Christmas --unrelated-- Special

Bunny Tales; Human Edition
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Kyuhyun was one of those people who never liked the winter. He wasn't fond of snow and he hated the coldness. Quite ironic because some of his old friends would compare him to the season, but he himself didn't like it. He sighed, he considered it lucky that his company made him work a lot during the time, because he would always use that as an excuse to not go home during the holidays. While people outside his apartment were all busy being merry, Kyuhyun would spend the spend the days coped up in bed, or in his study doing work, or spending it with his bunny Sungmin.   "Kyu...Kyu!"   Kyuhyun groaned, turning away from the voice. It was a cold December morning and he didn't want to wake up yet. And because Leeteuk forced him to, he finished all of his work last night so he was still tired. "Five minutes more Ming" he mumbled sleepily, covering his face with the blanket, completely missing the pout on the face of the one on top of him that would have made waking up at that moment completely worth it.   "Kyu!" Sungmin tried again, gently shaking his human awake but Kyuhyun was dead asleep and wasn't listening to him at all. He pouted angrily, thinking about biting him but remembered that he wasn't allowed to do that anymore because he was human now. "Kyu!" he needed to tell Kyuhyun that something happened, but he wasn't sure how to say it so he needed to wake the man up and show him.   But Kyuhyun remained fast asleep. Sungmin glared at his sleeping human, was Kyuhyun always this hard to wake up?   The former bunny shook his head and crossed his arms, thinking of a way to wake the man up.   However, the bunny ended up falling asleep besides Kyuhyun, his face right next to the young man, snuggling close and seeking comfort, and sighing comfortably when Kyuhyun had lifted an arm to pull him close. Wether he was asleep or not, Sungmin wasn't sure, but he felt happy, warm and secure in his master's arm....that he completely forgot about waking him up to tell something to Kyuhyun.   Kyuhyun woke up an hour later because of the cold..he blinked, feeling the cold winds hitting his lower extremities when he was sure he had a blanket to keep himself warm for the night, confused and half blinded by sleep, he felt around for the comforter and almost jumped when instead of a warm cloth, his hands felt a body next to him, snapping the man to full awakeness.   He looked down and saw Sungmin's sleeping face beside him. The blond looked so peaceful and contented he couldn't help but smile softly, recovering from the initial shock of finding him sleeping beside him, running his fingers through Sungmin's soft locks, inwardly chuckling at how he managed to cover himself with Kyuhyun's blanket. His mind settled for a moment as to wonder what the other was doing in his room, since he had his room (truth be told he didn't mind Sungmin still sleeping beside him in bed, not at all) but since he was human now, he had to sleep on his own like a normal person. Leeteuk told him he was doing the right thing and he knew he was right, but still...   "Kyu?" Sungmin's sleepy voice said beside him, and Kyuhyun turned to his adorable former pet, ruffling his hair. Sungmin smiled at leaned into his touch, he may be human now, but he was still a pet bunny deep down, and still craved for these things from his keeper.   "hey Ming" Kyuhyun said gently "Were you the one waking me earlier?" he vaguely remembers hearing Sungmin's voice earlier, but he thought it was just a dream, "What is it?"   Sungmin stared at him confusedly for a while, and Kyuhyun groaned inwardly because he had to look irresistibly innocent at the time. Then Sungmin let out a soft "oh" as he remembered and looked at him urgently "Kyu!" he held Kyuhyun's arm, as if pulling him.   "Ming?" he was surprised, but let Sungmin pull him...curious as to what the other was trying to tell him. Sungmin can already talk now, but he was still having difficulty stringing some sentences together so he was probably having second thoughts about what to say. The blond led him to the window and pointed outside, where Kyuhyun stared outside and gaped.   The world was covered in white.   "It snowed last night" he muttered softly, staring at the snow blanket.   "Snow?" Sungmin stared as well, he knew snow when he was a bunny, he enjoyed at times but he didn't know it would be so cold...he shivered when the cold wind blew once more and snuggled close to Kyuhyun, pouting "It
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Chapter 9: Kyaaaaaaa agshsbaknzkajzlamiakav
If fluffy fics could kill
I would be dead by now!
perfect christmas gift ^_^
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: More...more....more...this is too precious and too sweet to ignored....I love sweet ming...and happy holidays...hope is alright in the mall...
Chapter 9: it's so cute!! cute!! cute!!
Chapter 9: Fluff~fluff~ do the fluffy dance~
nAJOnHyun #7
Chapter 9: Kyaaaa fluffyyyy
Chapter 9: Fudge so much fluff for Christmas >. < zgffvfddgv Kyumin you're killing me

And Merry Christmas to you Author-nim ^^
Chapter 9: aww so cute >_< ..... Merry Christmas <333
hehcrazyelf #10
Chapter 9: Oh my. Author plz stahp I'm going to die from all the smirking from kyu OMG -faints-