
Walking down the memory lane

Chapter 23:  Epilogue



It was ironic how the doctor had switched his role to be a patient instead. Black, it was what everyone wore that day. Sungyeol remembered it clearly. His favorite color was black. He remembered how his body shook uncontrollably and how his tears flowed out endlessly. The way Sunggyu hugged him so tightly, as they cried together. In fact, everyone that waited outside the room, Woohyun, Eun-ji and even Hoya broke into tears. “Patient Kim Myungsoo, his heart stopped beating”




“Yeol! Are you done?” Sunggyu’s voice echoed through the hallways and into his room, breaking through Sungyeol’s thoughts. “Yes, Hyung!” Sungyeol shouted as he rubbed his teary eyes and put on his best smile. “Let’s go!” Sunggyu said to Sungyeol as he hung his hands around Sungyeol’s shoulders. The two men walked to the familiar café which Sungyeol used to work in. He had quit his job since Myungsoo had his surgery, two years ago.



“Hyunnie!” Sunggyu yelled loudly as he spotted his boyfriend seated at their favorite loveseats. Woohyun turned and gave a bright smile and started throwing hearts to the cameral haired man. Sunggyu chuckled at his boyfriend’s stupid acts as he stuck out his tongue. Sungyeol gave Woohyun a gummy smile to acknowledge his best friend.



“So, why do you think Hoya called us here for?” Woohyun asked the both of them, showing a puzzled face. “I have no idea, maybe to tell us how he got accepted as a trainee in one of the most popular entertainment company?” Sunggyu answered his boyfriend. The news of Hoya being accepted into the popular entertainment company, Woollim, spread quickly like wildfire. His dance video on YouTube was spotted by the CEO of Woollim and he was immediately asked to audition. The company couldn’t miss a talented man like him and now he is trainee.



Hoya came into the café and snuck behind the trio. He was wearing a cap and a pair of sunglasses. “Hey! Are you all talking bad about me?!” He said, shocking the trio, who then turned and recognized who the man was. “Hoya!” Sungyeol shouted as he smiled at him. “Someone is having celebrity disease huh, wearing sunglasses and all,” Woohyun joked as he saw Hoya’s outfit. Sunggyu and Sungyeol laughed at Woohyun’s witty comment, while Hoya just stared at his normal outfit.



They noticed a man behind Hoya standing awkwardly, not knowing whether to say hi or let them continue their conversation. The man’s hair was dyed purplish-pink and it was styled perfectly. He had sharp and wild eyes, rather straight nose and plum lips. He stared nervously at the trio. Hoya then pulled the man closer to him and sneaked his hands around his waist. “I want you all to meet Dongwoo, my boyfriend,” Hoya introduced the man. Dongwoo flushed beet red with embarrassment and waved at the trio who were staring at him.



The three of them stared at the man in shock and that was definitely not what they have expected. They then crowded around the poor pink-haired man and bombarded the man with questions. “How did you meet Hoya?” “Why do you like this idiot?” The poor man didn’t have the chance to reply because the questions were never ending.



Hoya then dragged his boyfriend away from his crazy friends. “We are trainees in the same company, we are going to debut together, but of course, no one knows we are dating,” Hoya answered most of their questions in a sentence. “And as for why he likes me? I also don’t know, probably because I’m Hoya,” Hoya winked and the trio gave him a look of disgust, while showing him a puking action.



“Well, at least your boyfriend doesn’t have celebrity disease like you do!” Sungyeol pointed out. Everyone, including Dongwoo, except Hoya, burst out laughing. In the midst of the laughing, a deep voice spoke “What are you all laughing about?” Everyone turned and stared at the person dressed in all black. “Myungie!” Sungyeol squeaked as he ran towards his boyfriend. The rest of them turned away and shuddered at how the sickeningly sweet the couple behind them behaved.




“Patient Kim Myungsoo, his heart stopped beating,” The doctor said as he noticed how everyone became so still and silent. There was not even a single sound produced, as everyone held their breaths as they waited for the doctor to continue his sentence. “But, his heart miraculously started beating again, when I said the word “Yeolie”- just like what you have instructed,” The doctor smiles and stared at Woohyun. Woohyun remembered how he told the doctor to use Sungyeol’s nickname on Myungsoo if he needed a push.



Sungyeol was so afraid, his hands clutched onto Sunggyu’s hands. Relieved, it was finally over. Myungsoo won the battle against the scary brain cancer. Sungyeol’s body shook uncontrollably; he couldn’t believe it was finally over. Tears flowed out of his eyes- tears of relieve and joy. Sunggyu went over to hug him, continuously whispering into his ears how he is glad that Myungsoo was alright. Everyone waiting outside the room was so relieved that the doctor had won the fight against cancer. They all cried- tears of relieve and glad that their prayers were heard.






In life, there would definitely be times we feel different kind of emotions- Sadness, Happiness, Fear, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Helplessness or even Desperation. We may shun away from happiness for fear that we would lose sight of the happiness once it is attained. We might be afraid of what is going to happen when we start trusting, forgiving someone who had once hurt us so deeply. Sometimes, we will stay hidden; we would fight against what our mind tells us to do.



I hope you will start having enough courage to take the step out like how Sunggyu did, take a leap of faith like how Sungyeol did, treasure your friendship like how Hoya did, love unconditionally like the way Woohyun did and fight for the one you love like how Myungsoo did. Mistakes, we all make them. What we need is the guts to face those mistakes we did. Take things in your hand, turn the mistake around. Who knows? You might just get your own happy ending…..











All i wanna say is.... THANK YOU, all of you subscribers for the support you have given me!!! Even though this was my first story (and a quite horrible one), I still feel the sense of accomplishment that I have finally finished this fanfic! And also, i never expect to get so many subscribers and views and i really honestly thought no one was gonna read the fic. :P But, Thank you for giving this fic a chance *breathes in emotionally, with teary eyes* I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Angels and Demons


Happiness (Collection of my oneshots)


Thank you for commenting and I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter, PangjytDaikatsunamuchiWhereTheAngelsFly! :) <3






Okay *off to update Angels and Demons!*

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wow. 80 subs? I'm still getting subs for this even when it's completed? you guys are amazing! :D


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 23: Its really beautiful.
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 23: hahaha..just use yeolie..bwahahahaha..thats funny...namu2...im glad its happy ending!!*throw confeti* woohooo
Chapter 23: hehhehehhe cant help.myself from giggling.....coz of woohyun's suggestion... use Yeolie...and thats it Myungie's life came back because of YEOLIEhehhehehehe
Chapter 23: So nice I really like it and why did I read it just nowwwww.
Chapter 23: Dramatically awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 23: Thank you for didnt kill myungsoo
Chapter 23: I read it for the second time and this fic still give a huge effect on me. The epilogue.. T_T
I just cant. Its too beautiful. ::>_<::
maedtuggi #8
Chapter 23: OMG!!! your story is so amazing authornim..!!!! i just finish it, omg.. i'll support your story authornim.. fighting!!