Chapter 2


wow what 

“I think it’s here,” Sungyeol muttered, slowly the double doors.

                “It says band auditions in front of it, I’d think it was,” Woohyun said in a flat voice.

                “No one asked you to come.”

                Sungjong, hitting Woohyun’s back, hissed, “Be happy he’s talking to us and shut it!”

                Eyebrows coming together, Sungyeol turned around and pointed from Sungjong to Woohyun. “Are…are you guys auditioning, too?”

                “Well, aha, yeah,” Woohyun clicked, lidding his eyes and shooting off fake finger guns at Sungyeol. “I’m not letting my majestic voice go to waste.”

                “And I dance better than half the city’s strippers,” Sungjong said gleefully, tapping his best friend’s shoulder.

                “But I don’t want you guys to audition,” Sungyeol pouted, tactically disregarding Sungjong’s reply.


                “There’s only one spot open,” the middle aged explained. His right hand was on his left elbow, rubbing up and down nervously. “And you know…I kinda wanna make it in.”

                “Actually I’m auditioning with the xylophone!” Sungjong piped in, grabbing onto Woohyun’s shoulders. “And Woohyun’s auditioning with the triangle. Right?”

                Woohyun gave the youngest an odd look. “What do you mean –“


                “Cut your nails,” Woohyun whispered harshly in Sungjong’s general direction. “And yes. I am. Now. Isn’t that great.”

                “…You actually play those?”

                “No,” Woohyun sighed, going around Sungyeol to pull the door open, “but who really cares now, right?”

                Sungjong followed Woohyun and before the door shut completely, Sungyeol shrugged, pulled it open, and walked in.

                “Did you guys realize that if you say bi-polar bear, that could mean two things; like, there’s a polar bear that’s bi and then there’s a bear that’s bipolar.”

                “Where the heck do you get these things from.”

                “Why do you even care if a polar bear’s bi?”

                “It’s just a cool word play! Like those frontward backward word thingies.”

                “Like, you know, racecar is the same backwards.”


                Sungyeol breathed out a loosely held breath at the sound of Woohyun’s voice, relieved that he heard a familiar voice.

                When Sungyeol managed to build enough confidence to go into the room, he could see Sungjong shaking his head in disapproval on the side, Woohyun trying to not get on the bad side of the band, three guys he didn’t recognize, and his princess quietly sitting in the corner tuning his guitar.

                “I’ve seen you around before,” one of the guys scoffed (allowing Sungyeol to be relieved) at Woohyun. “You’re the kid in my polysci class. Go away. I don’t like you.”

                “Hey, hyung!” another guy interrupted, this one shorter. “At least listen to what they’re here for.” He turned to Woohyun, holding out a hand and a welcoming smile. “I’m Jang Dongwoo! Are you lost?”

                “Uh, no?” Woohyun raised an eyebrow, scanning the slightly broken down room. “I’m here for the audition?”

                “But never mind that,” Sungjong sweetly smiled from the side, violently pulling his best friend away from the crowd. “I’m Lee Sungjong and this genius here’s Nam Woohyun.”

                At the sound of the familiar names, Myungsoo’s attention was averted to the new presence in the room. “Oh! You guys came!” He was about to stand up and greet them when he caught sight of Sungyeol standing meekly at the side behind a wall. Smiling, Myungsoo got on his feet and laid his guitar carefully down in the corner. “Sungyeol, you came too.”

                “Sungyeol?” the third guy spoke up. “You’re Lee Sungyeol?”

                At the sound of other people saying his name, Sungyeol ducked behind the wall again and prayed that everyone would think his appearance was only a trick of the mind.

                “That’s the kid everyone talks about?” the first guy said, his nose scrunching up. “The scrawny one with the overly permed hair?”

                It’s natural though, Sungyeol moped from his hiding spot, cursing his parent’s awful genes.

                “Hey hyung, don’t say things like that. His hair’s just unique, and he’s not scrawny. He’s healthy.”

                His princess.

                It only took about another thirty seconds before there was a light tap on Sungyeol’s shoulder and when he turned around, his princess was standing barely two millimeters away.

                “You’re here for the audition?” Myungsoo grinned, smiling that little happy smile of his as if hearts didn’t break and children didn’t start screaming from the sight of it.

                “Yeah,” Sungyeol beamed. “But I don’t…know…them…”

                “C’mon, they’re all actually really sweet, ya know.” Grabbing a hold of Sungyeol’s wrist, Myungsoo slowly pulled him to the side where the rest of the guys came into view. “You see the one arguing with Woohyun, with the short brown hair? That’s Sunggyu hyung. He’s really good at singing and he likes to boss people around but it’s okay because he’s good at it. And then the shorter one, I think you heard his name, he’s Jang Dongwoo. Dongwoo hyung’s the sweetest, he’ll do anything for you in the blink of an eye. Unless it’s something bad. He has really good morals. And then on the other side, that’s Hoya hyung. He’s kinda mean sometimes but he means well. I hope. But yeah, you’ll fit right in!”

                “If I even make it through…”

                “Of course you will,” Myungsoo laughed, pushing Sungyeol. “What’re you auditioning for?”

                Sungyeol was so close to responding the triangle but he couldn’t because how stupid was that answer even? except he couldn’t say something as cool like the guitar because his princess played it and Myungsoo would figure out that he had no idea how many strings were even on that thing. It only took another four seconds of Sungyeol’s brain to come up to the next badass instrument he could think of – “The drums.”

                Apparently he didn’t know that everyone was listening on until the next second when Sunggyu burst out laughing.

                “The drums? You mean the boom-boom instrument?” Sunggyu stalked over to the two, putting an arm around Sungyeol. “Yeah, I hate to kill your dream but that isn’t something someone scared by the sound of a door shutting can play.”

                Sungyeol’s cheeks shone bright red and his eyes averted to the ground then all around the place until he caught sight of his princess, no longer physically touching him and instead stifling a laugh.

                That was it.

                “I so can!” Sungyeol protested, shoving Sunggyu’s arm away from him. “I’ve been playing since I was a little kid.”

                “You have?” Sunggyu’s eyebrows raised and his face clearly expressed that he was pleased. “Really? Because if we have a drummer than we can start a legitimate rock band.”

                “The rest of us don’t really play any instruments here, hyung!” Hoya called from the other side of the room.

                “You guys are smart, you’ll figure it out!” the oldest nonchalantly shouted back.

                “I call bass,” Dongwoo piped up because he knew Myungsoo could play some chords, and he’d have less difficulty learning.

                “I can play the keyboard!” Sungjong tried.

                “You can teach me how to play,” Hoya smiled brightly, laying an arm around Sungjong. “How’s that?”
                “But –“

                “Great, I’m free on Saturdays. You?”

                Shaking his head at the other students, Sunggyu turned back to Myungsoo and Sungyeol. “Anyways, practices are every day except Thursday. Yes?”

                Sungyeol’s eyes widened as he felt Myungsoo’s presence move behind him. “I d-don’t…have to play?”

                “Nah,” Sunggyu shrugged, giving him a suggestive smile that made Sungyeol wonder how this was the same guy that made him want to go hide inside a toilet and never come out. “Just make sure you know your stuff by Friday, yeah?”

                From behind him, Myungsoo laid an elbow on Sungyeol’s shoulder. “I’ll make sure of it, hyung!”

                “Great!” Clapping loudly, Sunggyu walked to the center of the room and waited until all the attention was on him. “So everyone’s got their things down, yeah? Dongwoo, get at least the basics of the bass down soon. Hoya, learn…something on the keyboard. You, boy…I forgot your name, but yeah, you, teach Hoya. And uh. What are you still doing here?”

                “You didn’t let me audition!” Woohyun whined. “I –“

                “Oh, you’re the polysci boy,” Sunggyu sighed. “By the way, I hope you know no one likes you in that class. You really aren’t as funny as you think. Otherwise, what are you here for?”

                “I’m auditioning!”

                “For what?”

                “I play the triangle!”

                Sunggyu coughed harshly before turning back and eyeing Woohyun. “Right. Because rock bands need triangles.”
                “You’re never sure –“

                “You can be our van driver.”

                Woohyun clenched his lips together before backing away. It wasn’t like he even knew how to properly hold a triangle anyway. At least his dad had taught him a little bit of how driving worked.


“So, where do you live?”

                “In the apartment complex down the street,” Myungsoo answered, waiting for the light to turn green so they could walk.

                “By yourself?” Sungyeol asked, not being able to stop the worrying feeling he was getting from the fact that his princess could get hurt without anybody finding out why.

                “Yeah,” the other shrugged. “My dad...died when I was two and my mom’s off helping my grandma who recently got a . It’s nice living by myself though, you know? No one to really bother you, but you still get to learn how to be independent.”

                “Does it ever get lonely?”

                Myungsoo let out a half smile, shrugging as the two of them began walking across the street. “I mean, I’m pretty sure it gets lonely even if you do live with people.”

                “You aren’t scared?”

                “What’s with all the questions?” Myungsoo laughed, edging away so he could see Sungyeol’s face. “How about you, what’s your life like?”

                “I need to know how my princess is,” Sungyeol ish-pouted, pulling his backpack up closer to him.

                “Then I want to know how you are,” the younger responded, pushing his face up close to the other.

                “There’s nothing exciting about me…my life went downhill after you left me.”

                By this time, the two had reached the other side of the sidewalk and Myungsoo stepped back slightly, looking at Sungyeol with confused eyes and a scrunched up facial expression. “After I left you?”

                “Yeah, when my princess disappeared and never returned.”

                Myungsoo blinked a few more times, looking around to make sure he wasn’t seeing things and hearing even weirder things. He’d thought he could let go of Sungyeol’s whole ‘you’re-my-princess’ escapade, but this was on a whole other level of weird. And scary. And so many other things he could think of but tried not to.

                “I think,” Myungsoo hesitated for a second, “I have to go home now…you should too, since it’s getting dark…”

                Sungyeol faltered for a minute, not sure if he should pester his princess more to let Sungyeol walk him home, or just listen to Myungsoo and leave.

                “See you tomorrow?”

                A tad bit scared to talk now, Myungsoo simply nodded and waved, making his way down the rest of the sidewalk.

                “Be safe!”

                “Thanks,” Myungsoo muttered, questioning exactly who he should really be safe from.


“He’s like…like a majestic flower, floating down and beautifying my black and white loveless heart.”

                “When I suggested we worked with him,” Woohyun hissed at Sungjong, “I didn’t think it would turn out this weird.”

                “What do you mean ‘weird’?” Sungjong gaped, pushing himself back and giving his best friend wide eyes. “He’s literally writing my English poem for me!”

                “Whadaya mean –“

                “Hey guys, back,” Myungsoo coughed from the side, climbing up to their seats. “What’s, uh, going on so far?”

                “Why’d you take so short?” Sungjong slightly elbowed the older’s thigh, allowing a small notebook to be seen from beneath the table. “He only got up to the summarization of you, if you took longer than he could’ve finished and I would’ve gotten an A on my assignment –“

                “Princess, you’re back! I hope the bathroom wasn’t too messy for you.” Sungyeol beamed from his side of the desks, his eyes ushering Myungsoo to come sit at the seat across from him, seeing as neither Woohyun or had wanted to.

                “It’s the bathroom, I’m fine,” Myungsoo replied in such an irritated voice that anyone not Sungyeol could tell.

                Woohyun slowly glared at him as he walked to take the seat across from Sungyeol. He grabbed onto Myungsoo’s arm and pulled the younger’s ear closer to his mouth. “Dude, what’s up with you?”

                “Nothing, he just kinda annoys me sometimes, you know?” Myungsoo said loud enough to be considered not an expected whisper reply.

                He didn’t annoy you yesterday when you guys were hiding behind the damn wall talking secret smack, Sungjong rolled his eyes. The world infuriated and confused him half to death.

                “Who annoys my princess?” Sungyeol rushed up from the seat across. “I can’t have you – “

                “You’re annoying me,” Myungsoo interrupted in the most heartless voice he could manage. “And creeping me out too, I hope you know that.”

                “He didn’t creep you out yesterday!” Woohyun sneered in a whisper, kicking Myungsoo’s shin.

                “Because I didn’t realize the extent of his…I don’t know, obsession!” The youngest turned to Sungyeol, staring him blank on in the eyes. “Dude, I know that I can tolerate a lot, but when people start talking about my past as if I did something terrible, like leaving you, it’s kinda sensitive.”

                “…What happened?

                “Shut up, do you think I’d know?” Sungjong pushed Woohyun’s face the other way, slightly hoping it’d stop the older from whispering stupid things all over the place.

                “I didn’t say anything to you,” Sungyeol protested, his confusion starting to come again. He didn’t understand what he always did wrong, just that he always did something wrong. “I was just talking about how when we were kids –“

                “I didn’t know you when I was a kid, I didn’t even know who I was when I was a kid, how the heck would I remember some creep who thinks his life came out of a fairytale –“

                And with that, Sungyeol crashed and flew out of the classroom in record time.


“He disappeared and never returned.”

                “Hey Myungsoo…”

                “That’s the best explanation I can give you, Myung. I’m sorry, but he…just left. That’s it.”



                “Do you think he’s dead?”

                “Woohyun shut up, just because someone lays their head down for ten minutes does not freaking mean they’re dead.”

                “You don’t know that, my grandpa laid down his head for –“

                “Your grandpa was 83, Myungsoo’s not even 17. It would be great if you’d shut up right around now.”

                “You’re seriously so mean, you know that? I’m your hyung, you’re supposed to respect me and my opinions –“

                “Not when they’re stupid. Hey Myungsoo, you okay there?”

                At the first sane sound of his name, Myungsoo groaned a bit before shaking his head in his hands. “What is it…”

                “What happened?” Sungjong’s voice, soft for once, came. “You don’t seem okay.”

                “Oh, what gave that away?” Myungsoo’s face, squashed from his arm, revealed itself. “I’m just…conflicted.”

                “I don’t think that’s the right word to use. Maybe misunderstanding.”


                “Nah, I just think you’re misunderstanding.” Sungjong tilted his head, blinking. “Everyone knows that Lee Sungyeol’s a weird kid, you didn’t have to say it out loud for him to hear.”

                “That’s not it –“

                “Well something’s it, and if you don’t talk to him about it, not only are we gonna fail this class, but Sungyeol’s bit of sanity’s gonna fail him too.”

                Cue a groan from Myungsoo.

                “Here’s his stuff,” Sungjong said, pulling up Sungyeol’s backpack with the necessities inside. “Lunch is in a few minutes and he’s probably at home by now. Bring it to him.”

                “But –“

                “I know 59 different ways to strangle you with half a scarf, don’t even try to speak up against me,” Sungjong glared.

                “Why do you think I never have a say in anything,” Woohyun muttered from the sidelines.




i started writing the third part already so all's good in the world

♥♥ jk i'm sorry but if this was confusing to you dw it'll all come to sense eventually yes

i tend to be predictable when i try but gasp am i trying or am i letting the improv part of my brain take over

ps thanks so much for the subs and upvotes i think i'm gonna cry like seriously THANKYOOOU you guys are wonderous ily ;;

pss i never actually finished love potent/prmp so if anyone spoils it for me i'll literally just ughrhghughgrgh you (jk no i think everyone knows the ending already LOL)


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Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaa totally love this omg this is so cute . giyeok ahhhhh .......
Chapter 2: where
Chapter 2: Loool sungjong the scary maknae.
Myungiieeee you hurt yeollie's feelings ><
Chapter 1: Awww that was sweet when myungyeol were little <333
Chapter 2: Phahaha sungjong! "I know 59 different ways to strangle you will half a scarf" XD phaha
Chapter 2: Ah, this is so cute, funny, and just puts a smile on my face. I like how awkward Yeol is with Myungsoo and how he tries to be good to his 'princess.' I totally don't mind that Myungsoo's a princess, because I'm pretty sure he would make a good one, a very pretty one too. So Sungyeol has some pretty good taste.

And I totally see where Myungsoo's coming from with his fear towards Sungyeol, especially since he believes that he's only just met Sungyeol. It for Sungyeol to have to see his princess act like that, but Myungsoo would have to be a bit not right in the head if he willingly was okay with everything.

I like how Sungjong and Woohyun are the comic relief and the Sunggyu/Woohyun moments are hilarious. I totally laughed when Sunggyu was like 'You're going to be our driver.' Haha, so funny. Poor Woohyun and his inability to play the triangle for them.

Take your time with updating. :D
soo_aegi #7
Chapter 2: Thanks for updating thissss ;;;
Chapter 2: update again...

Chapter 2: i love the jongwoo duo they may this really entertaining
chika1611 #10
Chapter 2: ah... poor yeollie, but I guess everyone would feel like that too if someone went obsessive toward us. I hope myung will find yeollie and then clear everything..