
Like the Seasons

{ Like the Seasons }




It was in spring that Luhan found himself drawn to the small librarian at his local branch. “Hello, my name is Minseok.” The stranger said introducing himself as Luhan could not help but smile. He had been crushing and pining after the older male for nearly two months.


“I'm Luhan.” Luhan said, his heart pounded quickly in his chest as he shook the smaller man's hand. It was strange how their hands seemed to fit perfectly with one and another.


They started to go out on dates, getting to know each other more. Their first date was at a amusement park, it was fun. Watching Minseok attempted not to cry when he rode his first giant roller coaster. He remembered smiling when Minseok attempted to play 'chubby bunny' with popcorn, only to end up looking like a chipmunk.


Luhan had started to notice small things about Minseok, his love for food, his OCD about being organized, and his habit of drooling in his sleep. He found all small things about Luhan to be completely endearing.




In the summer was when everything got serious, it had only been a few months yet for Luhan it seemed like years. He could not imagine his life without Kim Minseok, his boyfriend. They would spend their day offs together; hanging out at each other's houses, sometimes watching movies or playing boardgames. There were also days when they would sit in comfortable silence, no talking needed.


`They enjoyed each other's company.


Luhan's friends all approved of Minseok, they all thought he was a good influence on Luhan. He was polite and tidy which delighted Luhan's friends. They no longer needed to help clean up after their pig-like friend.


“I love you Luhan.” Minseok mumbled under his breath, looking down at his feet when August had rolled by. It seemed too quick, the time they had spent together yet Luhan never thought too much about it. He only grinned and pressed his lips against Minseok's, letting out a sigh of relief when the latter responded.


I love you too Kim Minseok.




As school started again, Luhan found himself more busy at his job. He worked as a high school teacher and even though his students could be jackasses, he loved them all. Not as much as he loved his boyfriend of course.


However the longer hours led to less time he could spend with Minseok. He would arrive home sometimes and the latter would be no where in sight. There would only be a cooked meal on Luhan's dinner table with a cute note attached to the top. As much as Luhan enjoyed the notes and the food, it could not replace his need to see his boyfriend.


They would only spend the weekends together, Minseok would help him grade all the multiple choice quizzes. While Luhan watched, silently smiling to himself at his boyfriend's concentration.


I love you Kim Minseok.




One day Luhan walked home and this time, he no longer see food or love notes that Minseok left everyday in his apartment. He brushed it off, assuming the latter was busy. However one day turned to days, days turned to weeks, and eventually the New Year rolled by.


It had been affecting his mood also, in fact his students had noticed along with his friends. Minseok had not been around for nearly two months yet Luhan still cleans his own apartment. He preferred to keep it clean, in case Minseok would show up one day and scold him for leaving his apartment so untidy.


“Annyeonghaseyo! Minseok imnida. I'm not at the phone right now, leave a message?” Luhan frowned, Minseok always picked up his phone, especially when it was from Luhan, yet now a days, he could not seem to contact the latter. He tried going to the library but they said Minseok had resigned and he did not even tell Luhan. He moved out his old apartment too, without a word. He slowly left Luhan.


Minseok's cheery voicemail was the only way he could hear the latter's voice again. He had not realized how depressed he had become without his latter's presence.


“Where are you, I miss you. I love you.” Luhan whispered into his phone, tears unwillingly filled his eyes. He did not know what to say, but part of him knew it was over. It seemed Minseok no longer wanted to see him anymore.


“I need you, why are you so cold.” Luhan mumbled softly as he grabbed Minseok's pillow, allowing himself to shed tears he had held back for months. The pillow no longer smelled like Minseok anymore, yet Luhan could not bear to throw it away. He allowed himself to fall too deeply.


Spring Again


Luhan groaned softly as he managed to escape from his admirer, Mr. Jongin Kim by running into the library. The man had been courting Luhan since his declaration of being back on the market. Jongin was a handsome man but Luhan could not forget a certain small man that had stolen his heart.


“Non-fiction is over there.” A soft voice said softly causing Luhan to spin around and stared at it's source. He could not believe his eyes. It was Kim Minseok, except the smaller man was thinner, his skin more pale and his head was hidden a small beanie cap.


“Minseok?” Luhan whispered as the smaller man stiffened, his eyes drawn to the ground before he broke into a run causing Luhan to chase after him. Luckily Luhan had long legs and managed to grab the small male and crush him into his chest.


“Where did you go?” Luhan asked softly, starting into Minseok's eyes. The latter says nothing, justn stared back into Luhan's eyes. Luhan sighed softly, burying his face in Minseok's neck. “Please say something, I need to know.”


“I was sick, and I had to get treatment. I'm sorry I did not tell you but I did not want to burden you. You must not love me anymore.” Minseok said, his eyes tearing up but Luhan just smiled, his own eyes teared up.


So Minseok had not left him selfishly.


He pressed his own lips against the crying man, allowing himself to once again to fall back in love again.


“I love you.” He whispered as the small man cried softly into his chest. Luhan just laughed softly, wrapping his arms tightly around his boyfriend's body.


No matter what happen, no matter what season it is. As long as there is spring, we have a second chance to begin again.


A/N: Comments are love
Thank you for reading this short story. ^^ 


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Chapter 1: omgg, that was so good. ♥♥