Do What Makes YOU Happy

Man in Love... With a Maid!?
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Haruhi’s POV

Moring arose but I still didn’t feel like getting up. I had no energy to stand up. I just wanted to lie down in bed and just forget about the world once again. I closed my eyes so I would just sleep through the pain.

Woohyun, I also do love you... but I love you in a way which I want to set you free…

Thinking about last night was going to bring tears to my eyes once again.

“If you kiss me now, then I’ll continue to fight for you. But if you go, then I’ll know…” His voice kept repeating on my mind making me think what if I just stayed and kissed him, what would happen?

It's not going to change the fact that someone was going to hurt. I knew in my heart there was one person I was finally willing to fight for and it hurts me, myself, that it’s not him… Woohyun is everything I ever wanted in someone but if only he came first, then maybe it would be him. If it was him that started making my head spin like this then maybe I would have stayed...

A knock was heard upon my door, as I slowly approached to open it. I didn’t want to face anyone right now but I had to. I opened it to see Sunggyu. Sunggyu, another weakness of mine, please do us both a favor and don’t fall for someone like me…

“May I?” He asked as I welcomed him inside.

Sunggyu sat down and looked around my room since it his first time inside. He turned to look at me, “Are you alright?”

I gave him a weak smile, “Mhm…”

We both knew that I was lying and I could just burst out crying right now if I could but I held it in.

“Are you happy?” He asked.

I shrugged, “I don’t know…”

“Are you going to regret choosing Myungsoo?” Sunggyu asked since he was the first one that knew Myungsoo was the one in my heart.

I thought about it, was I going to regret it? I thought about Myungsoo and smiled as I shook my head, “I don’t think so…”

“I know you won’t, the way you look at him is beautiful. It makes me sort of jealous sometimes. But if you love him, then you shouldn’t let anyone interfere…” Sunggyu ruffled my hair, “Do what makes you happy…”

I smiled at his sincerity, “Thank you…”

“Myungsoo… I think he told me to tell you about your project in the afternoon and to reassure that you don’t have tired eyes from tears.” Sunggyu said while I nodded with a weak smile.

He took a deep breath before he headed out, “Remember, do what makes you happy and the rest will follow…”

His words replayed in my head… do what makes me happy? Who makes me happy? One person was the answer, Myungsoo. As much as I didn’t like his mean attitude at first, but I guess that’s also what attracted me, I don’t know. But they say when you first like someone, it isn’t their looks or their personality, it’s the moments and experiences you have with them. That’s also another reason why I probably became infatuated with Woohyun for a while, moments. Why you're attracted to someone is also because of how they much they impact your life. Someone once told me, "You could be the most attactive girl in the room but it all depends on how much you impact the people in the room."


I got dressed up in a simple fall apparel dress with stockings. Winter is yet to arr

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nananana12 #1
Chapter 94: I really want haruhi to end up with woohyun!!!!!!!!!!!
evayoona #2
Chapter 94: WOOHYUN PLIS GET TO HER *eventho im myungsoo biased*
rilakkuma0313 #3
Chapter 94: thank you for updating the story
shujun #4
Chapter 94: ask me who and i'll say sungyeol..hahaha..just because he is my favourite..^^..
Chapter 94: Omg its been a long time since you've updated! Welcome back! :) and if i would to choose, i'll pick myungsoo :> eehhrr beside the fact that hes my bias, well i think him and haru deserves a happy ending, i mean they faced so many obstacles so much hardships throught their relationship and i think it will be a good ending if they would end up together for despite of those difficulties, it shows that love can help them solve and overcome the problems especially together! Hahaha idk if it makes sense but yeahhh hahaha i like woohyun too tho,its just that i think myung will be better for her..:> hahhaha ill have woohyun instead x) hohoho
Chapter 94: Welcome back! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 93: Oh my gosh please update soon
Huaaaa this story,,,,,, I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!