
Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Backward Then Let's Meet in The Middle

I blushed lightly when Jonghyun's hand brushed softly against mine as he passed the test paper into my hand. Mathematics today. Ugh, I hate Maths, they're stupid thing created by the so called genius dudes who think that Pythagoras Theorem and blegh are going to be used in life.


No dude, you should get your own real life instead of fiddling with those icky contraptions you called protractor and wait, who cares?


Jonghyun, the dino guy with blond hair and genius brain plus those able muscles (did I just say able?) but unfortunately, every single thing have it's unperfectness, in Jonghyun's case, his height. He's even shorter than my baby Jongin, that's my 14 years old brother anyway, and he's 17.


"-um, -bum, Kim Kibum!! The test have started 15 minutes ago. Why aren't you starting yet?"


I scrambled to find my pencils and blushed hearing quiet sniggers echoed around the class before they were shushed by our Maths teacher, the infamous Mr Kim Jongdae. He could be fun and all cheery but sometimes he could be a pain in the , seriously.


"I heard you were reprimanded by Jongdae-hyung for slacking," Minho grinned. I scowled lightly at the tall boy before snapping, "Shut it, Choi."

He laughed.


It was recess time. I don't really feel like eating so I make my way through the throngs of hungry kids (more like hungry bulls, if we're talking about their body builds!) and stepped out into the fresh, breezy air of our field. Darting my eyes around for cozy place for me to have a nap, I decided to pick the tree nearby the cafeteria. The distance to the cafe wasn't that near nor far enough, near for me to catch it in sight but far enough from the bustling and loud voices made by the kiddos. I smiled and snuggled as comfortably as I can at the bottom of the oak tree. Finally I was at ease.


But it wasn't that long though.


Someone's whispering woke me up from my slumber, making me grunt with irritation. I'm always a light sleeper. Even a 'psst' would wake me up easily. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by someone I knew well, Jonghyun.


'Did Jonghyun just peered at my face? Oh my god, he must've seen my tiny pimples near my nose!!'


I freaked out and I think my funny fac expression when I freaked out must've been so funny as he barked out his dog-like laughter.




"Sorry, you look terrified it made me laugh. I'm not going to eat you Kibummie," okay now I'm having illusion. He calls me Kibummie! We'd never talked before this, unless you counted him calling me for not paying attention to the class since he sat right next to m-KIM KIBUM PLEASE STOP DREAMING BECAUSE JONGHYUN IS RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU! Aish.


He laughed again at my silliness before blurting out something that made me froze.


"Will you go out with me?"


Well you know the answer for that, don't you?


But what you, and I don't know until later on is how much a person was broken down by the confession by the tree in the school field.






Skip forward - 6 years later.


I tossed my body down on the couch after hours of standing up doing so much work that was piled upon me. The main branch decided to make a new fashion for summer although it was early-fall so my team had to cancel the winter production and focus om the summer designation. And if you still can't guess what my job are, its fashion designing. I'm the head designer for team Plateau of Park Co, one of the top 3 fashion designer team in South Korea.


'Poor Seohyun, YoonA and HyunA. I shouldn't have left the team early but I need to be home for Jjong.'


I lightly monologued in my mind while making my way towards the kitchen to cook dinner. Jjong liked homemade cooking and because of that, I spared some of my time to cook for him. Simple one like kimchi was heated while some of the side dishes are cooked quickly, it's not that hard cooking for that dino. And it wasn't that hard taking care of him, I've been doing it for the past 6 years but onr thing of him that I sometimes couldn't stand it myself is when ---




When he's drunk. He's an angry drunk when he got drunk. I sighed lightly before peeking out from the kitchen.


"Yeobo, welcome home," his giggles reached out to my eardrums. He seemed to be happy enough.


"Jagiya---hic! You're---- hic--- home. I thought---hic--- you're staying with Onew," Onew? Oh Jinki-hyung, but why would I stay with him? I haven't met him since two months ago since Jjong forbid me to meet him as Jinki hyung was said to have a crush on me since middle high.


"What are you talking about hyung? I haven't met him since the time you told me not to see him anymore. Come on hyung, you're drunk. Let's get you to shower first then you can eat," I coaxed him to move since he was leaning heavily against the wall to the living room. He swatted my hand away before pulling me into a kiss. He tasted of soju, lemon and hint of spice. I pushed him away when the kiss got aggressive. I wouldn't have any of it. Not tonight.


". I bet you moaned like a you are when Onew touched you, eh?"


His words startled me so much that I didn't realise when he dragged me into our bedroom. Even if I screamed for him to stop, or if I bled nonstop, he just wouldn't stop until he was satisfied. And I let him because I love him so much.


And that's the first time he entered me without protection.




As I predicted, a month later I was feeling sick and I kept on having fainting spells and puking my guts out. I don't need to check why. I know.


Since that fateful day too, Jjong never came home, his phone too blocked every single call and messages I gave him. And I felt like giving up on him but I willed myself not to. To believe that he still love me.



.Taemin's POV.


Tch I can't believe that he didn't kill the brat yet. I thought he was drunk enough to kill Kibum last time.


"Baby what are you thinking?"


Jonghyun asked me sweetly, his fingers fluffing my hair slightly, making me pout a bit.


"I think I just saw Key hyung went into a hotel with Minho hyung," I eyed Jjong who was looking straight at the wall across our bed. His eyes looked somewhat fiery.


"Really? When?"


I grinned, he'd bit my bait.


"Yesterday, 7 pm. I had a meeting with my client at 6 pm till 9 so I saw them directly with my own eyes. They checked in at 7 and booked out at 9," I said it lightly as if I was talking about the nice weather outside.


". Last time he slept with Onew and now Minho? He really is a !"


Jjong shouted out, almost yanking me with him as he was still joined with me. I laughed mellowly, sweetly like the innocent boy I am potrayed to be. A devious voice slipped into my mind, urging me to tell Jjong my inner wish.


"Why don't you just kill him? He's weak anyway since you disappeared from his life," I traced his vein protruding slightly on his arm, calming him a bit down. He seemed to think of my suggestion seriously as his nose scrunched slightly and his face seemed to frown.


"Oh, one day I will."


Me and my inner demon laughed internally.





Kibum's POV.


I rubbed my forehead lightly, the headache are killing me. And my stomach, the baby kept on kicking as if she's kicking a soccer ball. Oh Junhee, I wish you could stop for a while and let me rest.


"Ready, Bummie?"


Minho's voice penetrated my illusion of Junhee growing into a tall, beautiful girl and marrying a guy like Minho.


"Huh? Oh yeah, we're ready. Come on, Hee-ah. Let's go to the usual check up. Let's meet that handsome doctor eh?"


Minho huffed, pouting like a kid as if he'd never been one.


"Aish, I know that the guy was handsome. But I am more handsome than Sehun seonsaengnim though. Ehehe!"


I punched his arm, and I hurt my hand back. Tch!


I pouted as he laughed his soft but loud laughter. It was so unlike Jonghyun's.




We walked to the clinic Sehun, our dongsaeng in high school owned. on foot. We only have to cross the street from my apartment to reach there. Ahh it was so much convenient for me.



A tyre screech halted me to a stop and I can only hear Minho's shout before everything turns black.





5 Years Later.


I faced the tombstone in front of me before letting my tears made its way down my porcelain cheeks.

'The sunshine that brighten every person in his life.

A great son and a lovable guy.'


"Appa. Someone is here to see us. To see Daddy," Kim-Choi Junhee said, and I turned my back only to see Kim Jonghyun looking remorsefully at us. A small head poked out from behind his back, a boy most likely 5 or 6 years old with brown hair and chubby cheeks.


"M-Minho. We're sorry. We're really sorry," and Jonghyun broke down, kneeling on his knees. I glanced at him and back at Junhee before pulling Junhee away from the two of them.


"You killed Kibum. A child loses her mother. You're a monster," and we walked away from the scene, with Junhee looking at me and Jjong back and forth.





















I woke up with a start, tears streaming down my cheeks and I'm shaking like a leaf. Minho was in front of me, rubbing my tears away as he looked at me tenderly.


"This might be so sudden but, would you like to be mine?"


I froze, as expected, when my own best friend confessed to me under a shady tree in the school field. Glancing around, I saw Jonghyun's eyes looking at me with a hope and at the other corner, Taemin's eyes looking at me and Jjong back and forth murderously.



"You don't even need to ask, Minho."

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The title is rather beautiful.
Chapter 1: a nice oneshot.good job
Chapter 1: I kind of got confused to be honest OTL though I get most of it.