

"Myungsoo, come out and eat!" Sungjong called.

"Okay." Was all Myungsoo replied back.

"I'll be going out now to by groceries! I'll be back 30 minutes later!"

"Okay." Was all Myungsoo replied back.

"We will need you to come here quickly sir!" The ER had contacted him.

"Okay..." Was all Myungsoo replied back.

"You can visit him in room 413, but you must make it very quick. He does not have time."

Okay." Was all Myungsoo replied.


Myungsoo quietly knocked on the door. "Come in..." a weak voice was heard.

"Okay." Was all Myungsoo replied back.

He walked in as he spotted a frail body laying on the hospital bed. ".....Hi Myungsoo. You can come sit here." Sungjong's weak voice called for him, as he patted lightly to the seat beside him.

"Okay." Was all Myungsoo replied back.

Sungjong reached for Myungsoo's hand, all they heard was pure quietness.  "You might have to prepare your own meals from now on, okay?"


"Also, you have to water our plants and keep our house clean, okay?"


"You also have to dress warmly so you don't catch a cold, it's winter now, okay?"


"And Myungsoo." Myungsoo slowly looked up to him, "You have to move on okay?"


The heart monitor showed Sungjong's heart beating slower and slower as Myungsoo frantically looked up to the sound. He looked back at Sungjong who was slowly beginning to fall asleep but restrained for a little bit to say his last words,

" Myungsoo, we'll meet each other again okay?"


" And when your time has come too, let's definitly meet up there, okay?" Sungjong said as he pointed his fingers up while losing his breath slowy.


"And Myungsoo." Myungsoo looked up for the last time,

"I love you, okay?" Sungjong's hand slowly slipped out of Myungsoo's grasped.

As Sungjong fell, a single tear slipped out of Myungsoo's eye, but all Myungsoo replied back was, "Okay..."



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Chapter 1: Omg so sad but i love this !!
This was really good !!!
Thank u !! :)
So short but so sad T.T *sniffles*
It is a really nice fic! I hope you write more~
Chapter 1: Short but tragic.

Good one authornim...