Past Four

v00d00 d0ll

LOOOOL. this gif too nerdy for this story..? idk so cute thooo.


-4 years later-

My hopes of all that just being a very bad dream obviously did not come true.

I glared at the doll lying on the edge of my bed and kicked it off, thinking of what a N had been last night.

“ you!” N shouted from the living room. “What the hell was that for?”

“For being a !” I yelled back.

“Watch your ing language!” he shouted.

“I learned it from you, ,” I muttered to myself.

I threw my covers off and stormed out of my room to N, who was lounging on the couch.

He glared at me, pointing at my room, “I told you you're not allowed to come out of your room.”

“You’re not. My ing. Mom,” I spat at him. “Why are you being such a sensitive , N?”

He stared at me coldly, his eyes frighteningly angry. “You shouldn’t have been drinking last night then. You’re only 17.”

I threw my hands up in the air. “I wasn’t even drinking last night! Not a single damn drop of alcohol ‘cause I knew you would be a about it. Only a couple of my friends were.”

“Same thing, same thing,” he said. “Go back into your room before I force you inside and tie you down to your bed.”

“You would you ing ert…” I muttered under my breath.

N glared at me, and suddenly stood up, roughly throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to my room. He threw me down on my bed and rolled me up in the blankets, then tied a belt around me.

“I can't breathe,” I gasped, out of and uncomfortably warm.

“Why is this on the ground,” N muttered, picking up my doll and setting it on my drawer. It seemed to laugh at me as I struggled helplessly against the damn belt.

After a couple minutes, I stopped squirming, feeling tired and sweaty.

“When’re you gonna let me out…” I sighed, worried that he would keep me in here for another hour or something.

N raised an eyebrow at me, “When you confess your sins.”

I glared at him. He smirked.

It took me a couple minutes to tame my pride enough to admit I did wrong for something I didn’t do wrong. But finally, I said with the most sarcastic sincerity, “N, I am so sorry for my wrong doings last night. From now on, I will try my best to live the life of a saint slash nun and to bring joy and happiness to your heart.”

He seemed to debate for a moment, then finally unbuckled the belt and set me free.

“Holy , I'm so sweaty,” I said, fanning myself out. 

“Who were you with yesterday anyways?” N asked, sprawling on my bed.

I shrugged, “Kai, Zelo, etc.”

“Why don’t you ever have girl friends?” N shook his head. “And I don’t like that kid Kai…”

“Kay cool,” I said. What did he expect? For me to stop being friends with someone just because he didn’t approve? Cocky …

Well, this’s pretty much what went down for four years. To be honest, I’m not sure if our relationship ever improved since that day he attacked me and dragged me into that shady alley.

After forcefully making me his ‘master’, he decided to be super involved in my life without any of my consent what so ever. He would randomly show up at my school and drag me around random places like the supermarket.

I spent about a year and a half at my aunt’s house until it became apparent that my aunt and uncle wouldn’t be able to support me along with their five kids. I had debated moving out by myself or something when N found out and pretty much forced me into moving in with him into this apartment.

Well, that’s the past four years summarized in two nice paragraphs. 

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aish~ aish~~ nice~ nice~
Chapter 2: Really good !
Love it so much >_<
Update soon <3
Chapter 1: Uwah its really interesting so far ^^
I'll be anticipating more chapters~