
Steal My Heart Away (Heart Attack)

Resting. It felt nice. Sehun never have rested this well before. It felt so good, he didn't want to wake up. Instead he fell deeper into his slumber.


Then he felt it.


Something wet was touching his face. Wait. Something was him. Sehun shot up, wiping away the slimy stuff off his face, groaning and cursing as he did. He absolutely hated it when someone (or in this case something) interrupts his resting time. There was a little puppy sitting on it's hind legs in front of him. It sat there, waiting for him. Sehun stared at it, a little confused.


"Are you lost?" He asked in a low voice. The puppy barked in excitement. Sehun sighed. "Well, let's find your owner then. He's got to be here somewhere."


Sehun lifted the tiny puppy up and walked around aimlessly, noticing that the park was strangely empty.


"Where's everybody?" He looked around, puzzled.


Just then, as if it was luck, he saw a brunette not far from where he was. The figure seemed to be searching for something. Without much thought, Sehun ran up to the brunette.


In a realistic dream world, I loved you like crazy.


"Hey, wait up," Sehun yelled as he managed to find the owner of the puppy he was holding. "Wait!" He was panting as he caught up with the brunette.


He gulped in a large amount of air. He checked the dog collar for the puppy's name. "You must be Bacon's owner, right?" He asked, a little breathless.


The boy turned around with a dazzling smile. The puppy barked happily as the boy took him back into his arms. Sehun's eyes widened as he stared in awe at the boy's beauty, dazed. He looked so ethereal under the soft glow of the sun. Like a rose, an epitome of fragile beauty. Momentarily, Sehun lost his ability of speech. His face flushed pink as he tried talking, only to form incoherent mumbles. He fiddled with the hem of his pullover when he heard soft tinkling laughter. The boy was making him flustered without even trying.


Finally, after the laughter died down, a gentle voice spoke, "I'm Luhan."




That name burned at the back of his mind. Why was it so familiar? Pushing those thoughts aside, Sehun said shyly, stuttering a little, "I'm Sehun."


"Well then Sehun. See you around," Luhan's voice was airy and warm, like a sweet melody. Sehun was entranced by the honey-like voice.


"See you around," Sehun repeats. The lingering scent of fresh berries invaded his smell, leaving him craving for more.


And he was a goner. Oh Sehun fell in love with the mysterious yet beautiful boy. He was awestruck.


Every time Sehun met Luhan, he seemed to be glowing. He was brighter, brighter than the sun. His eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky and his smile, oh so dazzling. It was almost blinding. Strangely, Sehun was attracted to his mystifying brightness. He couldn't stay away even if he chose to. He felt strongly for Luhan. Strong feelings he never felt before. Nothing could be compared to Luhan's brilliance. The Sun, a mere ball of ever-blazing light, was nothing compared to Luhan. If Sehun was in darkness, Luhan was his flashlight, a light leading him to safety; hope.


All the lights lose their shine as compared to you, a constantly shining flashlight.


"Oh, Sehun-ah? You're here?" Luhan greeted him with the smile he grew to love. In his arms was a furry little dog Sehun found previously, Bacon.


Sehun took a seat on the bench next to Luhan. A comfortable silence accompanied the both of them. Only the soft whispers of the wind and the lively chirping of birds could be heard. Sehun glanced at Luhan who was deep in thought. His hand was mechanically Bacon's fur as he stared longingly at the Han River. He had a faraway look on his face, slightly distracted. Sehun cleared his throat in an attempt to get Luhan's attention. Luhan tore away his attention from the river and focused his gazed on Sehun.


"What is it Sehun?" His voice was raspy.


"Hyung, I... I have to tell you something important," Sehun began nervously. He was choking on his saliva.


"Go on," Luhan urged him, seeming interested.


Sehun was a little unsure but continued determinedly. "I know it has only been days since I first met you but I think I'm in love with you Luhan hyung."


Disbelief was written all over Luhan's face. "What?" He gasped incredulously. "Sehun, sorry, I can't-"


"Hyung, I know you can't possibly accept me. I understand you, hyung. I just want you to know that I'm crazily in love with you. I can't stop thinking about you," Sehun went on doggedly, almost pleading. "Hyung, I just want you to try loving me. I-"


"I'm sorry Sehun. I can't possibly do that," came Luhan's firm reply. That was the first time Sehun heard Luhan's voice so emotionless. He became rigid and stiff. Luhan's gaze hardened, his eyes became glassy. "I can never love someone like you," he spat angrily.


Luhan stood up suddenly and left Sehun all alone. Sehun could only watch Luhan's delicate figure running away in a distance, till he became a mere speck of dust against the horizon. Sehun couldn’t breathe. The silence was suffocating him.


You didn’t leave behind any oxygen, all that’s left is a heavy silence, so quiet I can’t breathe.


Did it always hurt that much to love someone?









He stumbled into Luhan the next day at their rendezvous, the field full of wild flowers quite near their usual spot at the bench. It wasn't planned. Sehun didn't even know why his legs were leading him here. Or was it his heart? He saw Luhan sitting in the middle of the field with his knees tucked to his chest. His face was buried in his hands. His hair was unkempt. He was in his own little world, while Bacon was trying to catch the butterflies twirling around.


"Luhan," Sehun called out slowly.


The boy looked up tiredly. Sehun was shocked at the state Luhan was in. His eyes were red and swollen. His face was blotchy and puffy. It was evident he had been crying all day long. His hair was unruly. His entire appearance wasn't like the Luhan Sehun knew.


"Why are you here, Sehun?" Luhan's voice cracked.


"Because my heart leads to you," Sehun gave him a wistful smile.


"You're not supposed to be here," Luhan cried out. Luhan grabbed his hair in frustration. It hurt Sehun that he was the one causing agony towards the person he loved. But he was curious why Luhan was pushing him away.


"Why?" Sehun questioned, challenging Luhan. Luhan's head snapped back. A hardened look was displayed on Luhan's features. "Why can't I stay here and love you?"


"Because you're not meant to be here, Sehun. You need to wake up and face reality," Luhan answered harshly as he stood up to walk away.


Sehun lunged forward and grabbed his arm tightly. "I'm not letting you go. No more running away from me."


"Let me go," Luhan tried prying his fingers away, struggling to free himself. Bacon started barking as if sensing his owner's uneasiness.


Sehun's heart was broken when he saw the disgust and hatred in Luhan's eyes. "You really hate me that much, huh?" He whispered sadly. His grip on Luhan loosened slowly. His hopes of getting Luhan to reciprocate his love was gone. His efforts were nothing. His shoulders deflated as he watched Luhan scrambling away from him, with Bacon tagging along right behind. Twice. Luhan ran away from him twice.


It was the in evening when Luhan came to him once more. This time Luhan was like an illusion. He was fading like an old image. Sehun knew Luhan had this strange yet soothing glow to him. But now, Luhan was more translucent, as if he was see-through. Sehun had been waiting for Luhan to come back. He had been lying in the field, stargazing by himself, all alone when Luhan stood over him, blocking his view of the vast night sky. He had waited patiently for Luhan. And Luhan came.


"I'm sorry Sehun. But you can't stay here anymore," Luhan's voice was unclear. He was unable to mask the hurt, yet he forced himself to carry on. "You need to leave. You need to wake up, Sehun."


"What if I want to stay here forever, with you?" Sehun said in a small voice, waiting in anticipation for Luhan's answer.


"No!" Luhan yelled. "Don't say that!" Sehun noticed the hint of fear and sadness in his voice. "You can't Sehun. You have to continue living."


Sehun looked at Luhan confusingly. He was bewildered by what Luhan said. "Living? What do you mean?"


"You're still alive Sehun. Wake up. Wake up and don't remember me. Don't remember that you loved me," Luhan continued rambling, ignoring Sehun. Luhan was mumbling something and he started glowing very brightly. Sehun squinted, trying to reach out towards Luhan but he was embracing thin air. At that moment everything became blank.


I feel an illusion of you, embracing you feels like embracing thin air.










Sehun heard beeping sounds near him. He was also aware of the body close to him. He felt someone holding his hand tightly.


"Wake up and don't remember me," the familiar voice said. The tightly wounded grasp on his hand loosened slowly and Sehun heard the footsteps of him leaving the room.


Sehun's eyes shot open. He squinted as the light blared into his eyes. He felt utterly weak and tired. He glanced around the room he was in and noticed whitewashed walls. The smell of disinfectant invaded his nostrils. Sehun realised that he was in a hospital. What had happened? Sehun didn't know. In fact, he didn't remember a single thing that had happened. A nurse who came by immediately alerted the doctor about Sehun gaining consciousness.


Sehun felt uneasy when the doctor prodded him about his memory. Sehun repeated in slight annoyance that he didn't remember a single thing that has happened to him.


"Is there anything you remember in particular?" the doctor asked, tapping his pen on the clipboard. Sehun stared at his nametag. Suho Kim. Dr Kim.


Sehun's head throbbed in a dull ache. He shut his eyes and tried to ease the pain. But then, there were flashes of images of a boy. A brunette in the fields, on a bench near Han River, holding a little puppy. Sehun clutched his head to stop the continuous flashes of images.


"I see a boy. A brunette with a puppy," Sehun choked on his words. The pain intensified and all Sehun could do was to groan in pain.


"Sehun-ssi, are you okay?" Dr Kim grabbed his shoulder and asked in concern. "I suggest you rest right now. I don't want to force you anymore. I'll check up on you later to see if there's any progression," He continued doing last checks on Sehun and left the boy all lonely in the ward.


There was ringing in his ears. His head still hurts pretty bad. The whole room seemed to spin round and round. He felt dizzy. As he was reaching out for the glass of water, Sehun heard the door open. He turned around to find a boy his age entering with a bouquet of get-well-soon flowers.


"Kyungsoo?" Sehun croaked.


"How are you feeling Sehun?" Kyungsoo asked genuinely.


"My head's pretty banged up, I guess. I seemed to have fractured many bones. It hurts so bad," Sehun whined as Kyungsoo arranged the bouquet in an empty vase. "What happened to me?"


"You got in a fight with your boyfriend and you got into an accident. It was a very bad one," Kyungsoo explained as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.


"Boyfriend? I had a boyfriend?" Sehun looked puzzled and that itself shocked Kyungsoo.


"You mean you forgot?" Kyungsoo's widened to the size of saucers.


"I've never had one Kyungsoo. Quit joking. I know you've been wanting me to get a boyfriend for so long," Sehun chuckled bitterly.


"Haha.. Yeah. I was joking," Kyungsoo laughed forcefully. "Anyway, what's today's date?" he asked, wondering if Sehun knew how long he was out.


"It’s still June, right?" Sehun mumbled.


"Sehun, it's already November. You've been in a coma for months now," Kyungsoo sighed worryingly when Sehun gave him a confused look.


"Coma? For months? Wow, that accident must be serious," Sehun muttered under his breath. "Well, I must stay around for another week or so. It depends. Bring Jongin too, alright?"


"Sehun, Jongin and I have separated. But if it makes you feel better, I'll try to bring him here. How's that?" Kyungsoo patted Sehun's shoulder comfortingly.


"I heard the doctor said that I have amnesia. I'm sorry if I can't remember. If Jongin can't make it, it's okay," Sehun whispered tiredly. Sehun yawned and stretched his body, getting ready for a nap.


"Sleep well, Sehun-ah," Kyungsoo smiled sadly as he left the ward. Once he was safely outside, he took his phone out and called someone hurriedly.


"Hello? It's about Sehun. He doesn't remember you," Kyungsoo told in a soft voice. "This was what you wanted all along, wasn't it?" the grip on his cellphone tightened. "You bastard. Don't you dare find Sehun again!" Kyungsoo spat angrily and ended the conversation. He stormed off the hospital in anger, scaring staffs, patients and visitors alike.










Sehun's eyebrows were furrowed. He wore a frown on his face. He was still fast asleep though. He tossed and turned. Beads of sweat slid down his neck. Sehun was having strange visions in his mind. The same flashes of images he had earlier. The brunette with his dazzling smile. That familiar face plaguing his even in his sleep. Sehun tried his best to remember a name. At least the name of the boy in his dream. But there was something preventing him from regaining the memory of the boy's name. It was at the tip of his tongue. However, nothing came out. He was frustrated.


Even in my sleep, all I see are images of you


Sehun woke up the next day with a splitting headache. He was disoriented even when the nurse came in to give him his medication. He looked lost and distracted. Kyungsoo visited Sehun but the blonde haired boy was fast asleep. Jongin stood beside Kyungsoo, staring at the vulnerable Sehun. Kyungsoo started tearing up, thinking about Sehun's messed up life. To soothe the crying boy, Jongin had no choice but to envelope Kyungsoo in a warm hug.


"It's going to be okay Soo," Jongin whispered in his ear.


"No, it's not. That bastard left Sehun all broken. He didn't even sound remorseful when I called him yesterday," Kyungsoo tugged Jongin's shirt tighter and he buried his face into Jongin's chest. "He said he was glad that Sehun couldn't remember a thing," he sniffled.


"You know he still loves Sehun. Maybe he does that to protect Sehun,"Jongin reasoned while patting Kyungsoo's back.


"He's leaving for China," Kyungsoo muttered sullenly. "He's leaving Sehun for real this time."


"I guess, they need sometime apart from each other, don't they?" he mumbled.


"Oh Jongin," Kyungsoo sighed. "I'm never letting Sehun know about his existence ever."


"I trust your judgement, Soo. You know what's best for our Sehun," Jongin agreed with a calm voice. "I know you won't hurt him."


Kyungsoo hummed contentedly as Jongin rocked him back and forth in the embrace. As if sensing Kyungsoo's thoughts, Jongin spoke quietly, "Kyungsoo, what happened between us?"


Kyungsoo looked up to meet his ex-lover's eyes. Jongin gazed at him tenderly. There was still love between them. "We fought. A lot. About everything. And your parents, they hate me."


"Could we possibly start all over again?" Jongin asked, trying miserably to mask his hope. Kyungsoo was thrown off guard by the question. Sensing Kyungsoo's discomfort, Jongin quickly continued. "We could elope.. I mean just you and me."


"I'm sorry Jongin. Even though I still love you, I'm just not read for another heartbreak," came Kyungsoo's soft reply.


Jongin nodded in understanding. "If you change your mind, I'll be waiting for you. Always."


Kyungsoo inhaled deeply. He was stressed up. Everything happened all at once. It wasn't fair at all in his perspective. Why must he deal with everyone's problem? He has to think about Sehun's problem with Luhan and his problem with Jongin. Truthfully, his head was beginning to hurt from all the thinking he did. It was terribly unfair.










Sehun was discharged from the hospital almost a month later. It was a dreadful and awfully dull day. He felt empty. Somewhere deep down inside he feels hollow. A sense of loss. Sehun feels as though he lost something important, something close to his heart. It was a few days before Christmas. Everyone was busy preparing for Christmas and New Year. And so Sehun immersed himself with the preparations. He tagged along with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to buy gifts for Christmas (despite walking around in crutches), trying to indulge the festive season for once. Yet Sehun feels incomplete. As if someone's missing.


The dreams he had was a usual occurrence. He dreams of wild flowers, warm hugs and a dazzling smile from an unknown brunette. Sehun felt the need to know, to find out who the boy was, even though he was forced to dig his memory for it.


It was New Year's Eve when Sehun went over to Kyungsoo's shared apartment with Chanyeol when he saw the familiar looking dog from his dreams. The dog had greeted him at the front door, sniffing and snuggling at his foot.


"Who do we have here?" Sehun's voice rang throughout the apartment as he shrugged his parka off.


"That's Bacon, Lu-" Kyungsoo put his hand over Chanyeol's mouth, effectively shutting the loud boy.


Sehun shot them an apprehensive look. "Okay," Sehun muttered.


Bacon. Well that sounds familiar, Sehun thought.


"Anyway, Kyung hyung, what are you cooking tonight?" Sehun asked, busying himself with the groceries Kyungsoo told him to buy.


"Lu-" Chanyeol began but once again, Kyungsoo whacked his shoulder, shutting him up.


"Your favourite food of course, Jjampong," Kyungsoo sang happily before shoving Chanyeol's ribs, glaring at him.


"Haha.. Yeah," Chanyeol scratched his neck.


"Hmm.." Sehun mumbled, not noticing the glares and shoves Chanyeol and Kyungsoo gave to each other.


Sehun patted the little dog, who wagged his tail happily at the attention given to him. He carried the little dog and sat on the couch. Bacon nestled into his warm chest and dozed off. Sehun chuckled softly. A sudden pain shot through his head, leaving Sehun disoriented.


"Hyung, I brought you someone special!"


"Who? Is it Channing Tatum?"


"No. I brought you a little puppy. Name him."


"Bacon. I'll call this baby Bacon."


Sehun heard a voice. That same sweet melodious voice from his dreams. Was he really going insane? Sehun eyed his two friends surreptitiously who were bickering about how much chili paste they were using and the occasional shoves and smacks. Would his friends be willing to help him uncover his memories? Were they selfless enough?


Setting the dog aside, Sehun decided to help Kyungsoo out by setting the dinner table, making himself useful. In his mind, Sehun was trying his best to come up with the best way to start the conversation. He knew he needed to be direct with Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo hated it when people beat around the bush, going on and on but avoiding the real topic. When dinner was served, with all the three sitting across for each other, Sehun plucked up his couraged and asked in a grave voice.


“Hyung, remember when you said I had a boyfriend back in the hospital?” Kyungsoo who was slurping the noodles, choked on it. He slammed his fist against his chest a few times before reaching out for a glass of water. Chanyeol reached out and patted Kyungsoo’s back comfortingly.


Sehun was a little shocked at his hyung’s overreaction. He narrowed his eyes a little as he scrutinized Kyungsoo.


There was a hint of worry in Kyungsoo’s voice when he denied with exaggerated hand movements. “No. never.”


“Really?” Sehun probed further, leaning slightly forward.


Kyungsoo gulped visibly. He knew Sehun was unconvinced. “ Y-yeah. It was a joke,” he stuttered a little. He quickly grabbed his glass of water, drinking it down quickly. He poured more water for himself and drank it slowly this time, trying to avoid Sehun’s unsettling gaze on him. From the corner of his eye, Kyungsoo felt Sehun not breaking his stare.


“What about you, Chanyeol hyung? Do you have anything to hide from me?” Sehun turned his attention to his other friend. He knew he could trust Chanyeol because Chanyeol never lied.


Chanyeol shifted uneasily in his seat and turned to Kyungsoo for help. Kyungsoo gave him a deathly glare which scared Chanyeol. Immediately Chanyeol said, “N-no. I don’t know a thing.”  


Sehun could see through Chanyeol’s lie. It was obvious had lied. Chanyeol couldn’t lie. He hated lying. If he was, his right eye would twitch continuously until he tells the truth.


“Hyung, you’re lying. It’s obvious,” Sehun muttered, clearly upset. “Why can’t you guys tell me the truth? Friends help each other, right?” It was an exasperated plea. Sehun looked desperate. He needed answers. “I want the truth,” he whispered brokenly.


“Sehun,” Kyungsoo began warily, “ Sometimes, the truth hurts.” Kyungsoo wore a sad smile.


“I don’t care. I know it hurts. But protecting me from the truth, lying to me? That hurts even more, hyung,” Sehun mumbled. Everyone remained quiet for a moment. The silence was deafening.


“You had a boyfriend,” Chanyeol finally spoke after keeping silent for so long. He hated to see his best friend all broken and devastated.


Sehun’s head snapped up and he wore a hopeful look. Kyungsoo's eyes widened in horror the moment Chanyeol blurted the secret he kept for the past weeks.


"But that's all I can say," Chanyeol added quickly. He stood up abruptly, heading for the kitchen with his empty bowl.


"Hyung? Why?" Sehun looked much too hopeful to Kyungsoo's liking.


"He... He left you without regrets.. even when he knew what you've been through. He's happy that you can't remember. He can't be bothered," with a heavy heart, Kyungsoo told Sehun.


Sehun remained silent, his face void of emotions. It scared Kyungsoo. What was Sehun thinking?


"T-that's why I kept it to myself. It'll hurt you," Kyungsoo muttered sadly. He too went to the kitchen with the dirty cutlery in order to give Sehun some space. Kyungsoo never wanted to hurt his friend. But he couldn’t risk telling Sehun something so oppressive.


Sehun was thinking deeply. Did he really hated him? Did he really want him gone?


Should I try to find you?


At 12 midnight, Sehun made a sullen wish. No matter what, he'll find that missing part of him.


I will find him.


That night Sehun dreams of pretty sunsets, intertwined fingers and whispery confessions of "I love you's". Sehun remembers clearly the silent promises made when pinkish lips sealed his rough ones in a sweet yet searing kiss. A small contented smile formed at the corners of his lips. The flashbacks he had showed how much he wanted those sweet moments to remain in his memories. The flashbacks of images during the time he had with him.


What remains in my mind won’t go away, images of you playing a never-ending flashback.


'There's no particular face in my dreams. His face is always blurry. I have no recollections of his features except for his eyes. There's something dazzling about it. That's the only thing I remember. I also do know that he is a brunette. But there's no name. I feel as though know it but I can't seem to spit it out. It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't. There's something holding it back. As though it's lodged deep down in my memories. There must be a reason why my brain keeps it locked away.'


Sehun scribbled away in a journal he kept. It was a new thing he did every single day. It was suggested by Dr Kim himself. It’s something like a therapy, he said. The journal was meant for Sehun to keep in touch with his memories; what he knew and what he needed to know. It was rather useful in Sehun's opinion because he gets to measure his progress. But lately, his recurring visions and dreams are leading him nowhere near mysterious boy.


Kyungsoo and Chanyeol? Well they refused to say anything, staying silent when Sehun pressed on. They kept their lips firmly shut. What about Jongin? Should he ask Jongin instead?


Unfortunately for Sehun, Jongin was out of town. It was frustrating. Were they all trying to avoid him?










Months flew by. Without him knowing, a year had passed. Sehun had begun losing hope in finding for the man haunting his dreams. It was evident that he was never going to find him. There was no use searching for someone who inevitably left him for good. And so Sehun tries every single day, to bury himself in his work. Going for monthly appointments, visiting Dr Kim amidst the chaos of finishing up his projects. He works as a wedding organiser, often having to immerse himself in happy occasions even when he feels utterly empty and depressed. As a wedding organiser, Sehun tirelessly pretends to be happy for the couples, most of the time forcing smiles, which immediately formed pained expressions. Sehun decided to help out with his mother’s bridal company since he was pretty good with bridal arrangements and organising events. From what he was told by his mother, he used to pursue a degree in events management before he gave up to chase after his 'dream'.


This time he had the biggest project to plan and carry out. It was Kim Taeyeon and Byun Baekhyun’s wedding for crying out loud. Heirs of important shareholders in South Korea. They are from the most powerful and well-respected families. If Sehun screwed up their wedding, he’d be dead meat. However, lucky for him, he was acquaintances with the groom-to-be, Baekhyun. They were from the same university but different majors. They knew each other quite well. So Sehun was on Baekhyun’s good side.


"Sir, can you please stop making things difficult for us? We are trying very hard to be patient," Sehun's voice was strained. He was frowning, clearly unhappy about some arrangements. His grip on the phone tightened. "This is an important wedding. You said we could trust you," he sounded annoyed. "What do you mean the flower arrangements isn't done? I clearly stated I wanted it done and delivered by today!" Sehun barked into the phone. He looked exasperated and angry at the same time. He ran his fingers through his hair with slight frustration. "I want the arrangements done pronto," Sehun snapped angrily and ended the conversation.


There was a flurry of activity around him. Workers setting up dining tables and chairs for the wedding dinner. The interior was transformed into somewhat a place where fairytales come to life. The decorations were elegant as requested by the bride and the colour code was pure white which matched the magical atmosphere to the fairytale themed wedding. Sehun designed the entire interior exactly like his dream wedding. It was something extracted from his dreams. Baekhyun had trusted Sehun's taste when he presented the idea and agreed on it immediately.


Oh Sehun was now planning his dream wedding for someone else in spite of himself.


Even though months have passed, Sehun's dreams come and go quite frequently but less intense than the few months he recovered from the accident. Each time, his dreams became slightly clearer. A few days ago, he could almost make out the face of the boy in his dreams. His journal, which Dr Kim frequently checks, were now full with messy scribbles and detailed recollections of each dream. It was as though his heart was slowly recovering by itself. So did his memories.


There was a rough sketch of a boy with his twinkling eyes on the last page. Even though there were lots of missing pieces, the sketch look almost complete. It was the boy who haunts his memories. Sehun sketches the face, not really in detail but there was a slight resemblance to the blurry face in his dreams. Sehun promised himself, despite almost giving up several times, that he would find the man. The face he can’t forget.


Alone in the maze, I search for the face I can’t forget.


The night before the big wedding was about to happen, Sehun stayed up at the hotel to make some last minute preparations when his head started throbbing. His chest was hurting. He grabbed the bottle of painkillers from his bag and downed two pills with water from his bottle. The pain subsided only slightly. It was replaced by numbness which left him rather disoriented.


That was when he heard soft whispers.




Sehun turned around in a daze, searching for the source.




It was a faint calling of his name by a familiar voice.




The whole world started spinning round and round. Sehun was growing weaker slowly before falling unconscious. Before he out, there was a name he uttered.




Workers were shocked to find Sehun looking pretty messed up. He was still out cold on the floor. He was sweating profusely, mumbling something continuously like a prayer.


"Luhan Luhan Luhan Luhan Luhan," Sehun's lips quivered at the mention of that name. He was hugging his legs in a foetal position, shivering slightly while rocking himself.


It was when Kyungsoo came to get him dressed, Sehun finally broke out of his trance.


"Luhan," he whispered brokenly.


Kyungsoo eyed Sehun through the rear-view mirror, sighing at the sight of a haggard-looking Sehun. He looked so fragile and broken, almost like a lost child, so afraid. Kyungsoo honestly thought Sehun was getting better, recovering well without him. But looking at him now shredded Kyungsoo's heart to bits. He finally knew how much Sehun needed Luhan for him to recover. Sehun depended on Luhan. And Kyungsoo was wrong to stop him from getting Luhan back. But being stubborn, Kyungsoo decided if it was best that he never met Luhan anymore. No matter what, Sehun should move on.


"Luhan," Sehun mumbled sadly, staring out of the window.


"Yes, Luhan," Kyungsoo murmured back gently.


Sehun looked at Kyungsoo with a wistful smile tugging the corners of his lips, a sigh escaped, "Luhan."


Kyungsoo helped Sehun in getting ready for the wedding. As an organiser, Sehun had to be there to ensure the wedding went smoothly. Kyungsoo handed him his clothes and Sehun changed rather quietly. He had snapped out of the trance few minutes ago and was scribbling in a haste. Kyungsoo didn't bother him until he was done with whatever he was writing in that journal of his.


"Sehun, are you ready?" Kyungsoo was concerned. "You have to focus and make the wedding a success, okay?"


Sehun nodded weakly. He grabbed his journal from Kyungsoo's dresser and flipped to the last worn-out page. He held it in front of Kyungsoo, who gasped in horror.


"I remember him now, Luhan," Sehun murmured. "I have to find him, hyung," he added in a tired voice.


Kyungsoo's fingers were shaking violently, as he reached out for the journal. His hands were clammy all of the sudden. He studied the beautiful sketch of Luhan. It was slightly messy but still breathtaking. Kyungsoo noticed that Sehun placed much emphasis on the eyes.


"This-" Kyungsoo was puzzled when Sehun cut him off immediately.


"His eyes were the only thing I remembered when I woke up,” Sehun murmured as he played with his fingers. “Those dazzling eyes. I remember faintly the last time I drowned myself into those beautiful eyes of his.”


Kyungsoo pursed his lips, thinking deeply. Sehun was looking at Kyungsoo. The man had snapped out of his reverie and began searching for something frantically.


“Sehun, wait for me in the car. I’ll drive you to the wedding. I’ll have to make a phone call first,” Kyungsoo sputtered in a rush before scrambling out of his room. Sehun stared at his friend in slight confusion before making his way into Kyungsoo’s car that was parked conveniently in front of the apartment complex. As he waited in the car, Sehun decided to turn on the radio. He rested his head against the dashboard and closed his eyes. For the first in such a long time, Sehun felt relaxed, contented even.


“Hello? Luhan?” a hushed whisper. “It’s me, Kyungsoo.”


“What do you want, Kyungsoo,”Luhan sneered.


“It’s Sehun,” Kyungsoo mumbled. “He remembers you now.”


“What?” the man shrieked across the line.


Kyungsoo pulled the phone away before continuing worriedly, “And he’s pretty determined to find you. I know Baekhyun invited you to his wedding but I think it’s best if you forgo this event.”


“My best friend is getting married and you tell me not to go? Baekhyun is only marrying once in a lifetime. I can’t miss it. Why don’t you tell Sehun to stay at home or something?” Luhan spat angrily.


“He can’t because he is the wedding planner. He’s organising the whole wedding. He has to be there,” Kyungsoo emphasised on every word.


“What do you mean he’s a wedding planner? Sehun never wanted to be one. Quit pulling my leg Kyungsoo,” Luhan sounded annoyed.


Kyungsoo remained silent.


“Didn’t he plan on becoming a dancer? Kyungsoo?”


“It’s not for you to care about,” Kyungsoo said in a cold voice. It was foreign to hear himself speak in that tone. He was never so hostile towards people.


“I can’t do anything about this then. I’m already in Seoul. I’ll just,” it seemed like Luhan was choking back on his tears. “I’ll just remain invisible. I won’t go near him.”


“Good. That’s all I wanted to hear,” and just like that he ended the call.


Sehun immediately jolted awake when the door slammed shut. Kyungsoo was perspiring profusely as he planted himself in the driver’s seat next to Sehun. The ignition was already when Sehun got in yet Kyungsoo was continuously fiddling with it. Sehun was curious about the call Kyungsoo made. Why was he so angry? Kyungsoo’s eyebrows were clumped together as he gritted his teeth.


“Alright, let’s go now,” Kyungsoo muttered under his breath, trying calm his nerves, before stepping on the gas pedal.


“Hyung, who did you call?” Sehun eyed his friend who was acting suspiciously.


“I called my mom about… uh.. her vacation with my dad. Yes, I called them for that,” Kyungsoo ended with a forceful laugh.


Sehun narrowed his eyes. He knew Kyungsoo was lying but left the matter unsaid. Kyungsoo gulped. There was a huge lump forming in his throat. Kyungsoo was glad Sehun didn’t push on the matter because if he did, Sehun would have found out the truth.










Kyungsoo was speeding. Sehun saw how his foot was wedged on the accelerator and Sehun grew uneasy. He was fidgeting restlessly in his seat.


“Hyung, you’re speeding. Calm down,” Sehun said meekly, trying not to aggravate a vexed Kyungsoo.


“I am calm!” Kyungsoo yelled as he slammed his foot on the break. The car came to a screeching halt in the middle of the asphalt road. Fortunately the road was pretty much empty. The venue Baekhyun chose was rather secluded from the town but still grand nonetheless. “We’re here,” Kyungsoo huffed as he unbuckled the seat belt and slid out of the car in fury.


Sehun watched as Kyungsoo stormed into the wedding hall. He hopped out of the car without much thought. He adjusted his tie and brushed his suit, trying to be neat. He ran his fingers through his hair and checked his reflection through the glass windows. Once he was done, he made his way into the hall. The hall was such a magical place, ethereal, just like how Sehun envisioned it to be. And he was quite proud of himself for pulling it off. Sehun knew Baekhyun would be pleased with the end result. Sehun deliberately settled down in the second row, next to his mother and Kyungsoo, before the altar. From his peripheral view, he saw a familiar mop of brown hair amidst the crowd. Luhan, he whispered under his breath. He blinked a couple of times. And then it was gone. The familiar mop of brown hair was gone. Sehun was rather convinced that it was just a figment of his imagination. He shook those thoughts away and straightened up in his seat. When the wedding march started playing, and everyone present in the hall rose from their seats, Sehun saw a familiar face in the crowd again.


He was beginning to see things. Sehun was sure he was hallucinating. He snapped out of his dazed thoughts only to see Baekhyun and his wife, Taeyeon locking lips. The entire hall erupted with a thunderous applause. Sehun realised that totally missed the part where the couple exchanged their vows. He was too caught up in his thoughts. There was a nudge. Kyungsoo was staring at him, at his lack of reaction. Smile, he mouthed. A forced, crooked smile made way to his lips. And Sehun pulled himself together.


Pretending. Sehun was pretending as he mingled with the attendees. Most were well known people who held high positions in the business sector. They were congratulating him for pulling off such a beautifully themed wedding. Sehun smiled, albeit too forcefully, and thanked them in his practiced voice- his mother had personally taught him how to deal with the higher ups. Sehun admitted feeling rather proud of himself but truthfully, he was starting to feel uncomfortable. Sehun was getting suffocated with people he barely knew shoving and dragging him to meet the rest of their friends. That facade he was wearing around those people started crumbling. Slowly his vision started to fade away.


“Sehun!” a holler. Sehun’s eyes darted to find an excited Chanyeol wagging his hand in the air despite being tall and easily spotted. Next to him stood a silver haired Jongin, rubbing his nape embarrassedly. The stunt Chanyeol did grabbed attention of many, mostly the ladies. Kyungsoo, feeling slightly miffed, shoved the towering man in his ribs and immediately, Chanyeol groaned in pain.


Sehun woved his way through the crowd, avoiding the mass of warm bodies as he made his way towards them. As he scanned the sea of people around him, someone caught his eye. Just then it felt as though the world stopped spinning. The noise faded away. Laughter and music died down. Sehun saw him. Luhan. He was animatedly talking to the groom, Baekhyun, with such vigorous hand gestures. The smile on his face was so bright. Sehun felt a tremor in the depths of his heart as he felt himself gravitating towards the man. He waded through the crowd, this time towards the love of his life. The man who was from his dreams, the faded figments of his memories. Somehow, at that exact moment, Luhan looked away from Baekhyun and caught his gaze. Luhan’s eyes widened for a fragment of a second before he became stiff, frozen. His facial expression was unreadable, stoic even. Sehun watched how he shrugged Baekhyun’s touch off his shoulders and started backing away.


What’s wrong? Sehun could almost hear Baekhyun’s worried voice asking Luhan not to leave so quickly.


Sehun read Luhan’s lips. How he uttered each word to Baekhyun out of fear. I’ve got to go.


And then he yelled, not holding himself back. “Luhan!” Sehun felt himself drowning in the crowd. He was stuck and he couldn’t navigate himself out.


I say something to you, hoping that I’ll get a reaction out of you.


A broken cry left his lips out of desperation. He was pleading. “Please don’t leave me like this. You can’t.”


As if remembering something, you finally turned around to see me.


Luhan seemed to hear it and stopped in his tracks. He gave Sehun a sideward glance, just a quick one before disappearing from his sight.


Sehun caught the look of recognition on Luhan’s face. That split second when he turned to look before running away again. He looked torn between running away and running right in his arms. Yet he chose to walk away. Sehun finally managed to free himself from the crowd. He tried chasing after him but the man was nowhere to be found. Sehun slumped to the ground, staring at his hands, feeling utterly hopeless. His vision blurred. Drip. Drip. Drip. The salty water splashed onto his rough hands. Sehun never cried. It was his first time in years.


Kyungsoo felt his phone buzzing against the tight fitting pants he wore. Although he was busy searching for Sehun - who seemed to have vanished in the crowd - with Chanyeol and Jongin’s help, he found himself digging his pocket out of curiosity. As he fished the phone out of his pocket, a gasp left his lips. From Luhan,it read. Sehun saw me.


Panic rose in Kyungsoo as he searched frantically for Sehun. That was his first instinct. He was in such great turmoil at the moment. Sehun could be anywhere trying to do stupid things despite being an adult. When Sehun gets too caught up in his own emotions, he makes the worst decisions. Kyungsoo knew better than to leave him so vulnerable like that.


“Have you seen Sehun?” he asked a shocked Baekhyun.


“He went outside, I think?” Baekhyun raised his eyebrows.


Kyungsoo pushed past Baekhyun hurriedly, muttering a quick ‘thanks’ which in turn earned him an irritated ‘Hey!’ from the said man. Once outside, he saw a faint figure from a distance away. A wave of relief washed over his body. He found him.


“Sehun, lets go home alright? You need to rest,” Kyungsoo said in a motherly tone, resting his hand gently on Sehun's shoulder.


“You knew he was coming don’t you?” there was something inimical about the way Sehun spoke. Sehun was rarely upset. He never threw a fit before. It really scared Kyungsoo this time.


“What do yo-”


“You know what I mean Do Kyungsoo,” Sehun snapped. His eyes were blazing with such anger and hatred Kyungsoo never knew he had. However, Kyungsoo saw the pain underlying the rage in his eyes. And he felt awful for tormenting him like that. It was all his fault. “You called him. You told him that I finally remembered.”


“Isn’t that why you had to make that urgent call?” Guilt was beginning to consume every inch of Kyungsoo’s body. He remained deathly silent as he felt Sehun’s glare burning a hole in his forehead.


“I can’t believe this. I trusted you. You’re a monster.” Sehun sounded so disappointed, Kyungsoo wanted to die. A shove on the shoulder and he was gone.


“What have I done?” Kyungsoo thought aloud, voice trembling at the extremity of Sehun’s emotion.


His phone vibrated. A new message.


Kyungsoo, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he would find me like this. I will return to Beijing tomorrow afternoon. I promise I won’t ever bump into him again. I’ll stay away from him.

- Luhan










Sehun slammed the door of his apartment shut. The echo bounced off the walls of the empty apartment, just like the hollowness in his heart. He was so close, he almost had him. Luhan managed to slip away from him yet again. Sehun wanted to know why Luhan was so adamant about distancing himself away from him. He could barely remember the exact thing that happened to the both of them for Luhan to keep running away from him. They fought about something petty, something rather unimportant but Sehun couldn’t remember precisely what it was. As he lay on his bed, Sehun felt his body go numb and he succumbed to the world that awaited him.


Luhan was busy packing his clothes the moment Sehun stepped into the apartment. He frowned at his lover’s actions in bewilderment.


Sehun flinched in his sleep, furrowing his eyebrows at the sudden recollection.


“Hon, what’s wrong?” Sehun asked cautiously.


Luhan bit his lips, and willed himself not to cry. “Your mother called.” He sounded so bitter.


“What?” Sehun gasped. He dumped his bag and shoes aside and walked right up to Luhan. “What did she say?”


The silence was deafening. He hated it. Sehun grabbed both of Luhan’s arms roughly and stared into his eyes. “Tell me Luhan. What did she say?” A streak of fear with a hint of desperation in his voice. His eyes were filled with dread.


"She said that I corrupted you. That I was wrong about you loving me.  And you wanted me out of your life," Luhan pried his hands free from the harsh gesture and continued stuffing his clothes into the baby blue luggage mechanically. "She told me you agreed on marrying Dani."


"And you believed her?" Sehun asked rhetorically. He was still puzzled  over the fact that Luhan seemed to be so affected by his mother's words. Most of the time, Luhan would remain unbothered by her threats.


"I don't Sehun. I never believed her words. But I'm tired of living like a puppet. Your mother's puppet. You know how she treats me. She despises me."


Sehun cringed at the use of such extreme word. A sudden thought ran through his mind. The only way he could keep Luhan for himself. "Then let's elope. Just you and me."


"And have your father's men coming after us? Sehun don't be petty. That's like having a sword hanging above our heads. I can't risk your family's reputation like that."


"Who cares?" Sehun yelled. "Who gives a about reputations? I love you, Luhan and I don't care what my parents say!" He rammed his fist against the fragile surface of the mirror next to him out of anger. All the rage he bottled up had exploded. Just like a timebomb.


Luhan winced upon the impact. A loud cracking sound was heard. Sehun's hand was bleeding profusely and his knuckles were probably fractured.


"Just stay, for me," Sehun whispered brokenly as he opened his arms and waited. Luhan felt the familiar urge to run into Sehun's arms again. He wanted to feel the warmth and comfort Sehun's embrace gave him.


However he shook his head firmly. "I'm sorry." The door creaked shut.


There was just emptiness. Sehun stood by the doorway stiffly, arms hanging limply by his side. He was anticipating for Luhan’s return. It eventually registered in his brain that Luhan was never coming back. Without any hesitation, Sehun ran after him. He saw him a few metres away. Luhan was flagging a taxi but Sehun tugged him away. Luhan's eyes widened when he saw his boyfriend dropping down to his knees, not caring about the strange looks passerby gave them.


“Luhan, please don’t leave me like this. You can't,” Sehun was on his knees, at the mercy of his lover, Luhan.


“I can't Sehun. Please just leave me alone!" Luhan cried.


Sehun's right cheek was reddening. Disbelief flitted across his face, as he cupped his cheek, before it replaced to a look of pure determination.


Luhan was already across the street. In his last desperate attempts, Sehun dashed across the busy road, not caring even one bit if he was in danger.


"Luhan!" Sehun called out the name he grew to love. The man turned at the sound of his name and his eyes were filled with terror.


"Sehun!" A loud horn blasted right into his ear. Sehun never knew what hit him.


Sehun jolted awake, panting, his pupils dilated. Sweat poured from the temples down his neck. Beads of perspiration slid down his face and he wiped it off with the sleeves of his shirt. The recollection he had was so vivid. But now he knew why Luhan was avoiding him like a plague. Luhan had been living in such immense guilt for the past few months knowing that he caused Sehun’s accident. It was fatal like what the doctor said. And Sehun almost died. He was lucky enough to survive. A miracle, they said.










Not left with even one clue, I wandered aimlessly in search of you.


It was a day like any other, the sun was shining brightly. Birds were singing from the branches they perched on. The leaves were rustling from the calming breeze. The weather was in total contrast with Oh Sehun. There was a dark cloud hanging above him as he trudged gloomily along the Han River. He wasn't smiling, neither was he frowning. His face was bare of any expression. Sehun felt tired of pretending to be happy. Much to his distaste, there were many couples and families having a day out. Some were picnicking, others were cycling or playing basketball. Sehun involuntarily scowled at every happy scene he passed. In return he would receive sympathetic looks which seemed to piss him even more. Sehun ignored the strange looks he got and stormed off. He was supposed to clear his mind, relax. But it wasn't helping that couples were busy being affectionate in front of him. Sehun knew the reason why he was so bitter. It was because he knew that the chances of meeting Luhan was gone. It would take forever to hunt Luhan down. He could be anywhere at that moment. Sehun had no clue where he was and where he should find him. Luhan disappeared, leaving no traces behind.


Sehun plopped on a bench facing the Han River. The same bench he sat on in his dreams. Sehun’s eyes fluttered shut as he listened intently to the merry chirping of the birds, occasional hooting. He picked up a soft hum, much different from the twittering birds. It was so human-like. Right then a loud sigh was heard not far away from where he was. It sounded so forlorn, almost tired. Sehun wasn’t aware that there was someone else sharing the same rendezvous he had as Luhan. He felt mad all of a sudden. It was supposed to be his special place. And now it was ruined. Sehun's head snapped up and saw the side profile of the person who had sighed so tiredly. He was sitting on a bench sheltered under a magnificent tree. Sehun squinted, scrutinizing the man from head to toe. A small gasp left his lips as he realised who it was. His heart was throbbing wildly against his ribcage and Sehun felt himself going breathless. His chest was beginning to hurt. His pupils were dilated and he was starting to lose focus. Sehun blinked his eyes, trying to clear the blurry vision away. He found himself staggering towards the man despite feeling dizzy.


My vision starts to blur and I ask myself the most important question.


“Is that really you, Luhan?” Sehun mumbled under his breath.


I finally admit that I myself  don’t dare to believe it.


Can it be true?


A glimmer of hope wormed its way into Sehun’s heart. “Luhan,” Sehun whispered wretchedly. His voice sounded so hoarse.


The man must’ve heard it because he turned around. Panic terrorized him, his mouth agape. He started backing away, ready to run. However, he stopped midway when he saw the state Sehun was in.


Sehun clutched his chest, it was excruciatingly painful. He was barely breathing.


A sudden heart attack, I can’t move.


His name was the last thing Sehun heard before he collapsed into his arms.










He woke up to the sound of someone weeping. His eyes fluttered open, squinting as harsh fluorescent light blinded him momentarily. The crying seemed to subside when Sehun called out a name hoarsely. A hand grasped his tightly, intertwining their fingers together. A shadow hovered over him. As Sehun’s eyes adjusted to the bright lighting, he realised that he was the one holding his hand.


Is it just an illusion? I’m still unsure.


“Luhan?” he croaked. Luhan’s eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. Yet to Sehun, he still looked beautiful.


It can’t be. Really can’t be you.


“I’m so sorry,” Luhan bursted into tears at the mere mention of his name. “I have to leave.”


Sehun tugged on Luhan’s arm weakly. Stay, he wanted to say as reached out to caress Luhan’s cheek, wiping the tears away. And he smiled sadly.


But it’s you and your cute face, your warmth is right at my fingertips.


“Luhan, please promise me that you won’t leave me again?” Sehun sounded so frail and tired, it frightened Luhan. “I’ve been wanting to tell you something for so long.” He paused, catching his breath.


“You might wonder why I gave up my dreams to be a dancer. You knew I had a weak heart and dancing was too much for me. Yet you spurred me on because it was my dream to dance. I had a reason why I stopped trying so hard. I did that because of you. I was selfish. I wanted you only for myself. So I told my mother to call off the marriage with Dani and in turn, I would take over her company like she wanted. So she agreed,” Sehun started wheezing however he forced himself to continue.


“I wanted to tell you that before my mother called you. And everything else happened. You came to me like a beautiful dream when I was having a coma. When I woke up, I lost my memories of you. You weren’t there when I needed you. But somehow, you still lingered in my mind, in my dreams and memories. We were meant to be, Luhan. I’ll still find you no matter how long it takes. Nothing can separate us.”


“I’m sorry Sehun I-”


“I love you Luhan. Forever isn’t enough to describe how much I love you. My heart, despite being weak, beats faster whenever you come closer. It’s beating for you and only you. You destroyed my world since the day I laid my eyes on you. And I now I’m indulging in the heart attack you gave me. It’s really worth the pain seeing you smile. I don’t ever want the pain to end. I prefer not being able to breathe, I’m too reluctant to pull away. I can’t make myself do it. Because I know I would be comforted in spite of the pain I feel. I know you’re by my side.”


Sehun started coughing violently. Luhan was teary eyed again and when Sehun pulled him closer for a hug, Luhan didn’t stop him. He rested his head on Sehun’s chest, listening to the thump-thump of his weak heart. He could feel Sehun’s heartbeat starting to get irregular. It was so much different from his constant beating. But Luhan felt assured hearing two heartbeats. Sehun was still going strong. He knew from the doctor that Sehun hadn’t been taking his medications consistently causing him to grow weaker over time.


“Do you love me Luhan?” Sehun asked after a long moment of silence.


“Hmm,” Luhan hummed, tears were threatening to fall. Every word he meant to say died in his throat.


“Promise me you won’t leave me again Luhan. You know I love you right?” It was a rhetorical question.


Sehun kissed the top of Luhan’s head gently. And fell into a deep slumber.


Luhan finally found his voice and spoke softly. "We could still elope, right Sehun?" But here was no reply.


Luhan’s sobs got louder when the two heartbeats he had been listening to, became a single heartbeat.


I did it. I know it's late but hey Happy 2nd Year Anniversary to EXO and us EXOstans. I had so much angst in me today I'm sorry. I hope you guys love this piece. I started it long ago only to post it today. 9k full of love and tears from me. Gimme some love /rolls off a cliff

- [funfact] on 10th Dec I wrote that Sehun's favourite food was Jjampong. And months after that on episode 11 of EXO showtime, Sehun said it was his favourite food due to his 'mature' tastes. God I'm so psychic. Hehe.

so i hope to see younext time

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hey guys, i added somethings at the end... so you could read it if you like


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Chapter 1: //cries
StrawberryTomato #2
Chapter 1: Why did sehun have to die at the end? Nooooo~~
Chapter 1: NICE STORY .. <3<3
iamsuperb013 #4
Chapter 1: Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
jnctrca #5
Chapter 1: this is totally wicked. It gave me goosebumps and made me cry. :( good job author!