

Sehun is in need of a will to live.

Surely, a bubbly girl like you isn't able to fulfill his will.

Or so you thought..


Hello again~ This is a one shot dedicated to Kristina Unnie!! :3


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blueberryrabbit #1
This is very good..
im so touch with the ending..that girl give him a encourage to stay alive...by the way readers..i read a fanfic story about sehun who is sick also but the end is different than this and the title is "sacrifice" the author is annagracia..if you have a time try to read it...by the way author-nim this story is daebak!!!i like it..
Chapter 1: It's so meaningful, to tell us that we must be thankful of what we have, to think about many many good things that are in our life so we can be happy and not just envy of people that have better life than us, because what we have can't be compare to the other people, thank you for this inspirational ff!
piggymei #4
Chapter 1: This is just so good ._.
Chapter 1: author-nim......you're cruel, you know???
i could probably hear my heart breaking on the inside T^T
eunshiia #6
Oh em gee. almost made me cry TT_TT good job author-nim!
Park_HyeSun #7
Chapter 1: Wow, this was done beautifully. Despite the strange sentences that exists in this story, it does not take away the chilling effect of this piece (and so I choose not to point them out). The last entry is simple and breathtaking.

Good job on this one.
Chapter 1: wow! so heart warming. To bad the girl left before Sehun could ever thank her...