyebrows*) she can't help but fall even harder for Jongkook.

Notes: if possible have all of SPEED appear and some of either 5dolls or T-ara as her loving Oppas and Unnies :)
Pairing: idolxyou
Genre: fluff
Idol: EXO-k -kai
Storyline: birthday suprise!
Notes: the oc's name is Louise. Also could you add taeyeon, joy, and luhan as extras? With luhan also having a sweet relationship with a girl named kasuki, the oc's bestie pretty pls? Hehe XD
All of them in the suprise lol
Hello! I won't mind to give my kp for an awesome story! Here's my request!

Pairing: idolxyou
Genre: Romance, comedy
Idol: Hayeon (OC) and Jimin (BTS)
Storyline: Jimin always hide his identity as BTS' member from Hayeon, but when he knew Hayeon is very biased about Jimin BTS', he want to surprise her about his real well as confessing to her.
Notes: Can you please make BTS appereance plz?
Hello!! ^_^ I saw your oneshots and I love them! :D If it's ok, I would love to request one (or two maybe, I have karma points that I would love to use up) :)
Pairing: Idolxoc
Genre: , romance, maybe angst
Idol: Hojoon and Sun-Hi (OC)
Storyline: Hojoon and Sun-Hi have always been enemies, calling each other names, picking on each other (really nasty pranks), fighting, etc., but there is no denying that there is something between the two, although Sun-Hi hates to think about it, but she can't ignore it, either.
Notes: Could it take place in an academy like setting, please?
kpopismyoxygen #5
Sorry, forgot to ask if my request could be their first time.. sorry!
kpopismyoxygen #6
Pairing: Idolxoc
Genre: fluff and/or
Idol: Amber
Storyline: Anything!
Notes: Can oc's name be Bom Minki? Thank you in advance! I can't ever really find any Amberxgirl!oc.. XD
Idol:nam woohyun han heesung(OC)
Storyline:umm just a normal love story with its extra fluffly bits.
Chapter 15: AWWWWWWW~~~~ THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS JUST BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!