Arrogant bastard of an ulzzang..

Na Neun Dang Sin Ui Do Um I Pir Yo~나는 당신의 도움이 필요 (HIATUS)

A/N: erm okii I got a lot of messages asking what I was lol (in race) X3 lol well guys~ that just shows that a lot of people don't read my profile ;3; so please PLEASE READ MY PROFILE =n= as it says I'm 3 parts Asian :3~ though I've been told I was four parts =n= I know very well that I'm for certain Filipina-Japanese-Chinese and my grandma said she's part Korean somewhere so now I'm not sure >w> kekeke~


Ok so let's get started yesh? :3


~Saturday~5:00 A.M~

Hye Su shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose as she rode in the back seat of the black car, 'This.. is this worth it.. ?' she looked out the window to see the sky just lighting up from the sun. Young Hoon had called her the previous night, saying that he needed to go to a conference and that he needed her to take care of Ha Min's schedule for the weekend. "Aigoo.. " she breathed out, exasperated.

"Hye Su-shi~ Gwenchannahyo?" Hye Su looked to the front at the driver, Jong Min.

"Ah.. nae ajjushi.. gwenchannayo.. mianhamnida.. na peegon hae.. " she smiled weakly at him.

"Why not take a short nap? We'll be there within the hour~"

"Ah.. nae.. I will.. Kamsahamnida~" 'I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. ' she closed her eyes and fell into a light slumber.


~5:45 A.M.~

Hye Su's eyes fluttered open at the sunrise seeping through the darkly tinted windows. She shielded her eyes and rubbed at them, feeling the car slow down before coming to a steady stop. Hye Su lifted her head from leaning on the door and looked out the window at the tall building shining in the sunrise. 

"We're here Hye Su-shi~" Hye Su turned to the middle-aged man, who smiled at her before stepping out the door and quickly walking to the other side to open her door. Hye Su bowed to him and thanked him before straightening herself up and walking with profession into the tall glass building.

'Here we go.. ' she sighed once she was in the elevator, pressing level 14 on the buttons. She stared at the blurred reflection on the steel elevator doors, smoothing out her skirt before the doors opened.

She stepped out cautiously to find a big busy white room with different photo booths in action. Hye Su walked over to the counter and asked where Yu Ha Min was; they directed her to the balcony shoot at the end of the white hallway. Hye Su peeked through the glass windows, but could only see the equipment that were being used to shoot him. She stepped out onto the busy balcony, only to be directed down the stone steps into the garden. She looked around as she stepped down, looking for the subject of the photo shoot. She headed for the center of the entire shoot and her eyes widened for a moment before going back to normal.

'When did he dye his hair.. ? Has it been that long since I've last seen him.. ?' Hye Su counted the days in her head, 'It's only been two days.. eesh.. this guy.. he's gonna ruin his hair.. ' Hye Su rolled her eyes and walked over to the staff to tell them that she was filling in for Manager Young Hoon.

"Kamsahamnida.. " Ha Min bowed to the staff once they had finished the shoot about two hours later. Ha Min looked around for his manager, only to find the new assistant waiting for him by the fountain of the garden. He smirked at her, eyeing her stylish outfit, from her sparkling heels, to her thin crossed purple legging-covered legs, to the oversized white top covering her small frame, to her black nerd glasses that framed her shining face, finishing with her long black hair and the long shoulder bag on her lap.

Hye Su was looking and editing Ha Min's schedule on the white PDA that Young Hoon had given her.

(A/N: Let's pretend this exists >w>)

She was intently focused on reviewing Ha Min's schedule for the day, memorizing it so that she wouldn't have to keep referring to the device; she was rereading it for the fourth time when a hand on her shoulder made her jump. She turned and looked up to find an amused Ha Min; she rolled her eyes, sighing as she turned away from him.

"Aish.. did you have to sneak up on me.. ?" she mumbled, closing the PDA and gently putting it into her bag before uncrossing her legs, standing up, and slinging the bag on her shoulder. She put on her shades - after removing her glasses - and crossed her arms, turning her back to him.

Ha Min took a swig of the water bottle in his hand, he smirked at her back, "Not my fault.. why are you so jumpy?" he walked over to her side and leaned dangerously close to her ear, "Have my looks gotten to you.. ?" he blew into her ear and she jumped away from him, her cheeks turning cherry red.

"Y-YAH!!" she squealed holding both hands to her ear. Ha Min covered his mouth with the back of his hand, snickering at the reaction of the young girl. He peeked at her with one eye, still laughing, she was pouting and had turned away from him in embarrassment. 'Aish!! I'm thinking this really isn't worth it anymore!!'

"Calm down.. haha~ I'm just messing with you~" he smirked, slinging an arm around her shoulders. Hye Su glared at him from the corner of her eyes then turned away from him with a hmph!

"Ha Min-shi~" a staff member called him. He leaned his head forward peeking beside Hye Su, which caused her to look at him strangely.

"Oh yeah.. be right back sweetie~ I'll get changed and we'll be on our way hm?" he leaned into her ear again. Hye Su's eyes widened and she was about to shove him off but he'd already unslung his arm and ran away backwards while snickering and waving at her.

"AISH!!" she didn't know how much more of it she could take, 'Cocky, arrogant, stupid.. AISH!! What the hell is with him?!' she stomped up the stone steps to the balcony and into the air conditioned building, just then noticing that she had sweat on her forehead from the humidity outside. She took out her handkerchief and dabbed at her forehead, then took out a hair tie and put her hair into a messy bun, not bothering to look in the mirror.

She looked around the spacious white lobby in the middle of the hallways, she smiled at the peace inside and looked around at the other models having photo shoots.

She took out her English book and started reading her homework for the next week. Before she knew it, about half an hour had passed; she looked at her white wrist watch.. it was quarter to 8:00 A.M. and his next schedule was in another half hour.

"AIsh! Where is he?! What guy takes this long to change?!" she stated for only her to hear.

"A hot guy~" Hye Su turned to the familiar cocky voice with a glare; he winked at her and looked in the mirror conveniently placed in front of him on the wall; he fixed himself up, ignoring the girl beside him, tapping her foot impatiently.

"AISH!! GA JA!!" she yelled grabbing his arm and dragging him to the elevator.

"YAH!!" he stumbled behind her as she scurried him over to the awaiting silver doors, "AISH!! WOMAN LET GO!! I HAVE LEGS AND YOU'RE GONNA BREAK MY ARM!!" he shoved her hand off his arm once she stopped to press the button for the elevator, "Aish you have a monster grip.. " he rubbed his upper arm where she had grabbed him, "Let me walk.. I have.. y.. legs.. " he smirked as the elevator reached them. The doors opened and Hye Su stepped through, rolling her eyes and leaning back on the wall of the elevator, giving out an exasperated sigh. Ha Min followed with his own pace, fixing his hair in the blurry reflection of the elevator as Hye Su pressed the lobby button. Hye Su glanced at him from the corner of her eye, "My looks really are attracting you hm?" he smirked at his reflection.

Hye Su's eyes widened, her cheeks growing pink, "M-Mwoh?!" she shot off the wall and stared at him in shock.

He started laughing with his hands in his pockets, "Calm down cutie~" he took her chin with his index finger and thumb and tilted her pink face up to look him in the eyes. He backed her up to the corner of the elevator, reaching his free hand to rest on the wall beside her head, "You're making my job fun.. I think I'll hire you full time hm?"

"M-Mwoh?! I can't work full time! I'm still a high school student!" her face went completely red as he got closer to her.

Ha Min looked taken aback, "Mwoh? High school?! Chincha?!" he blinked at her shocked, he backed up, releasing her then eyeing her from top to bottom.

"M-Mwoh.. ?" she blushed again, turning her body slightly and fidgeting under his gaze.

He scrutinized for a bit, leaning back and putting his loose fist to his lips, "How old are you exactly.. ?"

"18.. you really didn't know.. you don't get to know your managers and assistants.. or even workers do you.. ?" she raised an eyebrow, the bright color fading from her cheeks.

He stared at her inquisitively before turning away from her, facing the elevator doors. Hye Su raised her eyebrow at him then followed him out the elevator doors when it reached the lobby.

"Hm.. here's the deal.. " he smirked stopping and turning to her once they were out the front doors; he now had his shades on and his hands were in his pocket allowing him to look lean and thin. Hye Su stopped in front of him, "Such a young girl like you.. " he took her face in his fingers, "Since you're still a student.. and I can't have you 24/7 as my assistant.. I'll make a public announcement.. " he moved his body closer, not releasing her.

"M-Mwoh.. ?" she was blushing again.

"From now on.. you're my girl.. "


A/N: >w> kekeke again sorry for the late updates :P things are going on right now and ty for your patience :3


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exoticzk #1
Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Pretty please update soon >3<
JP_Bestie #3
Ahhh i wonder whats gonna happen next?<br />
New reader^^<br />
Cant wait till you update again =)
you got me screaming and "KYAAA~~"-ing at chapter 5 haha <br />
oh gosh ha minnie is a jerk but also so hot and sweet at the same time ;__; awesome story, thank youu!!
ahhhhh, update again today plsssss. I love this story :)
Sospirit_Br3nt #6
Please update soon!!!! I think this story is super nice!
fishcakes #7
kpop_luvvs #8
dude i love you!!! this fic is aweosme!! :3 oh ogd ljoe is in new york? damn, i wanna be in New York.... and CONGRATS!!! on passing the first round and good luck with the second round!!! if you get accepted i'll be your fan ^.^ and if not, i would still be :D
caffeinesurge #10
OMG! Yu Ha Min fanfic!! Totally awesome!! Updates please><