Our Child

Our Child
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Everything seems too real to be fake. The morning sickness, tiredness and increasing appetite—all signs of pregnancy. Why did this happen? Oh lord, please tell me this is a prank you played. How am I going to tell Daehyun about this, that I am pregnant with his child? He's now on his prime, what will happen if I tell him the news? What will he say? Will he abandon us? I am afraid.

I walked out of the clinic, still cannot comprehend with the news given to me. I am supposed to be happy but I couldn't. There is too much to worry about. I touched my tummy, where a little life lies in. Baby, what should I do?

My phone rang. Daehyun. He had called me thrice while I was waiting for my turn and another two times when I was being consulted. All I did not pick up, as I was too afraid. I won't know what to say if he asked me what I am doing. I am a bad liar and he will be able to see through immediately and detect a lie.

I take in a deep breath before answering the phone. Before I have placed it beside my ear, I could already hear Daehyun's sweet voice. It seems tired but happy. He once said even though being an idol was tiring, but this is what he always wanted, being able to fulfil it made him happy, no matter how hard or tired it can be. Thinking about that, I don't think I can break this news to him. What if this will hinder his future? How will he feel? He will feel sad definitely.

"Hello, baby, are you there?" Daehyun's voice distracted my thought. Baby. In nine months, it won't be calling me anymore, if that ever happens.

"N-neh." I gave him a reply as I mindlessly wandered around. I did not want to go back to my home, our home, where everything started. I don't want to think about it so much.

"What's wrong, Rayeon? I called you many times but you never picked up. Now, you are not listening to me? What's wrong, Rayeon? Tell me." Twice, he said my real name twice. He rarely says my name, only when he was demanding for the truth. I couldn't lie to him, could I? In addition, he was using a really soothing tone, making me wanting to spill everything out.

"I- ahhh!"

"What's wrong?" Daehyun panicked. I was too lost in thought that I never realise that I was at the road junction. Red light, and I was crossing. Cars honked and I finally realise that I was in the middle of the road. This is it, isn't it, for me to leave and never let Daehyun know the truth? I let out a scream and brace myself for any impact.

Nothing happened. The car stopped in time before anything happens. I opened my eyes to be met with the cold stare of the driver. I cowered to the pavement as the green man lights up. "Rayeon?"

"A small accident. Nothing happened." I told Daehyun. He doesn't need to be worry for me. He has more things to think about and I do not want to add on.

"Are you alright? Did you suffer for any injuries?-"

"Yes, I am alright. The car stopped in time, so I am not injury anywhere. Don't worry." I cut him off, knowing he will just keep asking questions. I need to assure him that I'm fine and he need not worry.

"Rayeon, you should be more careful. I won't be around for a few weeks to take care of you. Let's talk after I come back, manager hyung is calling for me now. Love you."

"Love you." I said back. Great, another few weeks alone. I know I shouldn't be demanding after he is an idol. I will have to deal with this news alone, not that I will tell him any sooner. Maybe I could really think about it.



A few weeks passed quickly this time round. It always seems long with Daehyun around but it was different this time. Everything went by so fast. I still could not make my decision. Daehyun called every day, but I wished he won't. Every time he asked what's wrong, I don't know what to say.

Bell rang. I groaned. After I was pregnant, I am always tired, had a hard time waking up at the normal timing and taking a nap, which sure isn't what I will do. I dragged my body out of my room and to the door. I opened the door without looking through the peek hole.

To my surprise, Daehyun stood there, in front of my doorstep. "D-daehyun."

"Surprise, baby!" Daehyun smiled, showing the plastic bags of food to me, before walking in and headed for the kitchen. I gulped, not because of the food, but I wasn't ready to meet Daehyun. What if he asked? We were supposed to talk after he comes back. I closed the door and walked, as slowly as possible, to Daehyun.

"I miss you so much!" Daehyun hugged me as soon as I stepped inside the kitchen. "Even though we were on phone every day, you don't know how tortuous it is for me. I think of flying back every day!" Daehyun confessed. He missed me, and here I am, wishing he won't appear.

"Baby?" Daehyun called when I did not respond. "Are you alright?" He pulled apart and looked into my eyes.

"I'm alright, just surprise that you are here. The one who I missed everyone is standing in front of me. Why didn't you tell me you are coming today?" I lied. Well, that wasn't exactly a lie. I did miss him, so much. I hugged him again, "I miss you."

"I want to give you a surprise, and I guess I did. I had to suppress the urge to tell you and rush here as soon as I landed." He kissed me. At first it was sweet kisses, kisses I missed but it slowly turn rough, with his tongue wanting to taste every part of my mouth. I did not fight and let him do what he wants. I wanted it too. I missed how gentle yet dominant he is, making me forget everything.

I moaned, giving him the signal to proceed on with the next step. He deepened the kiss, his hand massaging my back while I tangled my fingers onto his hair. I lifted up my leg, wrapping it around his waist. He led the way, bringing us into my room, gently putting me down onto the bed as we gasped for air.

He continued, and I gave in, not until I felt Daehyun's finger touching my bare skin. I shivered with the coldness, when I finally realise what this will lead to. I will have to stop.

"Daehyun, we can't."

"Why? We have done this before." He said, in between the butterfly kisses he gave on my neck. Yeah, we have done it before and now I am pregnant with your child.

"I-I'm... having my period." I lied, once again. Daehyun stopped, his gaze locked with mine. I gulped, hoping that he won't find out that I am lying.

"Aish, why did you have to have your monthly needs now?" Fortunately, Daehyun did not realise anything. I heaved a sigh of relief. Daehyun got off me and lay himself beside me.

"Can't control nature." I joked. Seeing his face makes me think of a child not getting his sweet. 
"Are you sure you are not faking it?" He suddenly said. I tensed. What if he knew I was lying? I had to get out of here quickly.

"Nah. Don't you feel hungry, big eater? Food are still on the table." I got up, wanting to walk away. He grabbed my hand before I could leave. I tensed up once again.


"I am not going to let you go first," he said. Is it not working? "First one to reach will get more food!" I almost cried in relief. Of course, food will do the trick. Being a big eater, he could not say no to food. 

I watched Daehyun as he gobbled down his food. He bought more than enough food for two people and he's finishing the second dish. He looked like a child that has been without food for days. Child. Will our baby be like Daehyun?

Daehyun saw me looking at him and he looked up, giving me a smile with food stuffed in his cheeks. He looked like a squirrel with his small face shape. I smiled back.

I tensed again, this time not because of Daehyun. Queasiness rise up, heating my throat. Oh god, this is a bad time to have morning sickness. I tried to suppress it, hoping Daehyun won't find out. I looked down at my food, not wanting Daehyun to see my expression. I took in deep breathes.

Just as I thought it was subsiding, a rush of queasiness shot up, making me unable to hold it any longer. I immediately stood up and run to the toilet to puke, not before locking the toilet door. I don't want Daehyun to see this.

"Baby, are you alright?" Daehyun was outside, knocking or punching—to be more exact—the door. He was worried. Something must have happened but his love wasn't telling him.

"N-neh." I barely said as another wave of queasiness hit me. I the tap to clean my mouth, clearing away those unsightly stuff. I did not want Daehyun to see me like that. I tidied my hair and my clothes, making sure to make it seems like nothing was wrong.

I opened the door to meet with Daehyun's eyes. It was filled with worried. "Baby, are you alright?"

"Neh." I could not say the truth, I reminded myself.

"Tell me, you are hiding something from me, right?" Daehyun pursued on. Will he notice?

"There's nothing wrong, Dae." I used the pet name I gave to him. I only called him that when I want to avoid something.

Daehyun seems to understand that I did not want to talk about it and did not pursue any further, but I could see, from his

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Terilovesinfiniteexo #1
Chapter 1: Omg did the baby die??? Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!
Haiider #2
Chapter 1: This is so sad and the story is hanging i want a sequel please :(
Hi there, I saw the you needed a poster for your story and I'd like to apply :)
chelsea_tran #6
Chapter 1: Sequel please....author-nim *using zelo aegyo*
Chapter 1: sequel please..... jebal.. and let the baby be save...
and love ur story.. author-nim hwaiting!!
dahyun_ #8
Chapter 1: sobs omg sequel? T_T
bbangjae #10
Chapter 1: author-nim, please write a sequel. really really want to know what happen next.