Girl in Love

Man in Love... With a Maid!?
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Girl in Love - Sistar19

“Haruhi!” Dongwoo chirped as he blocked Woohyun leaving with a smile trying to cheer me up, “The food might burn!”

“Mhm!” Sungjong added, “And my friend is coming already, smile Noona!”

Sungyeol smiled also while he pulled me into a hug, “It’s ok to cry about it.”

Sungjong and Dongwoo looked confused, I felt confused too.

“Cry about it all you want for now… but don’t keep letting it get to your happiness,” Sungyeol muttered, “It hurts now but I know it’ll heal.”

He brought me down from reality that I did want to cry but I know myself I’m stronger than that, at least that’s what I think.

Instead of breaking down, I just smiled, “Thank you Sungyeol. I do want to cry but I’m strong and there’s no reason to cry…”

My smiled lightened up their moods while they also began to smile.

Dongwoo gave me a pat on the back, “You are strong… I’m proud.”

“Yup, that’s Noona alright!” Sungjong replied and hugged me tightly.

Moments like these always want me to keep on doing what makes me happy because I have people who support me. I just feel stronger every time I hold my tears back even if it hurts.

“I’ll be fine, I know I will.” I smiled confidently and looked straight ahead and saw Myungsoo, “Because I have a reason to.”

They looked over to where I was looking and saw him. They smiled at my epitome of happiness, at least they were happy for me, I’m glad.

“What happened?” Myungsoo asked noticing the quiet atmosphere.

“Nothing.” I grinned happily as I went over to hug him.

As soon as I wrapped my arms around to hug him, all my problems began to disappear and I was happy again. Everything about him made me happy and I can’t believe he’s actually mine now…

“Are you ok?” He looked in me in the eye with concern.

“Of course, now that you’re here.” I muttered.

“Aiya, you two get a room or something!” Dongwoo joked in the back making all of us chuckle.


A while later, Sungjong’s friend came over, Seonyu.

“Hey, Sungjong! And who’s your pretty Noona in a maid cosplay? Is she really your maid?” He poked a question looking up and down at me.

“She’s our maid, but she’s also my noona!” Sungjong replied introducing me.

Seonyu kept giving that judging look and nodded then pulled Sungjong aside to whisper something. I tried to overhear but Sungjong ended up quickly giving him a light smack on the forehead.

“Yah! That’s my hyung’s girl already!” Sungjong told him.

Seonyu made a face and turned to me and bowed, “Sorry, Sungjong’s noona!”

I chuckled at their childness, both were just so adorable!

“You two should eat, I cooked food!” I exclaimed as I led them into the kitchen.

“Wow, daebak! Sungjong, your house is so huge and so nice!” His friend looked around in awe, “You should invite me over more!”

Sungjong scoffed, “Yah! I bet you just want to come to check out my noona!”

“That’s not true!” Seonyu fought back, “I just wanted to come over because… it sounds fun!”

“Psh, you’re lucky you’re the first friend I ever let over.” Sungjong replied.

“Really? YES!!” He chirped happily.

Sungjong and Seonyu headed over to the table. Seonyu mouth dropped as he examined the food in delight. Sungjong told me his favorite dish was jajangmyeon, soybean paste noodles. It reminded me of Jaeyeon because that’s also her favorite food. We still have to go on our little bonding day.

I observed the two enjoy the meal I prepared for them. Although it might not be as good as restaurants’ expectations, I tried!

“What is the food? Hmm?” I heard Myungsoo entering the kitchen.

I saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol enter smelling the aroma of the soybean paste.

“Seem delightful, may I have some?” Sungyeol asked as we nodded and he headed down to sit, “Oh hey there Seonyu! Haven’t seen you in a while!”

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nananana12 #1
Chapter 94: I really want haruhi to end up with woohyun!!!!!!!!!!!
evayoona #2
Chapter 94: WOOHYUN PLIS GET TO HER *eventho im myungsoo biased*
rilakkuma0313 #3
Chapter 94: thank you for updating the story
shujun #4
Chapter 94: ask me who and i'll say sungyeol..hahaha..just because he is my favourite..^^..
Chapter 94: Omg its been a long time since you've updated! Welcome back! :) and if i would to choose, i'll pick myungsoo :> eehhrr beside the fact that hes my bias, well i think him and haru deserves a happy ending, i mean they faced so many obstacles so much hardships throught their relationship and i think it will be a good ending if they would end up together for despite of those difficulties, it shows that love can help them solve and overcome the problems especially together! Hahaha idk if it makes sense but yeahhh hahaha i like woohyun too tho,its just that i think myung will be better for her..:> hahhaha ill have woohyun instead x) hohoho
Chapter 94: Welcome back! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 93: Oh my gosh please update soon
Huaaaa this story,,,,,, I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!