Chapter 2

Give Love
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Chapter 2









Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.














Days and days fly by and Ji-Yung is widely known as Miss Troublemaker by everyone who is associated in YG.

In the beginning, Ji-Yung isn’t too shabby with dancing, until day by day, she starts to excel at mostly everything their dance instructor teaches her and the other trainees. Unfortunately for Ji-Yung she has 0 friends and mostly all of the trainees detests her to the core. She earns a lot of hate, but quietly accepts them, for she pretends that they are doing it out of jealously, and not because of different reasons. Still, Ji-Yung craves for a friend she knows she cannot have. Afterall, who would want to be friends with a girl like her?

“Aisht!” Jun-Hee growls. “Ji-Yung-sshi! Pay attention will you? Stop slacking off!”

“Mianhe, mia-”

“Class dismissed!” The instructor zooms out of class, and is preparing for the next one.

“Ugh,” Jun-Hee mutters in annoyance, still bothered with Ji-Yung. “Sorry won’t fix anything. You’re just a waste of time.”

“Excuse me?” Ji-Yung is having one of the worst days and she just cannot tolerate Jun-Hee’s iness. It’s September 28th, the date she dreaded to come and here is Jun-Hee, being ignorant and arrogant and spurting out nonsense. “What did you say?”

“You heard me,” Jun-Hee smirks, finally getting some sort of reaction from the latter. “You were and still are dragging everyone down.”

“Oh, please,” Ji-Yung scoffs. “Like you’re doing any better.”

“You always lack something!” Jun-Hee screeches, ignoring Ji-Yung’s commentary. “You always daze off and you are a weakling! You’re nothing special, so why are you here, huh?”

Ji-Yung remains motionless, unable to speak.

“Huh?” Jun-Hee taunts. “You’re nothing. Nothing but a pretty face. A talent? What talent?”

“Oh, honey, we all know that’s not true,” Ji-Yung looks at her menacingly and successfully veiled the storm inside. “I may appear weak, but we all know who the true weakling is.”

“And who is that?”

“I think we all know who,” Ji-Yung’s eyes glaze around the whole room, but not one looks up to meet hers. She coolly smirks as she slings her shoulder bag and raised her eyebrows. “Besides, I don’t want to embarrass you and announce your name.”

“Oops,” She feigns interest in Jun-Hee’s feelings as her hand delicately covers here bitter smile. “I just did.”

“You think I’m a weakling? Huh?” Jun-hee howls, enraged, as Ji-Yung continues to walk away. “Ha! I’ll show you. At least I have friends. But you… No one cares for you! EVERYONE HATES YOU!”

“Fine by me,” Ji-Yung winks playfully and walks authoritatively towards the door before facing the silent crowd. “Even if I don’t have any friends, it’s better like that than to surround myself with fake ones.”

With that, she closes the door, and grudgingly drags her body around the YG Building.

Ji-Yung sighs.

Mianhe Omma. I know you don’t like it when I act like that, but I just can’t help it! Mian…

“Oh? Ji-Yung-sshi?”

She freezes, unable to move.


Ji-Yung momentarily closes her eyes as her mind produces various vulgar words that a lady would never say as a pair of blurry black boots quickly came in her view.

“Ji-Yu- Oh? Why are you crying?”

She blinks, surprised, as a hand cups her efface, tilting it upwards.

I’m… crying?

Unable to suppress the overflowing tears, Ji-Yung starts to bawl loudly.

“Shh…” G-Dragon envelops the fragile girl in his arms, mysteriously enjoying the company. “Shh, Oppa’s here.”

Ji-Yung’s cries continue to escalate.

So this is what a father’s hug feels like…

She sniffles, absorbing the warmth she has missed as she nuzzles against his warm chest, inhaling his scent.

“Shh…” Jiyong soothes her, rubbing her back, confused with his actions. He is G-Dragon, the leader of BIGBANG, the King of Fashion, the chic and knowledgeable producer that everyone looks up to, yet here he was, comforting a girl he barely knows. “What’s wrong, love?”

“I… I miss… my… my omma,” Ji-Yung hiccups, trying to restrain herself from drenching his jacket. “M-mianhe. I disturbed you.”

“Ani!” Jiyong stops her from further retreat from his arms, his fatherly instincts showing. “It’s okay. You need to let it out once in a while.”

Ji-Yung, still enclosed in Jiyong’s arms, slowly drift into dreamland, and Jiyong, not having the heart to wake the poor child, carries her, ignoring the surprised looks from the staff, artists, and trainees.

“Hyung,” Jiyong grunts as he had trouble opening the door to his studio. “Open!”

“Oh, G-…?”

“Shh! Quiet!” Jiyong softly lays her down on a comfy couch next to his recording equipment. “You might wake her.”

“Yah Ji,” TOP looks at his dongsaeng in awe as Jiyong takes off his jacket to cover the sleeping beauty. “Who’s she?”

“Aisht! Hyung! You’re going to wake her up!” Jiyong quietly repremands him.

Once a leader, always a leader.

TOP puts his hands up in surrender.

“Hey…” TOP rubs his chin as he squints to look at the girl. “Wasn’t she the girl Hanbyul noona and Dongwook hyung brought?”

“Huh?” Jiyong’s ear perks from the information. “They brought her?”

“Yeah,” TOP scratches his head. “I don’t think she’s theirs though. She didn’t introduce herself as a Choi.”

Jiyong blinks.

“Annyeonghaseo, Kw-Park Ji-Yung-imnida!”

His eyes lights up like a Christmas tree as his hyung looks at each other.

“No. No way,” TOP shakes his head. “No way can she be yours. No freaking way.”

“But there’s a possibility- ”



“Ji, you just miss Dara and the baby. Come on. Get a grip and stop having delusional thoughts.”

Jiyong’s eyes fall down to the girl covered in his jacket.

I just wish…

“Don’t worry dongsaeng,” TOP pats his back. “Whatever is yours, will come back if it’s yours.”

“Thanks hyung,” He nods, trying to contain the tears.

“Dara, my baby, please come back,” He quietly sobs as he turns away from the girl. “Come back with our baby. I love you so much. I miss you so much that I even thought that a girl is my baby.”

He chuckles humorlessly.

“Jagiya, can you hear me? I miss you so much… Please come back… Please.”


Unknown to him, his daughter is awake and is listening to his pleas.


“I love you too Appa.”




Ji-Yung yawns as she sits up, waking up from her nap.


“Oh?” Ji-yung faces the leader of BIGBANG. “Oh. Um, thank you G-Dragon-sshi.”

An awkward silence carries on, making both of them fidget in their seat.

“Hello,” He smiles, softly waving.

“H-hi me? Oh. Um. Hi,” She mentally smacks herself in the head before trying again. “Hello.”

He laughs out loud, turning her in a tomato.

“Hey,” Jiyong grabs her attention. “Where’s your omma and appa?”

“Um…” Ji-Yung scratches her nape, unsure of what to do. “My omma… She’s not well right now. And as of my appa, he wasn’t there during my birth.”


“But I know him though,” Ji-Yung bites her lip as she swings her legs. “I know him and I love him and nothing can change that.”

Jiyong crouches in front of her as he reaches for her hands.

“You have a wonderful omma and I’m sure your Appa loves you as well,” He pinches her cheek before chuckling. “You are one special girl to understand all of that. You’re brave and you’re special and don’t you ever forget that or let anyone define that, arrasso?”

Warmth settles in Ji-Yung’s body and she beams, elated.

“Kamsahamnida, G-Dragon-sshi!”

“Ani, ani,” He corrects her. “It’s Jiyong oppa for you.”

She giggles, happy to be this close to the person she looks up to.

“Um, oppa?” Ji-Yung fiddles with her fingers. “Can you help me with something?”


“I want to learn how to sing. I want you to teach me everything you know.”

Jiyong looks at her.


“Please?” Ji-Yung begs. “I’ll be a good student, I promise! I’ll do anything!”

“Arrasseo, but why?”

“Because I don’t want to just be a pretty face,” Ji-Yung looks on the ground, remembering her mother’s experience and what Jun-Hee said about her. “I don’t want to only have one asset. I want to be able to prove people wrong.”

Seeing the perseverance in her eyes, he smiles bitterly.

Somehow, he sees Dara and him in her, all in one.

“Okay. I’ll help you.”



Day by day, Ji-Yung starts to get better as she practices at any time she can.

“One, two three,” She breathes as she dances to a beat, remembering what her teacher taught them on that day. “Boom, boom, boom!”

Ji-Yung checks the time as she wipes the sweat off of the bridge of her nose.

“Oh shoot! I’m going to be late!”

She then hurries out of the practice room, not knowing that someone has seen and followed her to her destination.


Ji-Yung watches in trance.

How can someone be so good in dancing?

“Okay guys, this is one of the hardest parts, so listen up!”

Instantly, Ji-Yung videotapes the whole dance session before sneaking back in the practice room.

“So that’s where you always go,” A person emerges from the dark shadow. “You could’ve just asked me if you wanted to have her as a teacher you know.”

“Huh? Oh no, that’s not why,” Ji-Yung declines his offer. “I just want to know more about dancing because the next day, this is the lesson we’re going to learn, so I might as well practice now.”

“Ahh,” G-Dragon nods in understanding. “So, do you want to start now? We can wait for a few minutes til our usual time.”

“Nah, we can start now,” Ji-Yung jumps up, ready for practice.




Ji-Yung lunges for the water bottle and flops on the floor, tired.

G-Dragon smirks.




“Like a bear after hibernation.”

“Do you want to quit?”

“Quitting is not in my vocabulary.”

He laughs and ruffles her hair.

“That’s my girl.”


After a few minutes in silence, G-Dragon asks, “Do you want to go out and eat?”

Ji-Yung’s eyes turn into saucers.


“Yeah. Just ask your… Um… who do you live with?”

“I live with my aunt Hanbyul and uncle Dongwook.”

“How do you know them again?” Jiyong asks, still believing that she might be his daughter. If not, at least she should know where her daughter is.

“Because they’re my omma’s best friends.”

“Ah, but-”

“Wait a minute oppa, I’ll just ask if I can go.”

“A-arrasso,” He sighs, not getting a clear answer.

Ji-Yung breathes, not realizing she was holding her breath. She knows that her appa wants to know about her, but she can’t tell him yet.

She needs to live up to his name before telling him.

“Unnie!” Ji-Yung squeals. “Can I go eat out with Ji Oppa? Pleaseeee~?”

“Aisht, this yeoja,” Hanbyul mutters, wakes up from her nap. “Arrasso, but please don’t come later than 12. I know you have been staying up for pract

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Dara23 #1
Chapter 5: i hope u updatte soon.. i'm curious about ur story
ssandykwon #2
Chapter 5: omg this is so exciting and interesting i hope ypu will update soon :(
Chapter 5: omg. update soon. i want to know more.
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 5: update soon
freckles #5
Chapter 5: Hoping to read your update soon . . . ;-D
Francesmay #6
Chapter 2: Update soon...looking forward to it....
rilavipblackjack #7
Chapter 2: This is so cute!!!! <3<3 update!! ~~~^^
Chapter 2: Papa YG's Last Line is so touching and what happen to dara?? why is she sick?? Now i'm worried sick!

Update Soon Juseyo!
LumosStorm #9
Chapter 2: kyaaa!!! thank you for this adorable chappie!!
when is dara coming into the scene? i want to read a beautiful family reunion!!
Chapter 1: Where is Dara? hmmm... looking forward on your next chap... ^^