My Girlfriend

My Girlfriend

Words: 1094
Tag: fandom, vixx, canon
A/N: My first attempt to write about vixx and it looks like a picture prompt. This supposed to be a drabble with a fewer words but...can't stop myself so...
Posting it here on the day #VIXX1stWin
Grammar mistakes are my own.

"Can you smile a bit?" N said to Leo, who was viewing the couple at the camera's viewfinder.

Leo, who is part of a 6-member kpop idol group VIXX, attempted to frown but he was restrained when their group leader, N, makes a disappointed face and looked at him. The leader started to nag and complained how the group was having a hard time while he on the other hand was just there, waiting for them to finished. At these moments he can't act the way he was supposed to be, shutting them down and warning them using his stares, because he was doing a favor for his dongsaengs who was working hard for the group's promotion.

Leo was sitting next to HongBin and had his right arm around his dongsaeng's shoulder. HongBin, on the other hand, was wearing a red wig and a complete make-up.

VIXX's members were looking over them and giggling because the visuals, Leo and HongBin, was attempting to make a teaser photo of themselves for the fans.

Leo found some strength to show some teeth in an attempt to smile but it doesn't look like he was really smiling. He looked rather scared. His poker face was not helping him. He was given stares and a few grunt from the angry dongsaengs. He is older than them but because of his injury and missing the opportunity to do group performance, he was giving them a chance to order him around. The members didn't ask much from him, though. But when they did it was something he is awkward with. Like taking photos with them in drag.

All members, except for the injured Leo, were wearing  wigs and make-up for the show they were about to perform. They have to dance to a girl group song in a music show. It was something like a rite of passage in every idol group, just like what their sunbae did, dancing to a girl group song. Most idol group just dance with the song but to make this once in a lifetime event memorable for VIXX and Starlight (the group's fan club name) they wore wigs and girl's clothes. A complete transformation from the manly performance that they did beforehand.

And it was fortunate for Leo that he can't perform with them and avoided this mess. He thought his injury was a curse but it becomes a blessing in disguise. Only for this event. However, he can't avoid the members' teasing to take photos with either of them in his cold-city man image.

HongBin look straight to Leo. Leo's brows then furrowed. Ah! The nags from the dongsaengs are more unforgiving than the nags he got from N. He looked down from HongBin's stares. He was doing them a favor that didn't asked much, like smiling happily for a photo, but they didn't understand the struggles he was going through. It's hard for Leo to smile. Yes, there was a struggle from that and he can't explain why. And their photo shoot was taking too long because Leo, apparently, only knows how to wear a y and serious look.

"Ei! Leo hyung," HongBin said "at least show them that you are proud of me. Am I too ugly for you that you can't smile next to me?"

Leo then covered his face with his two hands. He was starting to get ashamed with the situation. N should be comforting him and not letting the dongsaengs bully him this way. He was injured, remember? He should not get stressed to recover fast.

"HongBin is our visual. As expected he is also beautiful in drag," Ravi said who was playing with his short wig.

"I told you I am more suited to be his partner," said Ken who pointed his fingers to Leo.

All members disagree. "Hey!" they collectively complained.

It was Hyukkie's idea to take picture with Leo with either of them as his girlfriend. They choose who will be the girl through rock-paper-scissors and Ken was the winner. But the taking of picture part was a disaster because Ken suddenly attempted to kiss or hug Leo when Leader N was about to press the camera's shutter. Leo was shocked by Ken's skinship that he almost punched Ken. But he just pushed Ken's face away from him and stood up.

The members can't stop laughing with Ken's naughty attempt. If they only got the scene of Ken's lips near Leo's cheek on film, that day would have been more memorable because they have evidence. The only scene that was captured was Ken kissing Leo's palm that is blocking him to get near Leo's face. Ken's face in that picture was too ugly that they have to delete it. They had a good laugh about the picture but they did regret that they have to delete it because it's evidence, too.

They come to an agreement that HongBin was the best candidate to act as Leo's girlfriend. And they want a good picture. That's the goal of this mess.

Suddenly a man opened the door of their dressing room and told them to get ready. They will start recording after 5 minutes.

All members acknowledge the instruction and bowed to the man. Then the five of them all looked at Leo.

"Okay. Let's finished this in one go," Leader N said to them as if the photo shoot is a serious business. "I also want to have a photo with Leo. Let's have this one before we get all sweaty after the performance."

The dongsaeng all clap their hands as a sign of agreement. The leader again attempted to start the shoot. Leo can only sigh heavily.

"Since Leo hyung is smiling, HongBin hyung could do a Leo-face," Hyuk suddenly suggest. And by Leo-face, he means a look with a stunning stare. It was Leo's charm.

"Oh! That's a good one," Ken said. Hyuk smiles when his suggestion got acknowledged.

"Okay, HongBin get your acting vibe and do the face," leader N said while getting the camera ready.

Leo again put his right arm around HongBin and pulled him closer. He did choked HongBin when he pulled him and the dongsaengs all laughed because of it.

"Ack!" HongBin can only shout from the pain Leo inflicted.

Then all members become silent. HongBin fixed his face and looked at the camera. And Leo comfortably rests his arm around HongBin and slowly open his lips to smile.

Leader N adjusted a few things in the camera and said "!"

image (image from @CHA_NNNNN)

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loo_an #1
update pls~